Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Obama Rips Trump

President Obama’s public disparagement of Donald Trump during a news conference in Japan “obliterated the now-quaint political convention that partisanship stops at the water’s edge. It also revealed a stark truth: The world is worried about Trump,” the Washington Post reports.

“Although he is not on the November ticket, Obama has a foreign policy legacy to protect, particularly against Trump, who has called the president’s approach weak and incoherent.”

The only thing it "abolished" is the conceit that Obama possesses qualities like honor or integrity. Of course, we all knew that was the case when he called his own grandmother a racist.
You're getting off task. I believe the discussion was regarding this faux Native American. :lol:


And this....

"Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!
Prove you’re an Indian!

There is only one way to settle once and for all the question of whether the fake Indian is or is not a real Indian.

She needs to take a DNA test.

I dare you, Sen. Warren. It only costs about $200. If you insist, I’ll pay for it. In fact, I’ll take one myself. It’s easy. Just swab the inside of your mouth. Check my photo on the left, I’ll show you how to do it."
Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!

Case closed.
Still doesn't prove she lied does it?

She claims her grandmother told her she had Indian heritage.

DNA may prove grandma was incorrect. Doesn't prove Warren lied

Your gullibility is exceeded only by your stupidity and dishonesty.
You're getting off task. I believe the discussion was regarding this faux Native American. :lol:


And this....

"Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!
Prove you’re an Indian!

There is only one way to settle once and for all the question of whether the fake Indian is or is not a real Indian.

She needs to take a DNA test.

I dare you, Sen. Warren. It only costs about $200. If you insist, I’ll pay for it. In fact, I’ll take one myself. It’s easy. Just swab the inside of your mouth. Check my photo on the left, I’ll show you how to do it."
Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!

Case closed.
Still doesn't prove she lied does it?

She claims her grandmother told her she had Indian heritage.

DNA may prove grandma was incorrect. Doesn't prove Warren lied

"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!
Amazing the mock outrage by conservatives over Warrens Native American heritage

They show it by posting racist stereotypes about native Americans

She made the fake claim, she signed up for the attacks.


But since nobody can show how it's "fake".....

Hang on ---- uh, you know that's a photoshop, right? Or are you really that stupid?

It's very simple, retard: she claimed to be an Indian, and she obviously isn't. She's a fraud and a con artists. She knows her audience, however. The leftwing suckers at Harvard didn't even bother to check her story.
He said "my guess" moron, it's classic you're talking about other's reading comprehension.

Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

So just to be clear, when Warren doesn't need to prove her claim, are you holding Trump to the same standard with his tax returns? He doesn't need to prove shit, you do?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!

The claim on the table is pretty simple, even for your stage of intellect. It's all of two words:

"She lied".

It baffles me that anybody would willingly purport to not understand two words in seven letters. Subject-verb, period. The verb is "lied". The basis is nonexistent. I'm not sure how this can be made any more elementary, short of pulling out Play-Doh stick figures.
Why would you be baffled by Kaz having an irrational view of a pro-choice pro-banking regulation democrat? LOL

What's irrational about his view?
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Birfer Trump wanted you to lose your house so he could profit.


So did the wall street money men who are funding Hillary's campaign, and paying her millions in "speaking fees". Nothing done by either is illegal.

Did Hillary say she wanted you to lose a lot of money? No.

Did Trump? Yes.

Hillary wants to directly take it from you

And Trump wants to take it directly from you.

Johnson 16.

They both suck, I was addressing the point you made defending Hillary

Your point has nothing to do with Hillary speaking at a Goldman event.
So did the wall street money men who are funding Hillary's campaign, and paying her millions in "speaking fees". Nothing done by either is illegal.

Did Hillary say she wanted you to lose a lot of money? No.

Did Trump? Yes.

Hillary wants to directly take it from you

And Trump wants to take it directly from you.

Johnson 16.

They both suck, I was addressing the point you made defending Hillary

Your point has nothing to do with Hillary speaking at a Goldman event.

Agreed, it doesn't. It has to do with your defense of Hillary for not wanting people's house taken because they lose their job when she wants to just take their money directly
Did Hillary say she wanted you to lose a lot of money? No.

