Elizabeth Smart says no excuse for locker room talk much less sexual assault

Hillary has a mouth like a sewer.

QuickHitCurepon. You have no idea about the story, the LDS, polygamy in the culture and how it impacts the ES story.

You are out of your depth.

Study up on the whole thing. Trump might withstand HRC, but Smart will walk right over his ass.

What does polygamy have to do with Donald Trump? Is he a polygamist?
Your deflection is noted. :p

The OP is that Elizabeth Smart chastises Trump for being a sexual cad and worse.

You are the one who brought up polygamy, dumbass.
Says Miss dumbass, :lol: I brought it up only because someone here did not know the story. To know the story, you have to know that a crazy cult polygamist kidnapped a 14 year old girl of her bedroom.
QuickHitCurepon. You have no idea about the story, the LDS, polygamy in the culture and how it impacts the ES story.

You are out of your depth.

Which part of Smart's story are you talking about? If there are no specifics, you are shooting in the dark. How about a few cross-references or at least one?.. before applying it to everything, including churches you obviously don't understand, or dropping names.
QuickHitCurepon. You have no idea about the story, the LDS, polygamy in the culture and how it impacts the ES story.

You are out of your depth.

Study up on the whole thing. Trump might withstand HRC, but Smart will walk right over his ass.

What does polygamy have to do with Donald Trump? Is he a polygamist?
Your deflection is noted. :p

The OP is that Elizabeth Smart chastises Trump for being a sexual cad and worse.

That sounds like an obligatory remark on her part. Since the nation is buzzing about it, she's required to weigh in. How she feels here means little more than the average woman on the street.
QuickHitCurepon. You have no idea about the story, the LDS, polygamy in the culture and how it impacts the ES story.

You are out of your depth.

Study up on the whole thing. Trump might withstand HRC, but Smart will walk right over his ass.

What does polygamy have to do with Donald Trump? Is he a polygamist?
Your deflection is noted. :p

The OP is that Elizabeth Smart chastises Trump for being a sexual cad and worse.

That sounds like an obligatory remark on her part. Since the nation is buzzing about it, she's required to weigh in. How she feels here means little more than the average woman on the street.
(1) Smart was kidnapped by a polygamist cultists when she was 14 and sexually abused for almost ten months. (2) How she feels about it has far more weight than you and many of the women here, much and much more.
QuickHitCurepon. You have no idea about the story, the LDS, polygamy in the culture and how it impacts the ES story.

You are out of your depth.

Study up on the whole thing. Trump might withstand HRC, but Smart will walk right over his ass.

What does polygamy have to do with Donald Trump? Is he a polygamist?
Your deflection is noted. :p

The OP is that Elizabeth Smart chastises Trump for being a sexual cad and worse.

That sounds like an obligatory remark on her part. Since the nation is buzzing about it, she's required to weigh in. How she feels here means little more than the average woman on the street.
(1) Smart was kidnapped by a polygamist cultists when she was 14 and sexually abused for almost ten months. (2) How she feels about it has far more weight than you and many of the women here, much and much more.

It appears to me you are trying to link polygamist sects with the LDS main church. What you are doing is so tacky, and you should be ashamed.

Then your brain is a sieve.

I said a polygamist cult guy: that is no definition of, nor could ever be considered such by a normal person consider to be a definition, of an attack on the LDS Church.

What I am saying is that Smart was abused and raped and tortured by a man. She has a right to speak out, and you have a moral and ethical obligation to bow your head and be quiet. Smart is saying that men like Trump are bad and should not be our leaders.

The LDS church, through its newspaper arm, denounces Trump.
You LDS priesthood holders better listen up: you are just talking while she is walking the walk.

Forget locker-room talk, says Elizabeth Smart, there's 'no justifying' sexual violence

View attachment 93396
Remind me how you and the left condemned Clinton, as I recall the defense all said "well gee it was just a blow job".
One, I did not defend him. Two, I am not left or liberal. Three, I am not LDS, but I understand its principles better than you.

