Zone1 Elementary kids forced to say ‘Black Lives Matter’ under the threat of violence: police

He’s not talking about HISTORY. He is talking about NOW. With all the push to hire blacks, and particularly black females, over whites, you don’t think an employer would jump at the chance to hire a black female who actually cost less than a white?
Even if the cost is the same, they'll hire her. My carpenters union is begging for minorities to apply because of some kind of government mandate. But they rarely do.
Even if the cost is the same, they'll hire her. My carpenters union is begging for minorities to apply because of some kind of government mandate. But they rarely do.
True. If all things are even, they will definitely prioritize the black. In fact, if the white is good and the black is OKish, they’ll still favor the black. The white has to be exceptional in order to get hired over a black.
Even if the cost is the same, they'll hire her. My carpenters union is begging for minorities to apply because of some kind of government mandate. But they rarely do.
I think it's so weird that blacks never work as waitstaff at restaurants. You almost never see one. Are other people having the same experience?
"Superbadbrutha said:
What has your white, racist, pasty ass evolved into? You are nothing more than a 1940 racist reject, take your white, nasty, racist ass to Siberia. I guarantee you, you won't see any black folks there."
Just goes to show, there's always a silver lining ----- even for Siberia.
I didn’t grow up in a town with a lot of blacks, although there were some, but my aunt taught in an all-black school in one of the worst cities in the country. Not only were the black kids horrible to her, but the teachers (also all black) ostracized her. (This was in the 70s and 80s). She had to sit alone at lunch and in the break room.

She finally quit and transferred to a decent school.
Glad your aunt moved to a better situation.

Spending time in some of these nasty schools is pure torture. Blacks are forever whining about their awful schools but they NEVER take responsibility for their own huge part in ruining those schools.
a group of Black students had gathered several white students on a specific spot of the playground and forced them to state ‘Black Lives Matter’ against their will, Students who tried to avoid the situation were “chased down and escorted, dragged, or carried to the playground,” the police report alleges, which adds that one student was punched in the head during the incident.

Gee I bet those black kids sure won over a lot of new friends and supporters that way!
Some of them are 13-year-old boys who have been kept back a couple of times.

And besides, why are you blaming the teachers? Not a word of condemnation for the little savages, or their parents?
In Jr high school we had a black dean. He was the size of. a small mountain and had those rolls of fat between his head and neck that a lot of black men have, so of course he was given the nickname "Wrinkles."

One day, in the playground during lunch, one of the overgrown thugs who had been held back a grade or two attacked the dean from behind, knocking him over, then the thug quickly ran off.

There was no love lost over either of them, so it added an amusing twist to our lunch hour. Lol.
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He’s not talking about HISTORY. He is talking about NOW.
I am talking about NOW as well, history just shows us what has happened from the beginning until NOW.
With all the push to hire blacks, and particularly black females, over whites, you don’t think an employer would jump at the chance to hire a black female who actually cost less than a white?
Give us some examples of where this is happening Lisa.
What happened to me in my last job was that a black was promoted over me (we both applied for the promotion), and she was so incompetent that she had me taking over her new responsibilities - without the higher pay or perks. I decided to retire earlier than I planned as a result.
On that's a nice story, but it is the same old bullshit story. As a white woman you have caught hell haven't you, a black woman stole your scholarship and now a black woman has stolen your job.
I am talking about NOW as well, history just shows us what has happened from the beginning until NOW.

Give us some examples of where this is happening Lisa.
All over the liberal-run companies in Washington, DC and the surrounding Democrat strongholds, along with the federal government. And the black women who are enjoying the favoritism know about it, and joke about it.
On that's a nice story, but it is the same old bullshit story. As a white woman you have caught hell haven't you, a black woman stole your scholarship and now a black woman has stolen your job.
I never said a black woman stole my scholarship. I got all three of my academic scholarships by earning them.

And of course a black woman stole my job. She told me IN ADVANCE it was going to happen because she was black.

Your denial that this type of crap has been going on for decades isn’t convincing anyway. It always happened. But now it’s so out in the open that the U.S. president actually announces IN ADVANCE that whites will be excluded.
All over the liberal-run companies in Washington, DC and the surrounding Democrat strongholds, along with the federal government. And the black women who are enjoying the favoritism know about it, and joke about it.
So you can't give us any examples, but it is happening ALL OVER.
I never said a black woman stole my scholarship. I got all three of my academic scholarships by earning them.
That was all you used to whine about was black folks receiving scholarships.
And of course a black woman stole my job. She told me IN ADVANCE it was going to happen because she was black.

Your denial that this type of crap has been going on for decades isn’t convincing anyway. It always happened. But now it’s so out in the open that the U.S. president actually announces IN ADVANCE that whites will be excluded.
So why is it that black folks have to highest unemployment rate if they are getting all the jobs, history shows us what you are posting is bullshit. Black folks have been on the receiving end of racism and discrimination in this country since it was founded.
Why was Affirmative Action created, if all things were equal.

To give blacks an edge tilting the table their way enough hoping to overcome their inability to compete on a level playing field. And it still didn't work. Some blacks either can't or just don't want to compete. Many think they are just owed something that should just be handed them on a platter as they sit by with hands out.

Liberals want a perfect world of equity, as if they could cast 25 tomato seeds in all kinds of different dirt and moisture conditions yet expect all 25 plants to sprout and do equally well.

That is just not in tune with reality.

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