Did Trump? Yes.

Hillary wants to directly take it from you

And Trump wants to take it directly from you.

Johnson 16.

They both suck, I was addressing the point you made defending Hillary

Your point has nothing to do with Hillary speaking at a Goldman event.

Agreed, it doesn't. It has to do with your defense of Hillary for not wanting people's house taken because they lose their job when she wants to just take their money directly

Hillary sucks.
The woman who pretended to be an Indian so she could take the place of an actual Indian and get all the benefits..........right.....
Show where that happened

They seem to think by posting it over and over and over somehow the Reality Fairy comes down, sprinkles her magic flooby dust wand and it becomes Retroactive Reality. They live in a world of self-delusion. Which kind of explains Donald Rump.

1. Warrens own family says they have Amerindian ancestry.

2. She admits that she made it known at Harvard, but only did so supposedly to get to meet other Amerindians, lol.

3. And morons like you think she never used it to get an advantage to gain entry?

You are so full of shyte it hurts to read your bullshit.

I ain't the one making claims I can't back up, am I?

Nor am I the one desperately backpedaling to a Fallacy of Ass-umption when the original claim got shot down for the bullshit it was.

Not to mention, the officials in that position have already been asked all this --- at least four years ago --- and have already answered it in the negative. "Categorically".

All of which has already been posted and readily available long before this point.

You must be retarded.
Hillary wants to directly take it from you

And Trump wants to take it directly from you.

Johnson 16.

They both suck, I was addressing the point you made defending Hillary

Your point has nothing to do with Hillary speaking at a Goldman event.

Agreed, it doesn't. It has to do with your defense of Hillary for not wanting people's house taken because they lose their job when she wants to just take their money directly

Hillary sucks.

Actually I believe that's Monica.

The woman who pretended to be an Indian so she could take the place of an actual Indian and get all the benefits..........right.....
Show where that happened

Why are so many moon-bat lefties illiterate? :lol:

From Wiki: In April 2012, the Boston Herald sparked a campaign controversy when it reported that from 1986 to 1995 Warren had listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) directories.[67] Harvard Law School had publicized her minority status in response to criticisms about a lack of faculty diversity, but Warren said that she was unaware of this until she read about it in a newspaper during the 2012 election.[67][68][69] Scott Brown, her Republican opponent in the Senate race, speculated that she had fabricated Native American heritage to gain advantage in hiring.[70][71][72] Former colleagues and supervisors at universities where she had worked stated that Warren's ancestry played no role in her hiring.[68][69][72][73] Warren responded to the allegations saying that she had self-identified as a minority in the directories in order to meet others with similar tribal roots.

Thank you. I made that point in more excruciating detail in 160.

I wouldn't call them "moon-bat [sic] lefties" though, I'd go with "self-delusional denialists". Even if it is from the Department of Redundancy Department.

This is the weirdity --- they take a political blusterfluff from a state Senate race four years ago and run with it like it's a real thing, oblivious to the fact that "I wish it were true" or "this would be so convenient if it were true" is somehow the same thing as "this actually IS true". Selective reading, to be generous.

What is not speculation is that she falsely stated she had Native American Heritage when in fact there is zero evidence to support this. Z-E-R-O. :lol:

Actually her siblings corroborated the story, and we've repeated this before, so ... no, not "zero". Nor is there evidence to the contrary, therefore you have no basis for "falsely stated". That's uh, exactly why you mythmongers keep coming up empty on that challenge. It doesn't exist.

Are we actually going to pretend we don't even know what the word "false" means now?

I could say I'm Bohemian-Arawak. I didn't prove that, so you are at liberty to not believe it. But you cannot claim it's "false" unless you have access to my genealogy.

Again, it ain't rocket surgery.

Pocahontas is one in a long line of race hustlers who lie about their heritage for her own twisted reasons. She is pathetic. Her claims are an affront to anyone who actually has Native American heritage.