How dare you deflect? That is exactly what Smart, who would hold and act the priesthood power better than you, would tell you.

Step back, RGS.

Melania, according to insider reports, will file for divorce once Trump is defeated.
If Trump wins will you leave the forum?
Will you leave if Clinton wins? Of course you would for a few weeks because you could not hold your head up. Then you would sneak back in. Elizabeth Smart called you LDS priesthood holders out today on Trump. She's right, you wrong. That's that.

tyrone, because Smart is a better LDS person than you concerning the seriousness of sexual sin, based on what you write here.

Will you leave if Trump refuses, and swear on your LDS honor that you will not come back?

My "salvo" was aimed at the piss poor LDS priesthood holders here on the Board who do not honor their covenants with the Lord and their priesthood oaths. Elizabeth Smart is calling out anyone who thinks locker room talk and sexual assault are OK. RGS and tyroneweaver and BobBlaylock and others here do so.

I have no bone with LDS men and women acting morally and upright.

tyrone's words do not meet the requirements of the Temple Recommend questions.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.

What Smart says has resonance in the Mormon world, whereas Tipsy doesn't.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.
I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
You support Trump. Yes, you are immoral. President Monson does not support Trump. He tells you to support candidates who support gospel principles, not who you want, you immoral hypocrite.

your LDS church has high moral standards, and by supporting Trump, you betray those standards.

More of Jake's malarkey, post #81:

And did that statement say to seek out candidates in both parties that held to church principles? Yes or no.

This must be humiliating to you that a non-member knows your doctrines and principles far better than you.

Do you go to church regularly? Yes or no.

From your church handbook authorized by your First Presidency. "Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties, and members should seek candidates who best embody those principles.While the Church affirms its institutional neutrality regarding political parties and candidates, individual members should participate in the political process. The Church also affirms its constitutional right of expression on political and social issues." First Presidency Sends Letter Urging Members to Seek Candidates Who Best Embody Gospel Principles | LDS Living

The church is not "neutral," Tyrone, when you first presidency tells you to seek out candidates who support LDS gospel principles.

The LDS First Presidency authorized this.

The influential Deseret News, which is owned by the Mormon Church, has stayed out of presidential politics for 80 years. But the editorial board urged all of its readers over the weekend not to vote for Trump. (For context, more than six in 10 voters in next month’s election will be members of the flock.)

What oozes from this audio is evil,” the editorial said. “Trump’s banter belies a willingness to use and discard other human beings at will. That characteristic is the essence of a despot.”

Then your brain is a sieve.

I said a polygamist cult guy: that is no definition of, nor could ever be considered such by a normal person consider to be a definition, of an attack on the LDS Church.

You are obviously in denial. While you stand only upon your OP, when called on your incessant rambling, you play like you have already won the game, but you are just a fool.

I know you are trying your damndest to find some fault with the Mormon church, for way back when, for how they started polygamy, but you won't find a guilty party that way... Not for Smart or for WHO gave you that empty head.

See above for all the examples I gave you. :laugh:
You are in denial, cure. You made a nonsense response to my point about Elizabeth Smart being right as well as wiser than the tyrones on the Board.

You dragged it into polygamy and Mormonism, neither of which you have the slightest idea or real interest, so I corrected you several times.

Where have I said one thing bad about the LDS church? I chastised tyrone for not being in step with his church. Since he, and you, are pro Trump, you are attacking the LDS church.

That is your problem, sis, not mine. :)
This may be Cure's next response.
Last edited:
You LDS priesthood holders better listen up: you are just talking while she is walking the walk.

Forget locker-room talk, says Elizabeth Smart, there's 'no justifying' sexual violence

View attachment 93396
Remind me how you and the left condemned Clinton, as I recall the defense all said "well gee it was just a blow job".
One, I did not defend him. Two, I am not left or liberal. Three, I am not LDS, but I understand its principles better than you.

How dare you deflect? That is exactly what Smart, who would hold and act the priesthood power better than you, would tell you.

