Eliminate all poverty!

I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

All citscapes look like that if you're miles away. Zoom in close and you'll see exactly what you see in the second pic - poverty. So long as capitalism is how the world works, there's gonna be gut-wrenching poverty. Poverty is the inescapable result of capitalism.

As I already explain, poverty is the normal condition of humanity. Capitalism has raised billions of people out of poverty. The fact that it hasn't managed to raise everyone from poverty is not the fault of capitalism. It's the fault of those who obstruct capitalism. What this world needs is more capitalism.

“Many men of course became extremely rich, but this was perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of because no one was really poor – at least no one worth speaking of.”

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

All citscapes look like that if you're miles away. Zoom in close and you'll see exactly what you see in the second pic - poverty. So long as capitalism is how the world works, there's gonna be gut-wrenching poverty. Poverty is the inescapable result of capitalism.

As I already explain, poverty is the normal condition of humanity. Capitalism has raised billions of people out of poverty. The fact that it hasn't managed to raise everyone from poverty is not the fault of capitalism. It's the fault of those who obstruct capitalism. What this world needs is more capitalism.

“Many men of course became extremely rich, but this was perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of because no one was really poor – at least no one worth speaking of.”

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Your point?
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

All citscapes look like that if you're miles away. Zoom in close and you'll see exactly what you see in the second pic - poverty. So long as capitalism is how the world works, there's gonna be gut-wrenching poverty. Poverty is the inescapable result of capitalism.

As I already explain, poverty is the normal condition of humanity. Capitalism has raised billions of people out of poverty. The fact that it hasn't managed to raise everyone from poverty is not the fault of capitalism. It's the fault of those who obstruct capitalism. What this world needs is more capitalism.

“Many men of course became extremely rich, but this was perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of because no one was really poor – at least no one worth speaking of.”

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Your point?

When we sing the praises of capitalism we mention just the ones who benefit. No one speaks about the poor because they're anonymous.
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

All citscapes look like that if you're miles away. Zoom in close and you'll see exactly what you see in the second pic - poverty. So long as capitalism is how the world works, there's gonna be gut-wrenching poverty. Poverty is the inescapable result of capitalism.

As I already explain, poverty is the normal condition of humanity. Capitalism has raised billions of people out of poverty. The fact that it hasn't managed to raise everyone from poverty is not the fault of capitalism. It's the fault of those who obstruct capitalism. What this world needs is more capitalism.

“Many men of course became extremely rich, but this was perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of because no one was really poor – at least no one worth speaking of.”

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Your point?

When we sing the praises of capitalism we mention just the ones who benefit. No one speaks about the poor because they're anonymous.

When we sing the praises of socialism, we mention the 150 million killed and the billions of others forced into poverty.

So what's your point?
Jake, considering your photo was of a concept city, where are you actually from?
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.

I want all places to be like this!

Not this

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

The West is based on Christianity and capitalism; therefore it is much more successful. Do you understand?

Religion doesn't factor into economics! Your fucking religion accepts poverty!

Washington state.

That explains everything.....
Religion is a huge factor in that it teaches respect for the individual. This means his wishs as a consumer, producer and tax payer are respected. This is the moral or religious foundation of capitalism.

And yet a look at a list of the poorest countries on earth shows largely Christian countries. Why is that?

I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.........

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

Poverty us the consequence of poor decision making on numerous levels. It's financial Darwinism.

Ain't nothing wrong with violence so long as the right people are the target of that violence.
The western lifestyle in it's present form is impossible without exploiting the economically and politically impoverished nations of the developing world.
The western lifestyle in it's present form is impossible without exploiting the economically and politically impoverished nations of the developing world.
The western lifestyle produced the vaccines and food surplus that allowed the populations of the "developing world" to explode beyond any capacity of the planet to sustain them.

We are seeing the results of all those feelgood programs that used to hit us up in elementary school, so we could feel like we were "saving the poor children in Africa, Asia and the Middle East".

Yes, little children your nickels and dimes went to create a population crisis that will result in the descendants of the people you "saved from disease and starvation" eating your livers.
I don't care if you call me a communist! I like my modern Western lifestyle! It is a lifestyle I wish the impoverished peoples of the world could experience.........