Actually what's pathetic is you Denialists whining on and on and on with a political campaign noise bomb, which YOUR OWN LINK notes was, and I quote, "speculation", as if it were factual. That's an affront to anyone who lives in the world of reality.

Which I understand is one you do not wish to take part in. Oh well.

Prove me wrong.
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It was proven that "she lied"?


You said it was proven she was part Indian, not proving she wasn't does prove she is. You do explain the left wing overt bias in the media if that's what you think is editing

Ummm..... no Cinderella, if I said that you could quote it. I said it was *NOT* proven that "she lied". Are we still having trouble with English?

What is NOT proven is her claim to be 1/32 native American. BTW, she used that claim to get special treatment on admission to Harvard. Kinda like Obama used his foreign student claim to get special treatment at Columbia.

Your heroes are all frauds, deal with it.

Correct that her claim to be Cherokee and Lenape is not proven. It's a family tradition. But it's also irrelevant to anything.

And no, she did not "use that claim to get special treatment". Both of these were already covered in post 160, which it must terrify y'all to go read for fear you might find out you're riding a myth.

I don't know squat about O'bama and Columbia, nor do I care. It too is irrelevant. I have but one hero to defend, and that is The Truth. The Fraud is all your'n. QED.

See, it really doesn't matter to me what Elizabeth Warren's ancestry is or isn't, or who the founders of the Klan were, or where "honor killing" comes from. What matters is that these questions have known answers, or in the Warren case an absence of evidence to the contrary. These simple realities CANNOT be ignored. It just is not an option. You either make your case, or you fail to make it.

When you say "Hillary Clinton plays centerfield for the Cleveland Indians", and it is then proven right in front of your face that Hillary Clinton DOES NOT play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians....... you do not have the option to go on saying she does as if nothing happened.

I don't get where y'all get this idea that you can just make reality up as you go. You can't.

Hillary Clinton is a habitual liar---------------prove me wrong, asshole.

I haven't been posting about Hillary Clinton except as a character in the analogy above. I can categorically state, she does not play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians, or anybody else.

The topic is Rump, and Warren. Not Clinton.
If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9/11. That is well documented. The only issue is how many, Trump said thousands, while the actual numbers were probably less than 500.

McCain was captured and held prisoner. He survived and survival under those conditions makes him a hero to many. But he did not risk his life for his fellow soldiers, he did not all on a grenade. There are many many members of our military who did much more heroic acts. McCain has also sold out the people who put him in office and will probably lose in November.

Hillary's lies are numerous and well documented. She is also a very unlikeable person and a crappy candidate. That's why she is faltering and Trump is surging.

That is total bullshit

The dancing Muslims are a myth

Trump....I prefer those who were not captured

Look it up. hundreds of muslims celebrated in the streets of NJ after 9/11. That has been confirmed. Trump's claim that there were thousands is not accurate.

I respect McCain, but what makes a captured prisoner a hero, if all he did was get captured?

100s was never confirmed. Some individuals, not cops, not reporters, not photographers SAY there were some people. If you have a link for 100s from a reputable source (eg NOT the Big Quack) let's see it.

Actually Rump says he "saw it on television". When things get broadcast on television -- there's usually some kind of record of it, if not many kinds of records. This was 9/11, bigly history, and EVERYTHING got recorded. Yet no one has any record of this alleged Thing He Made Up.
:eusa_clap: Excellent. Just when you think he's alienated every possible demographic, he pulls another one. This should play well in, say, Oklahoma. Montana. The Dakotas. You know, places a Republican would never win anyway. :eusa_shifty:

I guess when you dabble in real estate you learn how to burn bridges.

What does that mean regarding real estate?

"Bridges".... "real estate". Get it?
[You said it was proven she was part Indian, not proving she wasn't does prove she is. You do explain the left wing overt bias in the media if that's what you think is editing

Ummm..... no Cinderella, if I said that you could quote it. I said it was *NOT* proven that "she lied". Are we still having trouble with English?

What is NOT proven is her claim to be 1/32 native American. BTW, she used that claim to get special treatment on admission to Harvard. Kinda like Obama used his foreign student claim to get special treatment at Columbia.