Step back, RGS.

Melania, according to insider reports, will file for divorce once Trump is defeated.
If Trump wins will you leave the forum?
Will you leave if Clinton wins? Of course you would for a few weeks because you could not hold your head up. Then you would sneak back in. Elizabeth Smart called you LDS priesthood holders out today on Trump. She's right, you wrong. That's that.

tyrone, because Smart is a better LDS person than you concerning the seriousness of sexual sin, based on what you write here.

Will you leave if Trump refuses, and swear on your LDS honor that you will not come back?

My "salvo" was aimed at the piss poor LDS priesthood holders here on the Board who do not honor their covenants with the Lord and their priesthood oaths. Elizabeth Smart is calling out anyone who thinks locker room talk and sexual assault are OK. RGS and tyroneweaver and BobBlaylock and others here do so.

I have no bone with LDS men and women acting morally and upright.

tyrone's words do not meet the requirements of the Temple Recommend questions.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.

What Smart says has resonance in the Mormon world, whereas Tipsy doesn't.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.
I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
You support Trump. Yes, you are immoral. President Monson does not support Trump. He tells you to support candidates who support gospel principles, not who you want, you immoral hypocrite.

your LDS church has high moral standards, and by supporting Trump, you betray those standards.

More of Jake's malarkey, post #81:

And did that statement say to seek out candidates in both parties that held to church principles? Yes or no.

This must be humiliating to you that a non-member knows your doctrines and principles far better than you.

Do you go to church regularly? Yes or no.

From your church handbook authorized by your First Presidency. "Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties, and members should seek candidates who best embody those principles.While the Church affirms its institutional neutrality regarding political parties and candidates, individual members should participate in the political process. The Church also affirms its constitutional right of expression on political and social issues." First Presidency Sends Letter Urging Members to Seek Candidates Who Best Embody Gospel Principles | LDS Living

The church is not "neutral," Tyrone, when you first presidency tells you to seek out candidates who support LDS gospel principles.

The LDS First Presidency authorized this.

The influential Deseret News, which is owned by the Mormon Church, has stayed out of presidential politics for 80 years. But the editorial board urged all of its readers over the weekend not to vote for Trump. (For context, more than six in 10 voters in next month’s election will be members of the flock.)

What oozes from this audio is evil,” the editorial said. “Trump’s banter belies a willingness to use and discard other human beings at will. That characteristic is the essence of a despot.”

Then your brain is a sieve.

I said a polygamist cult guy: that is no definition of, nor could ever be considered such by a normal person consider to be a definition, of an attack on the LDS Church.

You are obviously in denial. While you stand only upon your OP, when called on your incessant rambling, you play like you have already won the game, but you are just a fool.

I know you are trying your damndest to find some fault with the Mormon church, for way back when, for how they started polygamy, but you won't find a guilty party that way... Not for Smart or for WHO gave you that empty head.

See above for all the examples I gave you. :laugh:

A letter was reread in my churches sunday service just yesterday that the Church is nuetral on politics.

I'm sure the letter was reread to the fakey's of the world who were getting the misguided impression that some how fakey had an ally in the LDS church and that the "tyrones of the world" weren't not in church harmony.
The letter stated I can search out and vote for who I want.

You're a good Mormon if you believe in starkey
Bad Mormon if you think fakey is a fakey.
You LDS priesthood holders better listen up: you are just talking while she is walking the walk.

Forget locker-room talk, says Elizabeth Smart, there's 'no justifying' sexual violence

View attachment 93396
Remind me how you and the left condemned Clinton, as I recall the defense all said "well gee it was just a blow job".
One, I did not defend him. Two, I am not left or liberal. Three, I am not LDS, but I understand its principles better than you.

How dare you deflect? That is exactly what Smart, who would hold and act the priesthood power better than you, would tell you.

Step back, RGS.

