Elizabeth Warren: DNC Was Rigged in Clinton's Favor

Warren says DNC system was rigged in Clinton's favor - CNNPolitics

Asked Thursday by CNN's Jake Tapper whether she believes that the Democratic campaign organization was tipped in favor of Clinton over her primary opponent, independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Warren responded without hesitation: "Yes."

"We learned today from the former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile that the Clinton campaign in her view did rig the presidential nominating process by entering into an agreement to control day-to-day operations at the DNC," Tapper said, continuing on to describe specific arms of the DNC the Clinton camp had a say over, including strategy and staffing, noting that the agreement was "entered into in August of 2015," months before Clinton won the nomination.
Warren called that "a real problem."

Which is why she stood right up and told Hillary................hell no, I don't want to be vice president because you suck.

She still actively supported Hillary during the campaign. Feigning ignorance is what she is doing.
It could be that many leading lights in the D Party, like the fake Indian, KNEW that Hilary and others had actively and covertly stole the nomination.

Now the question is, will there be any consequences for these people?

Even Bernie supported Cankles....and he had to know they screwed him. Was he bought off? Was he promised a high position in the Cankle Administration? Was he promised big money?

This could be great fun watching the D Party die.
How can these top level jackasses leading that party feign ignorance when a simpleton from Ann Arbor knew all this? Oh yeah, they're Democrats. They lie.

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