Elizabeth Smart says no excuse for locker room talk much less sexual assault

Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.
Donald Trump may have lied about donating to 9/11 charities
Source: New York Daily News

Republican nominee Donald Trump claims he gave generously to help his city in the dark days after the deadly terrorist attacks. But new records show a pledged promise to donate $10,000 to a major 9/11 charity must have somehow slipped his mind.

City Controller Scott Stringer conducted a review of hundreds of pages of previously sealed records of the two main 9/11 charities at the request of the Daily News, and found that Trump and his charity hadn't donated a dime in the months after 9/11.

"For the periods covered by the audits, we did not find any record of a donation from Trump himself or a Trump entity to either the Twin Towers Fund or the New York City Public/Private Initiatives Inc.," Stringer's office said in a statement to the Daily News in response to a Freedom of Information Law request.

This appears to contradict Trump's prior boasts of spontaneous generosity, made as his hometown reeled from the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil in history. The records show that through mid-2002 there is no evidence that Trump personally or through the Trump Foundation gave to either group.

Read more: Donald Trump may have lied about donating to 9/11 charities
There is no reason in the world why anything Elizabeth Smart says has any relevance to anything. A fly farted in the forest has as much meaning.
What Smart says has resonance in the Mormon world, whereas Tipsy doesn't.
You LDS priesthood holders better listen up: you are just talking while she is walking the walk.

Forget locker-room talk, says Elizabeth Smart, there's 'no justifying' sexual violence

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Remind me how you and the left condemned Clinton, as I recall the defense all said "well gee it was just a blow job".
One, I did not defend him. Two, I am not left or liberal. Three, I am not LDS, but I understand its principles better than you.

How dare you deflect? That is exactly what Smart, who would hold and act the priesthood power better than you, would tell you.

Step back, RGS.
Wrong you are attempting to deflect by ignoring the historical fact that your buddies the democrats and your choice for President all DEFENDED much worse from Bill Clinton.

RGS, you are a failure as a priesthood holder if you really believe that.

Smart explained the problem, and that you can't see it reflects your lack of understanding about your gospel's principles.

What Clinton did back then was wrong (I did not defend him), and what Trump has done then and since is wrong.

That behavior is not acceptable, and Bill is not running.
His wife is, the one that ruined the lives of her husband's victims.
Who has justified sexual violence?

Besides Bill Clinton, of course.
“Donald seriously, you know all about sexual predators and things like that…. You are one!”

— Howard Stern, interviewing Donald Trump on his show in 2006. His non-verbal reaction should be appearing in a Hillary Clinton ad soon.
WATCH: When Howard Stern Joked About Trump Being a Sexual Predator in 2006, He Said ‘It’s True’
Source: Mediaite

Today, Donald Trump gave a speech in West Palm Beach and in it, he insisted that allegations that he has groped and sexually assaulted women are baseless and untrue.

In a 2006 interview with Howard Stern, as his daughter Ivanka Trump, sat next to him, he laughed when he was called a “sexual predator.”

“It’s true,” he said.


On that same show, he once gave Stern permission to refer to Ivanka as “a piece of ass.”

Read more: WATCH: When Howard Stern Joked About Trump Being a Sexual Predator in 2006, He Said ‘It’s True’
Are some type of politically correct pussy? Snowflake
Michelle Obama has much more of a man than Barry is...
'Elizabeth Smart says no excuse for locker room talk much less sexual assault'

She DOES know that to find such 'locker room talk' Liberals had to go back 11 years to find it, right?
Wrong you are attempting to deflect by ignoring the historical fact that your buddies the democrats and your choice for President all DEFENDED much worse from Bill Clinton.

RGS, you are a failure as a priesthood holder if you really believe that.

Smart explained the problem, and that you can't see it reflects your lack of understanding about your gospel's principles.

What Clinton did back then was wrong (I did not defend him), and what Trump has done then and since is wrong.

That behavior is not acceptable, and Bill is not running.
So when king David committed adultery and remained King of Israel and was not stoned, Nathan failed as a priesthood leader? And God was wrong for sustaining him.
my my how totally lacking in scriptural exegesis you are.

it's not about adultery.

did king david sexually assault anyone?

and if he did, do you believe for a second that it would be acceptable in this day and age?
We're talking on a level you know nothing about. jake's opening salvo was about the LDS priesthoold holders and church government.
You're stupidity absolutely amazes me jilian

snooks...you have like a sixth grade education. there is nothing you could say that would be above my understanding.

but thanks. i'm always amused when someone with a double-digit IQ calls me stupid.

but if that makes you feel better about yourself.

now respond to the post, hack. or shut up and run off with your tail between your legs.

or you can keep defending a piece of garbage like dumb donald with the stupidest of arguments.
And not one quote from the LDS's churches booklet on Priesthood and Church government

I'm laughing at you. Respond to that.
They have not, IMO, tapped into the Howard Stern interview tapes enough ..........yet.
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Elizabeth Smart has no room to talk. She participated in porn.
You are very stupid, are you not? You obviously have no idea that Smart was a kidnap victim at 14 of a deranged polygamist white supremacist cultist. You are nuts, Steve.
She was just a horny pleasure seeking young girl who put up no resistance.
You've been listening to to much Michael Savage. The girl was only 14 and chained down.
The way she liked it.
This.....Ladies and Gentlemen...is the crowning glory of the Alt-Right Deplorable Drumpster.
Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.
I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.
I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
You support Trump. Yes, you are immoral. President Monson does not support Trump. He tells you to support candidates who support gospel principles, not who you want, you immoral hypocrite.

your LDS church has high moral standards, and by supporting Trump, you betray those standards.
You LDS priesthood holders better listen up: you are just talking while she is walking the walk.

Forget locker-room talk, says Elizabeth Smart, there's 'no justifying' sexual violence

View attachment 93396

She was held captive and raped by one of you filthy leftists, Flakey. No matter how many Hillary and her freakshow parade out, the truth behind the story always gets out.
she was held not by a lefty but someone who shares much of your political values, Tom, he is a crazy rightist polygamist cultist who kidnapped and raped and terrorized a 14 year old girl. You and your filthy ilk support people like Trump.
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Avatar4321 and other honorable LDS have stayed away from this thread.

They know Elizabeth Smart is correct and the people like RGS and tyrone are immoral and wrong.
I'm immoral. You're the one that has defended same sex marriage and other Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality.
You have tunnel vision jake. You try and equate Elizabeth Smart and church government as the same issue to fit your agenda.
Here's one jake
President Monson is the prophet of the Church
President Monson is President of the Chruch
President Monson is President of the Higher Priesthood.
In all 3 capacities he sez I can vote for who I want.
You support Trump. Yes, you are immoral. President Monson does not support Trump. He tells you to support candidates who support gospel principles, not who you want, you immoral hypocrite.
Were you in sacrament meeting when the official statement of the Church was read?
Yes or No
You LDS priesthood holders better listen up: you are just talking while she is walking the walk.

Forget locker-room talk, says Elizabeth Smart, there's 'no justifying' sexual violence

View attachment 93396

She was held captive and raped by one of you filthy leftists, Flakey. No matter how many Hillary and her freakshow parade out, the truth behind the story always gets out.
A white supremest (Alt-RIghtie) kidnapped her....one of your own......

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