Melania, according to insider reports, will file for divorce once Trump is defeated.
If Trump wins will you leave the forum?
Will you leave if Clinton wins? Of course you would for a few weeks because you could not hold your head up. Then you would sneak back in. Elizabeth Smart called you LDS priesthood holders out today on Trump. She's right, you wrong. That's that.

tyrone, because Smart is a better LDS person than you concerning the seriousness of sexual sin, based on what you write here.

Will you leave if Trump refuses, and swear on your LDS honor that you will not come back?

My "salvo" was aimed at the piss poor LDS priesthood holders here on the Board who do not honor their covenants with the Lord and their priesthood oaths. Elizabeth Smart is calling out anyone who thinks locker room talk and sexual assault are OK. RGS and tyroneweaver and BobBlaylock and others here do so.

I have no bone with LDS men and women acting morally and upright.

tyrone's words do not meet the requirements of the Temple Recommend questions.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.

What Smart says has resonance in the Mormon world, whereas Tipsy doesn't.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.
I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
You support Trump. Yes, you are immoral. President Monson does not support Trump. He tells you to support candidates who support gospel principles, not who you want, you immoral hypocrite.

your LDS church has high moral standards, and by supporting Trump, you betray those standards.

More of Jake's malarkey, post #81:

And did that statement say to seek out candidates in both parties that held to church principles? Yes or no.

This must be humiliating to you that a non-member knows your doctrines and principles far better than you.

Do you go to church regularly? Yes or no.

From your church handbook authorized by your First Presidency. "Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties, and members should seek candidates who best embody those principles.While the Church affirms its institutional neutrality regarding political parties and candidates, individual members should participate in the political process. The Church also affirms its constitutional right of expression on political and social issues." First Presidency Sends Letter Urging Members to Seek Candidates Who Best Embody Gospel Principles | LDS Living

The church is not "neutral," Tyrone, when you first presidency tells you to seek out candidates who support LDS gospel principles.

The LDS First Presidency authorized this.

The influential Deseret News, which is owned by the Mormon Church, has stayed out of presidential politics for 80 years. But the editorial board urged all of its readers over the weekend not to vote for Trump. (For context, more than six in 10 voters in next month’s election will be members of the flock.)

What oozes from this audio is evil,” the editorial said. “Trump’s banter belies a willingness to use and discard other human beings at will. That characteristic is the essence of a despot.”

Then your brain is a sieve.

I said a polygamist cult guy: that is no definition of, nor could ever be considered such by a normal person consider to be a definition, of an attack on the LDS Church.

You are obviously in denial. While you stand only upon your OP, when called on your incessant rambling, you play like you have already won the game, but you are just a fool.

I know you are trying your damndest to find some fault with the Mormon church, for way back when, for how they started polygamy, but you won't find a guilty party that way... Not for Smart or for WHO gave you that empty head.

See above for all the examples I gave you. :laugh:

A letter was reread in my churches sunday service just yesterday that the Church is nuetral on politics.

I'm sure the letter was reread to the fakey's of the world who were getting the misguided impression that some how fakey had an ally in the LDS church and that the "tyrones of the world" weren't not in church harmony.
The letter stated I can search out and vote for who I want.

You're a good Mormon if you believe in starkey
Bad Mormon if you think fakey is a fakey.
tyroneweaver is out of step with his church, when he refuses to follow guidance, to the point that he is responsible for finding and supporting candidates who support the LDS church's principles.

Hint, guys: it ain't Hillary or Donald.
You LDS priesthood holders better listen up: you are just talking while she is walking the walk.

Forget locker-room talk, says Elizabeth Smart, there's 'no justifying' sexual violence

View attachment 93396
Remind me how you and the left condemned Clinton, as I recall the defense all said "well gee it was just a blow job".
One, I did not defend him. Two, I am not left or liberal. Three, I am not LDS, but I understand its principles better than you.

How dare you deflect? That is exactly what Smart, who would hold and act the priesthood power better than you, would tell you.

Step back, RGS.

