Eliminate all poverty!

The western lifestyle in it's present form is impossible without exploiting the economically and politically impoverished nations of the developing world.

idiotic stupid liberal fool Marxist which explains why he's so afraid to name the country exploited most!.
socialism causes poverty.

who would think that just because Mao and Stalin slowed starved 125 million to death using socialism!! Maybe they starved to death because they were rich? A liberal will be a twisted psycho who feels no shame at all for not reasoning. They actually take pride in their deadly ignorance.
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

we know how to eliminate poverty. China just eliminated 40% of the worlds poverty by switching to Republican capitalism.
BriPat -

If a government sells off assets - or the right to assets - then nationalising them again is possible, but I have only known communist states to do it. In the case of Nigeria it possibly would be the best solution, although simply replacing the entire thieving management with honest people would also do it.

Blaming government interference for the povety in Brazil and Mexio is simply too silly to discuss - as is denying the role government eduation has made in countries like South Korea and Japan - examples you came up with yourself.

Without one of the best education systems in the world, Japan would never have risen from the ashes of WWII. You might be adult enough to admit that they have done that, and that public education has been perhaps the single biggest factor.

As is obvious in this thread, I am a capitalist, and think capitalism is essential to ending poverty. Pretending I have said otherwise is simply childish. Its as if you get so far into a conversation posting sensibly, realise that some of your assumptions are about to be proven wrong, and then hightail it into posting nonsense. There is no need for that - it should not be a difficult thing to admit that in cases like Japan and Korea, government education is excellent and always has been. Likewise public healthcare.

That doesn't mean that it is automatically the only solution that can be applied anywhere else. I don't think Africa can learn much from Japan or Korea in this regard, because the local conditions are simply so different. There isn't the history of manufacturing, for one thing.

btw, I was surprised earlier that in dating Christian history in Africa, you seemed unaware of the existance of the slave trade. I would have expected most people to know at least the centuries it took place.
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Let you pants droop and show your ass in Singapore, and a cop with a cane will beat your ass so red and raw it will swell up so badly those pants won't drop for a month.

What garbage you post, child. Singapore is probably the safest country in the world.
That is why it is safe idiot.

True, although it is not the only reason why Singapore is safe, otherwise we could all introduce corporal punishment and live in peace and harmony.

Singapore's ability to leverage confucionism into both the legal framework and the culture has been extraordinary. It has created a sense of meritocracy that probably exists nowhere else. And this works, people feel that they have duties to family and the community, and that their work towards that community is valued and appreciated.

It is a VERY conformist society, but it has some upsides, and low crime is one of them. The stick is then only needed for those who do not wish to conform. It is actully quite communist, in some ways, beneath its hyper-capitalist skin.

Unfortunately, this means it is also not a useful for model for almost any other society, unless that society has a Chinese cultural background.
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

If you like the picture you state you do then you should research Home

You should research Jacque Fresco. He's an absolutely brilliant man. Everyone thinks his inventions are "crazy" or "unrealistic" until they actually get here and we use them.

Watch the Zeitgeist movies.

Your perspective is only "ok" if you aren't superficial.

One thing to note. Every environment will have greedy, manipulative people trying to gain more. When you give the Government all the power, as in Communism, it's easy for the Government to become "kings'. The venus project has an assembly hall where people have to talk to people and work it out and they all have individual votes on topics.
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How do you eliminate it? Some people aren't as capable as others...Also, if we did...Who would work or make the wheel turn?

Matthew........with math. Research the cost of feeding everyone in the world vs. cost of war.

Then notate some war is necessary.....but most war can be avoided by diplomacy. War is a "punch problems all gone" tactic. Does it work with your family? Or is communication better in that environment?

Your second part. Study the Venus Project. It's just like modernized Indians. Do you think there were lazy Indians?
Everyone should note I don't believe in the Venus Project. But on the path America is taking today...................My mind is open.
Everyone should note I don't believe in the Venus Project. But on the path America is taking today...................My mind is open.
I think the only way to advert our current path is to diffuse power again. Over the years the federal government has, and continues to, gain more and more power. Even within the federal government you see a massive shift of power to the executive office from the legislative branch as they do not want culpability.

That is all a symptom of a severe problem: an apathetic and ignorant electorate. We need another method of governance that does not rely on ignorant voters. I haven't the faintest idea how you combat though as anything removing the vote is inherently bad for freedom but the goal is increased freedom.
Everyone should note I don't believe in the Venus Project. But on the path America is taking today...................My mind is open.
I think the only way to advert our current path is to diffuse power again. Over the years the federal government has, and continues to, gain more and more power. Even within the federal government you see a massive shift of power to the executive office from the legislative branch as they do not want culpability.

That is all a symptom of a severe problem: an apathetic and ignorant electorate. We need another method of governance that does not rely on ignorant voters. I haven't the faintest idea how you combat though as anything removing the vote is inherently bad for freedom but the goal is increased freedom.

Our system has only been corrupted by $ in politics. Citizens United should have been a big red flag for everyone. Making politicians dance for $ makes them not focus on their true beliefs and value systems.

The media buys the politicians because they know politicians are forced to buy airtime, guess who profits? Both.

True media will follow the best nominee's based on what the public wants to see because that is what News is. The only way to get a brain in power is to require no funding of politics. Corporations know and are getting richer by buying politicians and the people can't compete with the $ amount.
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.
Are you joking? even in that big city you are going to have homeless people. New York city they have over 58,000 people at the homeless shelter.and not every homeless person will be able to stay their because of no room.
You want to end poverty? Stop feeding and giving free stuff to those who refuse to work.
Everyone should note I don't believe in the Venus Project. But on the path America is taking today...................My mind is open.
I think the only way to advert our current path is to diffuse power again. Over the years the federal government has, and continues to, gain more and more power. Even within the federal government you see a massive shift of power to the executive office from the legislative branch as they do not want culpability.

That is all a symptom of a severe problem: an apathetic and ignorant electorate. We need another method of governance that does not rely on ignorant voters. I haven't the faintest idea how you combat though as anything removing the vote is inherently bad for freedom but the goal is increased freedom.

Those are good points.

I do think it is a disturbing trend right across the developed world that people feel cut out of the political process; that their votes don't matter, or that it doesn't matter who wins.

In Norway, around 80% of people vote, and that's how it should be. People should want to vote.

Interestingly enough, Norway doesn't allow political advertising by individuals or lobbies, and campaigns are largely state funded. That's worth thinking about.
Everyone should note I don't believe in the Venus Project. But on the path America is taking today...................My mind is open.
I think the only way to advert our current path is to diffuse power again. Over the years the federal government has, and continues to, gain more and more power. Even within the federal government you see a massive shift of power to the executive office from the legislative branch as they do not want culpability.

That is all a symptom of a severe problem: an apathetic and ignorant electorate. We need another method of governance that does not rely on ignorant voters. I haven't the faintest idea how you combat though as anything removing the vote is inherently bad for freedom but the goal is increased freedom.

Our system has only been corrupted by $ in politics. Citizens United should have been a big red flag for everyone. Making politicians dance for $ makes them not focus on their true beliefs and value systems.

The media buys the politicians because they know politicians are forced to buy airtime, guess who profits? Both.

True media will follow the best nominee's based on what the public wants to see because that is what News is. The only way to get a brain in power is to require no funding of politics. Corporations know and are getting richer by buying politicians and the people can't compete with the $ amount.
Money will always influence politics as long as politics demands to influence money. You cannot make it a one way street. When there is billions to be made in influencing regulations and tax code there will be billions spent getting it.

Want money out of politics, don't make it profitable.

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