Your heroes are all frauds, deal with it.

Correct that her claim to be Cherokee and Lenape is not proven. It's a family tradition. But it's also irrelevant to anything.

And no, she did not "use that claim to get special treatment". Both of these were already covered in post 160, which it must terrify y'all to go read for fear you might find out you're riding a myth.

I don't know squat about O'bama and Columbia, nor do I care. It too is irrelevant. I have but one hero to defend, and that is The Truth. The Fraud is all your'n. QED.

See, it really doesn't matter to me what Elizabeth Warren's ancestry is or isn't, or who the founders of the Klan were, or where "honor killing" comes from. What matters is that these questions have known answers, or in the Warren case an absence of evidence to the contrary. These simple realities CANNOT be ignored. It just is not an option. You either make your case, or you fail to make it.

When you say "Hillary Clinton plays centerfield for the Cleveland Indians", and it is then proven right in front of your face that Hillary Clinton DOES NOT play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians....... you do not have the option to go on saying she does as if nothing happened.

I don't get where y'all get this idea that you can just make reality up as you go. You can't.

Hillary Clinton is a habitual liar---------------prove me wrong, asshole.

I haven't been posting about Hillary Clinton except as a character in the analogy above. I can categorically state, she does not play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians, or anybody else.

The topic is Rump, and Warren. Not Clinton.

Give it up. You lost the debate a couple of days ago. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, not on the person questioning it.

If you claim to be a pacific islander in order to get minority benefits, then the burden to prove it is on you, not on the person who asks you to prove it.

warren claims to be 1/32 native American, its up to her to prove her claim.
Ummm..... no Cinderella, if I said that you could quote it. I said it was *NOT* proven that "she lied". Are we still having trouble with English?

What is NOT proven is her claim to be 1/32 native American. BTW, she used that claim to get special treatment on admission to Harvard. Kinda like Obama used his foreign student claim to get special treatment at Columbia.

Your heroes are all frauds, deal with it.

Correct that her claim to be Cherokee and Lenape is not proven. It's a family tradition. But it's also irrelevant to anything.

And no, she did not "use that claim to get special treatment". Both of these were already covered in post 160, which it must terrify y'all to go read for fear you might find out you're riding a myth.

I don't know squat about O'bama and Columbia, nor do I care. It too is irrelevant. I have but one hero to defend, and that is The Truth. The Fraud is all your'n. QED.

See, it really doesn't matter to me what Elizabeth Warren's ancestry is or isn't, or who the founders of the Klan were, or where "honor killing" comes from. What matters is that these questions have known answers, or in the Warren case an absence of evidence to the contrary. These simple realities CANNOT be ignored. It just is not an option. You either make your case, or you fail to make it.

When you say "Hillary Clinton plays centerfield for the Cleveland Indians", and it is then proven right in front of your face that Hillary Clinton DOES NOT play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians....... you do not have the option to go on saying she does as if nothing happened.

I don't get where y'all get this idea that you can just make reality up as you go. You can't.

Hillary Clinton is a habitual liar---------------prove me wrong, asshole.

I haven't been posting about Hillary Clinton except as a character in the analogy above. I can categorically state, she does not play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians, or anybody else.

The topic is Rump, and Warren. Not Clinton.

Give it up. You lost the debate a couple of days ago. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, not on the person questioning it.

If you claim to be a pacific islander in order to get minority benefits, then the burden to prove it is on you, not on the person who asks you to prove it.

warren claims to be 1/32 native American, its up to her to prove her claim.

Haven't you met Pogo before? He doesn't have to prove shit. He just gets to demand proof. He says so
Ummm..... no Cinderella, if I said that you could quote it. I said it was *NOT* proven that "she lied". Are we still having trouble with English?

What is NOT proven is her claim to be 1/32 native American. BTW, she used that claim to get special treatment on admission to Harvard. Kinda like Obama used his foreign student claim to get special treatment at Columbia.

Your heroes are all frauds, deal with it.

Correct that her claim to be Cherokee and Lenape is not proven. It's a family tradition. But it's also irrelevant to anything.