Melania, according to insider reports, will file for divorce once Trump is defeated.
If Trump wins will you leave the forum?
Will you leave if Clinton wins? Of course you would for a few weeks because you could not hold your head up. Then you would sneak back in. Elizabeth Smart called you LDS priesthood holders out today on Trump. She's right, you wrong. That's that.

tyrone, because Smart is a better LDS person than you concerning the seriousness of sexual sin, based on what you write here.

Will you leave if Trump refuses, and swear on your LDS honor that you will not come back?

My "salvo" was aimed at the piss poor LDS priesthood holders here on the Board who do not honor their covenants with the Lord and their priesthood oaths. Elizabeth Smart is calling out anyone who thinks locker room talk and sexual assault are OK. RGS and tyroneweaver and BobBlaylock and others here do so.

I have no bone with LDS men and women acting morally and upright.

tyrone's words do not meet the requirements of the Temple Recommend questions.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.

What Smart says has resonance in the Mormon world, whereas Tipsy doesn't.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.
I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
You support Trump. Yes, you are immoral. President Monson does not support Trump. He tells you to support candidates who support gospel principles, not who you want, you immoral hypocrite.

your LDS church has high moral standards, and by supporting Trump, you betray those standards.

More of Jake's malarkey, post #81:

And did that statement say to seek out candidates in both parties that held to church principles? Yes or no.

This must be humiliating to you that a non-member knows your doctrines and principles far better than you.

Do you go to church regularly? Yes or no.

From your church handbook authorized by your First Presidency. "Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties, and members should seek candidates who best embody those principles.While the Church affirms its institutional neutrality regarding political parties and candidates, individual members should participate in the political process. The Church also affirms its constitutional right of expression on political and social issues." First Presidency Sends Letter Urging Members to Seek Candidates Who Best Embody Gospel Principles | LDS Living

The church is not "neutral," Tyrone, when you first presidency tells you to seek out candidates who support LDS gospel principles.

The LDS First Presidency authorized this.

The influential Deseret News, which is owned by the Mormon Church, has stayed out of presidential politics for 80 years. But the editorial board urged all of its readers over the weekend not to vote for Trump. (For context, more than six in 10 voters in next month’s election will be members of the flock.)

What oozes from this audio is evil,” the editorial said. “Trump’s banter belies a willingness to use and discard other human beings at will. That characteristic is the essence of a despot.”

Then your brain is a sieve.

I said a polygamist cult guy: that is no definition of, nor could ever be considered such by a normal person consider to be a definition, of an attack on the LDS Church.

You are obviously in denial. While you stand only upon your OP, when called on your incessant rambling, you play like you have already won the game, but you are just a fool.

I know you are trying your damndest to find some fault with the Mormon church, for way back when, for how they started polygamy, but you won't find a guilty party that way... Not for Smart or for WHO gave you that empty head.

See above for all the examples I gave you. :laugh:

A letter was reread in my churches sunday service just yesterday that the Church is nuetral on politics.

I'm sure the letter was reread to the fakey's of the world who were getting the misguided impression that some how fakey had an ally in the LDS church and that the "tyrones of the world" weren't not in church harmony.
The letter stated I can search out and vote for who I want.

You're a good Mormon if you believe in starkey
Bad Mormon if you think fakey is a fakey.
tyroneweaver is out of step with his church, when he refuses to follow guidance, to the point that he is responsible for finding and supporting candidates who support the LDS church's principles.

Hint, guys: it ain't Hillary or Donald.
So you're going to follow church guidelines and repent and be baptized?
If not, then you're the biggest hypocrite on this forum.
Remind me how you and the left condemned Clinton, as I recall the defense all said "well gee it was just a blow job".
One, I did not defend him. Two, I am not left or liberal. Three, I am not LDS, but I understand its principles better than you.

How dare you deflect? That is exactly what Smart, who would hold and act the priesthood power better than you, would tell you.

Step back, RGS.

