Elite Liberal Hypocrisy


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Our Liberal Establishment enjoys hypocrisy as much as they hate working folk.

1) Obama weeps at Newton, Connecticut even though he has killed far more kids than Adam Lanza.

The Children Killed by America’s Drones. “Crimes Against Humanity” committed by Barack H. Obama.


2) Democratic politicians condemn the NRA for violent crime and somehow forget to condemn the media. Of course this has nothing to do with the bribes paid by the big media corporations to the Democratic leadership.

The Impact of Electronic Media Violence: Scientific Theory and Research

List of alleged Natural Born Killers copycat crimes

The Media is an Accomplice in Public Shootings: A Call for a "Stephen King" Law

The media should also be condemned for glamorizing drug use. I hate to see celebrities profiting off the suffering of drug addicts.

3) Some who proclaim themselves pro-women want women to be exposed to attack so they can be BLOWN TO BITS in one of Obama's many pointless wars. That is just so crazy!

Obama's new policy also means women could be drafted. Is it pro-women to force our daughters into machine gun fire to serve the ambition of some politician?
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The media elite uses the death of children at Sandy Hook to boost ratings, increase profit, create a presidential photo-op, and further the liberal elite political agenda. In the process they cause further murderous acts. Loathsome.
As much as I despise Obama, drones are rockin' kick-ass shit.

The prosecution that requires no restitution.

The prostitution rests, your honor.
Because impoverished civilians on the other side of the world are a big threat to the U.S.
Liberal aristocrats have been known to oppose lawlessness and support freedom of the press. Yet they cheer when Obama exalts the Stonewall riots.

Just a few facts about the Stonewall riots.

1) The most important homosexual leader at the time of the Stonewall riots was Henry Hay, a Communist who lent public support to NAMBLA.

Harry Hay

2) Prominent homosexual activist and poet Allen Ginsberg supported the riots and also NAMBLA.

3) The homosexual rioters (who included cross-dressers and male prostitutes) screamed “I’m a faggot, and I’m proud of it!” “Gay Power!” “I like boys!”

Here's the LINK.

4) The rioters set fires, attacked cars, and threw bottles and bricks. The rioters also threatened to burn down the The Village Voice, demonstrating their opinion of freedom of speech.

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