Elegant Eric Bolling & Magnificient Melania talk opioid solutions at Liberty Univ with students


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
nobody talks opioids except President Trump & his administration secretaries like Melania

I am sorry but melanomas face and voice are just to fugly to hear look at.
Liberty University?

Is that scam still in business:

So how could Trump and Falwell become BFFs? How could the Moral Majority and a famously immoral president form an alliance? And how could most evangelicals go along with it?

It’s because we have a false story of the religious right in our minds. Though they have touted their pro-family stance in recent decades, abortion was not the organizing force behind the movement. And if we pick up another yarn of history, we can see how Donald Trump and Liberty University perfectly align. Falwell and friends have no problem with Trump, even though Trump seems to go against every bit of decency that they have fought for in the last 40 years, because Trump appeals to the religious right roots.

We might think that the conservative movement formed to fight feminism and same-sex love, but it actually came into being with segregation and Civil Rights.

Liberty University, your roots are showing

It wasn't about abortion at all, it's all about racial animus.

How Liberty University Creates Creationists

Oh, they don't even believe in science.
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70K overdose deaths and 70K suicides, thats more than the Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam wars COMBINED TWICE!!!

this is hurting the soul of our country!
nobody talks opioids except President Trump & his administration secretaries like Melania

Oh for F sakes...what the hell would a Christian University know about drug addiction? Next to nothing. And Melania Trump? What the S would that 'trophy' wife, has-been know about it? Stupid bitch let's her husband treat her like a used whore and she is someone to be admired? What a joke.

As an ex-crack addict - I believe I know how to fix the problem (insofar as recreational opioid use - the other stuff is up to doctors/whomever to work out and smarten up about it).

a) make ALL recreational drugs legal. Then you would allow people to freely admit their problem without fear of getting into legal trouble. They sure cannot now (especially with opioids like heroin).
Also, this would lower the price drastically so people would not have to commit illegal acts to acquire the drugs. As a benefit, it would lower prostitution since the vast majority of people who work in that industry do so to pay for their drug addictions.
And save the ridiculous argument: 'if we make it legal, many more would start using'. What gobbledegook. As Dr. Ron Paul so rightly said: 'No one wakes up and says 'Hmmm...I think I will try heroin today'.

b) people who know NOTHING about these drugs directly should just shut the fuck up. They have not a clue what they are talking about and sound like condescending morons for even trying. Offer love/support and then shut the hell up.
You don't see guys going around telling pregnant women how it feels to have a baby. Why? Because they have not got a clue...no matter how much they 'read' about it.
Same with drug addictions. If you have never had it - you don't know shit about it...no matter how many 'lectures' you have seen.

c) people should mind their own damn businesses. Everyone I knew who quit hard drugs did it ON THEIR OWN. Interventions are nonsense....they often just make the addict feel more guilty and make them want to escape life even more (thus, use more drugs).
Rehab's are almost useless (I knew LOTS of people who used them and went right back to using once they left) as they do not fix the underlying reasons for people using (usually - though not always - it is a fucked up childhood). They are good for helping REALLY weak people who like to be controlled (though most addicts are NOT like that) and for those who are binging and need a place to dry out. They are good for almost nothing else, IMO. And forget the stats rehab centers put out - they are useless. THey will say things like '75% of patients who complete our course and continue to seek counselling have not reused recreational drugs'. Now ask them what percentage of the TOTAL number of people who entered their programs are they virtually certain are still 'on the wagon'?' The number for that will probably around 10-15%...if they even know.
The addicts started on their own and they will HAVE to finish on their own. Or they will die. And that is their choice.
And save the baloney that drug addiction is a 'disease'. It's no disease....what a moronic thing to call it. Recreational drug use is PURELY an escape. People use them to escape the misery/emptiness of their lives. And they will NEVER stop until they decide the escape is no longer worth it (which is what happened to me, btw).
You CANNOT talk an addict into stopping. NOT REALISTICALLY POSSIBLE. They have to figure it out ALL BY THEMSELVES.

All these seminars do is make people feel better about themselves for 'learning' more about the problem.
They are like funerals. They don't do shit for the dead...they just 'give closure' to the living.

No doubt most of you think my solutions are wrong.

And no doubt most of you have never had a serious drug habit and thusly have not a clue what you are talking about.
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