If Trump wins will you leave the forum?
Will you leave if Clinton wins? Of course you would for a few weeks because you could not hold your head up. Then you would sneak back in. Elizabeth Smart called you LDS priesthood holders out today on Trump. She's right, you wrong. That's that.

tyrone, because Smart is a better LDS person than you concerning the seriousness of sexual sin, based on what you write here.

Will you leave if Trump refuses, and swear on your LDS honor that you will not come back?

My "salvo" was aimed at the piss poor LDS priesthood holders here on the Board who do not honor their covenants with the Lord and their priesthood oaths. Elizabeth Smart is calling out anyone who thinks locker room talk and sexual assault are OK. RGS and tyroneweaver and BobBlaylock and others here do so.

I have no bone with LDS men and women acting morally and upright.

tyrone's words do not meet the requirements of the Temple Recommend questions.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.

What Smart says has resonance in the Mormon world, whereas Tipsy doesn't.

I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
You support Trump. Yes, you are immoral. President Monson does not support Trump. He tells you to support candidates who support gospel principles, not who you want, you immoral hypocrite.

your LDS church has high moral standards, and by supporting Trump, you betray those standards.

More of Jake's malarkey, post #81:

And did that statement say to seek out candidates in both parties that held to church principles? Yes or no.

This must be humiliating to you that a non-member knows your doctrines and principles far better than you.

Do you go to church regularly? Yes or no.

From your church handbook authorized by your First Presidency. "Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties, and members should seek candidates who best embody those principles.While the Church affirms its institutional neutrality regarding political parties and candidates, individual members should participate in the political process. The Church also affirms its constitutional right of expression on political and social issues." First Presidency Sends Letter Urging Members to Seek Candidates Who Best Embody Gospel Principles | LDS Living

The church is not "neutral," Tyrone, when you first presidency tells you to seek out candidates who support LDS gospel principles.

The LDS First Presidency authorized this.

The influential Deseret News, which is owned by the Mormon Church, has stayed out of presidential politics for 80 years. But the editorial board urged all of its readers over the weekend not to vote for Trump. (For context, more than six in 10 voters in next month’s election will be members of the flock.)

What oozes from this audio is evil,” the editorial said. “Trump’s banter belies a willingness to use and discard other human beings at will. That characteristic is the essence of a despot.”

Then your brain is a sieve.

I said a polygamist cult guy: that is no definition of, nor could ever be considered such by a normal person consider to be a definition, of an attack on the LDS Church.

You are obviously in denial. While you stand only upon your OP, when called on your incessant rambling, you play like you have already won the game, but you are just a fool.

I know you are trying your damndest to find some fault with the Mormon church, for way back when, for how they started polygamy, but you won't find a guilty party that way... Not for Smart or for WHO gave you that empty head.

See above for all the examples I gave you. :laugh:

A letter was reread in my churches sunday service just yesterday that the Church is nuetral on politics.

I'm sure the letter was reread to the fakey's of the world who were getting the misguided impression that some how fakey had an ally in the LDS church and that the "tyrones of the world" weren't not in church harmony.
The letter stated I can search out and vote for who I want.

You're a good Mormon if you believe in starkey
Bad Mormon if you think fakey is a fakey.
tyroneweaver is out of step with his church, when he refuses to follow guidance, to the point that he is responsible for finding and supporting candidates who support the LDS church's principles.

Hint, guys: it ain't Hillary or Donald.
So you're going to follow church guidelines and repent and be baptized? If not, then you're the biggest hypocrite on this forum.
I have never been a member, ty, but you can be rebaptized for your sins and have a blessing if you need it.
tyroneweaver is out of step with his church, when he refuses to follow guidance, to the point that he is responsible for finding and supporting candidates who support the LDS church's principles.

If you are "out of step" with your church, the IRS might notice you. :eek:

Or even an Hollywood agent! :2up:
Remind me how you and the left condemned Clinton, as I recall the defense all said "well gee it was just a blow job".
One, I did not defend him. Two, I am not left or liberal. Three, I am not LDS, but I understand its principles better than you.

How dare you deflect? That is exactly what Smart, who would hold and act the priesthood power better than you, would tell you.

