Elements of Success in Life & Business


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just to show I don't just tear down and leave nothing better in place.
Betterment sometimes requires removal of that which holds us back or leads us opposite where we could and should be, then showing a brighter uplifting future.

Elements of Success in Life & Business
---a) set Goals & figure out where you want to go and how long you wish to achieve that objective
---b) Plan what has to be done to reach these objectives
---c) Techniques in motivation;
-------1) place tangible portraits of your dreams and aspirations and things you wish to obtain by your success.
This means cutting out pictures of your dream Car or Boat or House and placing it at your mirror so every
morning you're reminded and motivated to obtain these things through your objectives.
-------2) I’m sorry to say that remembering your bills need to be paid is also a motivating factor.
---a) your desire to reach these objectives can be seen in the way you might put off things
important to reaching your goals.
---b) Success reflects the way you develop the commitment
-------1) Through Use of Tools like Knowledge/Info
-------2) Time in the way you prospect and search out for answers and connections
-------3) Willing to take risks like emotional or personal sacrifices.
-------4) Release of the ego to accept failure and tolerance of mistakes.
-------5) The willingness to accept change
---a) Seeing how others can do it then having the confidence to realize you are made
up of the same potential and there is no reason you can’t succeed as they have.
---b) Staying focused as to not letting nay sayers get in the way of your goal and
dream because they are lacking they wish to bring you down with them in jealousy.
---a) learn from the ones who have achieved these objectives.
-------1) Study how others operate and achieve these similar successes.
No better teacher then one who has reached the top and grabbed that brass ring already.
-------2) use their techniques or mimic the way they achieved their goals or get ideas
from their success and failures on the road to where they are.
---b) Sometimes involves keeping up on trends and techniques in your field and keeping ahead
of the game always training yourself and keeping on top of things.
---a) Looks are everything? Yes many articles on this subject prove in tests &
research that it is a sad fact of life. Good looks gets connections in life especially
the Business world and also seems to get more trust and respect while the opposite is less likely.
So how do you combat this? See (b) for the answer.
---b) Outside the fact of the looks you were born with, there is a factor that is registered
in the minds of others.
Those who give a good appearance through how they dress & how they hold themselves have a better shot
at being accepted and taken serious then those who don’t care about themselves and their appearances.
It’s common sense that how you present yourself is a key to success or failure in all aspects of life.
One should never be prissy about themselves, however one should also realize how others perceive them
by the way they appear.
The people you attract and associate with and get acceptance by, are usually a reflection of
how you come off through appearances. Dress like a shlep and attract shleps.
Dress like a biker and expect to attract bikers. Want more for yourself & better things in life,
then simply present yourself better and more respectable.
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So in other words in order to uplift oneself one must realize that what worked in the past for you may not work for you in the future and that one must adapt and overcome obsticles that have been placed in your way..some of these obsticles may be of your own doing but by perceveering and learning as we go and changing to fit our circumstances by letting go of some of the things holding us back we can strive to improve our lives in whatever field we wish to whether it is business or personal...the problem i see here is that people are creatures of habit and are not willing to take a chance or let go of the familiar....it is a sort of security blanket like linus from peanuts had...well sometimes we must just put away that blanket And take a giant leap into the unknown even though we might make some mistakes along the way....

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