So how do you people justify poverty? If more people were enjoying the Western lifestyle there would be less violence.

Poverty us the consequence of poor decision making on numerous levels. It's financial Darwinism.

Ain't nothing wrong with violence so long as the right people are the target of that violence.
Financial Darwinism, postponed by a strong injection of guilt driven "charity" that only kicked the can down the road and made the problems bigger and worse, both here at home and worldwide.
The western lifestyle in it's present form is impossible without exploiting the economically and politically impoverished nations of the developing world.
The western lifestyle produced the vaccines and food surplus that allowed the populations of the "developing world" to explode beyond any capacity of the planet to sustain them.

We are seeing the results of all those feelgood programs that used to hit us up in elementary school, so we could feel like we were "saving the poor children in Africa, Asia and the Middle East".

Yes, little children your nickels and dimes went to create a population crisis that will result in the descendants of the people you "saved from disease and starvation" eating your livers.

That is absolute nonsense - there is no shortage of resources in the world at all. There is plenty of land, water and everything else.

The problem is maldistribution of those resources.

I'm not suggesting forceable redistribution here - I am just saying that the fact is, people in the west consume more than they need, and that means people elsewhere do not have access to that land, that food or that water.
The western lifestyle in it's present form is impossible without exploiting the economically and politically impoverished nations of the developing world.
The western lifestyle produced the vaccines and food surplus that allowed the populations of the "developing world" to explode beyond any capacity of the planet to sustain them.

We are seeing the results of all those feelgood programs that used to hit us up in elementary school, so we could feel like we were "saving the poor children in Africa, Asia and the Middle East".

Yes, little children your nickels and dimes went to create a population crisis that will result in the descendants of the people you "saved from disease and starvation" eating your livers.
Alarmist bullshit, if you want to be totally capitalist about things then consider that the west could never exploit all that cheap labor and resources and keep socialism at bay without bringing our medicine along.
The western lifestyle in it's present form is impossible without exploiting the economically and politically impoverished nations of the developing world.
The western lifestyle produced the vaccines and food surplus that allowed the populations of the "developing world" to explode beyond any capacity of the planet to sustain them.

We are seeing the results of all those feelgood programs that used to hit us up in elementary school, so we could feel like we were "saving the poor children in Africa, Asia and the Middle East".

Yes, little children your nickels and dimes went to create a population crisis that will result in the descendants of the people you "saved from disease and starvation" eating your livers.

That is absolute nonsense - there is no shortage of resources in the world at all. There is plenty of land, water and everything else.

The problem is maldistribution of those resources.

I'm not suggesting forceable redistribution here - I am just saying that the fact is, people in the west consume more than they need, and that means people elsewhere do not have access to that land, that food or that water.

So people in other countries dont have access to our land,food and water?
Gee,I wonder why?
African countries are Christian?

Yes, very many of them are Christian.

I've been to most African countries, so I have a fairly good idea what religions are practised. Countries like Kenya, Rwanda, DR Congo, CAR, Ghana and South Sudan spring to mind, for instance.

Most of them observe some kind of pagan religion. Christianity has made some convert in recent years. Countries like Nigeria are rapidly converting to Islam.
Factors you list are all found in abundance in the US, but we have poverty. Well, relative to us.

Yes, RELATIVE to the US.

But I meant in countries like Burundi, where the overwhelming majority of people I meet do not know when or how they will eat next. There is no welfare, no jobs and no oppourtunity for education or advancement. It's hopeless.

Poverty in the US is not to be understimated, but at least everyone can go to school and apply for jobs, no?
BriPat -

There is actually very little paganism in Africa. There is some vodun/voodoo in countries like Benin, Togo and Sierra Leone, but of the 51 countries in Africa, I would guess that 40 are dominated by either Christianity or Islam.
So people in other countries dont have access to our land,food and water?
Gee,I wonder why?

Because the ownership of land is clustered in the hands of a tiny, powerful and often corrupt elite who use it for their own businesses - for instance exporting flowers, meat or crops. I see a lot of this in Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania, for instance.

A lot of land is also held by government authorities that have little interest in allowing its use for entrepreneurialism or for the benefit of the community.

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