Step back, RGS.

If Trump wins will you leave the forum?
Will you leave if Clinton wins? Of course you would for a few weeks because you could not hold your head up. Then you would sneak back in. Elizabeth Smart called you LDS priesthood holders out today on Trump. She's right, you wrong. That's that.

tyrone, because Smart is a better LDS person than you concerning the seriousness of sexual sin, based on what you write here.

Will you leave if Trump refuses, and swear on your LDS honor that you will not come back?

My "salvo" was aimed at the piss poor LDS priesthood holders here on the Board who do not honor their covenants with the Lord and their priesthood oaths. Elizabeth Smart is calling out anyone who thinks locker room talk and sexual assault are OK. RGS and tyroneweaver and BobBlaylock and others here do so.

I have no bone with LDS men and women acting morally and upright.

tyrone's words do not meet the requirements of the Temple Recommend questions.

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.

What Smart says has resonance in the Mormon world, whereas Tipsy doesn't.

I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
You support Trump. Yes, you are immoral. President Monson does not support Trump. He tells you to support candidates who support gospel principles, not who you want, you immoral hypocrite.

your LDS church has high moral standards, and by supporting Trump, you betray those standards.

More of Jake's malarkey, post #81:

And did that statement say to seek out candidates in both parties that held to church principles? Yes or no.

This must be humiliating to you that a non-member knows your doctrines and principles far better than you.

Do you go to church regularly? Yes or no.

From your church handbook authorized by your First Presidency. "Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties, and members should seek candidates who best embody those principles.While the Church affirms its institutional neutrality regarding political parties and candidates, individual members should participate in the political process. The Church also affirms its constitutional right of expression on political and social issues." First Presidency Sends Letter Urging Members to Seek Candidates Who Best Embody Gospel Principles | LDS Living

The church is not "neutral," Tyrone, when you first presidency tells you to seek out candidates who support LDS gospel principles.

The LDS First Presidency authorized this.

The influential Deseret News, which is owned by the Mormon Church, has stayed out of presidential politics for 80 years. But the editorial board urged all of its readers over the weekend not to vote for Trump. (For context, more than six in 10 voters in next month’s election will be members of the flock.)

What oozes from this audio is evil,” the editorial said. “Trump’s banter belies a willingness to use and discard other human beings at will. That characteristic is the essence of a despot.”

Then your brain is a sieve.

I said a polygamist cult guy: that is no definition of, nor could ever be considered such by a normal person consider to be a definition, of an attack on the LDS Church.

You are obviously in denial. While you stand only upon your OP, when called on your incessant rambling, you play like you have already won the game, but you are just a fool.

I know you are trying your damndest to find some fault with the Mormon church, for way back when, for how they started polygamy, but you won't find a guilty party that way... Not for Smart or for WHO gave you that empty head.

See above for all the examples I gave you. :laugh:

A letter was reread in my churches sunday service just yesterday that the Church is nuetral on politics.

I'm sure the letter was reread to the fakey's of the world who were getting the misguided impression that some how fakey had an ally in the LDS church and that the "tyrones of the world" weren't not in church harmony.
The letter stated I can search out and vote for who I want.

You're a good Mormon if you believe in starkey
Bad Mormon if you think fakey is a fakey.
tyroneweaver is out of step with his church, when he refuses to follow guidance, to the point that he is responsible for finding and supporting candidates who support the LDS church's principles.

Hint, guys: it ain't Hillary or Donald.
So you're going to follow church guidelines and repent and be baptized?
If not, then you're the biggest hypocrite on this forum.

He believes God is a sky fairy. He has misplaced emotions he needs to amend.

He IS the big guy on USMB. Bless him.
He believes God is a sky fairy. He has misplaced emotions he needs to amend. He IS the big guy on USMB. Bless him.
Tyrone, yes, believes in deity. So do I, cure. He believes in an authorized church and priesthood, similar to Catholicism. I don't. If you are an atheist, sad.

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