Elite or elites ? Conflicts in Sorosian strategies for world domination

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
So we all now accept that the global warming hoax is a conspiracy perpetrated by the elites to rob honest folk under the guise of a "greener" planet. The evidence is all there in a million videos on the net and nobody is arguing against that.

Now having accepted the essential truth of that we come to the covid hoax. Basically a variant of the common flu which has killed a few feeble old folk who were going to die anyway. We are being asked to believe that this is the work of the same elites lying to us about global warming.

And this is where I have a problem.

These hoaxes tend to work against each other and that begs the question - Who is calling the shots on this ?

Is there a controlling genius or is there more than one elite and they are working against each other for world domination ? Maybe there is a Chicom elite that is now competing with Soros, Gates and the Rothschilds ?

The Chinks are deffo behind this CRT crap that is getting all our statues pulled down. Their hands are all over that one.

Maybe Dr Vernon Coleman and Mr David Icke have given this some thought but I cant see any trace of their thoughts on the interweb. Who should I hate the most ?
Youtube just ain't gonna cut it if you want to follow those whom you claim are conspiracy theorist.

It isn't one person but a nasty lying spirit that many have chosen to believe in.
Youtube just ain't gonna cut it if you want to follow those whom you claim are conspiracy theorist.

It isn't one person but a nasty lying spirit that many have chosen to believe in.
I think that u tube has fostered the growth of the crazy culture. There is a lot more scope for nuttiness.

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