And no, she did not "use that claim to get special treatment". Both of these were already covered in post 160, which it must terrify y'all to go read for fear you might find out you're riding a myth.

I don't know squat about O'bama and Columbia, nor do I care. It too is irrelevant. I have but one hero to defend, and that is The Truth. The Fraud is all your'n. QED.

See, it really doesn't matter to me what Elizabeth Warren's ancestry is or isn't, or who the founders of the Klan were, or where "honor killing" comes from. What matters is that these questions have known answers, or in the Warren case an absence of evidence to the contrary. These simple realities CANNOT be ignored. It just is not an option. You either make your case, or you fail to make it.

When you say "Hillary Clinton plays centerfield for the Cleveland Indians", and it is then proven right in front of your face that Hillary Clinton DOES NOT play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians....... you do not have the option to go on saying she does as if nothing happened.

I don't get where y'all get this idea that you can just make reality up as you go. You can't.

Hillary Clinton is a habitual liar---------------prove me wrong, asshole.

I haven't been posting about Hillary Clinton except as a character in the analogy above. I can categorically state, she does not play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians, or anybody else.

The topic is Rump, and Warren. Not Clinton.

Give it up. You lost the debate a couple of days ago. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, not on the person questioning it.

If you claim to be a pacific islander in order to get minority benefits, then the burden to prove it is on you, not on the person who asks you to prove it.

warren claims to be 1/32 native American, its up to her to prove her claim.

She never claimed any minority benefits merely reported what she knew about her family

If you say she is lying, it is up to you to prove your claim
What is NOT proven is her claim to be 1/32 native American. BTW, she used that claim to get special treatment on admission to Harvard. Kinda like Obama used his foreign student claim to get special treatment at Columbia.

Your heroes are all frauds, deal with it.

Correct that her claim to be Cherokee and Lenape is not proven. It's a family tradition. But it's also irrelevant to anything.

And no, she did not "use that claim to get special treatment". Both of these were already covered in post 160, which it must terrify y'all to go read for fear you might find out you're riding a myth.

I don't know squat about O'bama and Columbia, nor do I care. It too is irrelevant. I have but one hero to defend, and that is The Truth. The Fraud is all your'n. QED.

See, it really doesn't matter to me what Elizabeth Warren's ancestry is or isn't, or who the founders of the Klan were, or where "honor killing" comes from. What matters is that these questions have known answers, or in the Warren case an absence of evidence to the contrary. These simple realities CANNOT be ignored. It just is not an option. You either make your case, or you fail to make it.

When you say "Hillary Clinton plays centerfield for the Cleveland Indians", and it is then proven right in front of your face that Hillary Clinton DOES NOT play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians....... you do not have the option to go on saying she does as if nothing happened.

I don't get where y'all get this idea that you can just make reality up as you go. You can't.

Hillary Clinton is a habitual liar---------------prove me wrong, asshole.

I haven't been posting about Hillary Clinton except as a character in the analogy above. I can categorically state, she does not play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians, or anybody else.

The topic is Rump, and Warren. Not Clinton.

Give it up. You lost the debate a couple of days ago. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, not on the person questioning it.

If you claim to be a pacific islander in order to get minority benefits, then the burden to prove it is on you, not on the person who asks you to prove it.

warren claims to be 1/32 native American, its up to her to prove her claim.

She never claimed any minority benefits merely reported what she knew about her family

If you say she is lying, it is up to you to prove your claim

Nope. I am Irish/German and I can prove it. If anyone says I am lying about it, I can show them my family tree and prove my claim.

She should do the same. Why did she make the claim if not to gain some minority benefits? or sympathy? or empathy?
What is NOT proven is her claim to be 1/32 native American. BTW, she used that claim to get special treatment on admission to Harvard. Kinda like Obama used his foreign student claim to get special treatment at Columbia.

Your heroes are all frauds, deal with it.

Correct that her claim to be Cherokee and Lenape is not proven. It's a family tradition. But it's also irrelevant to anything.

And no, she did not "use that claim to get special treatment". Both of these were already covered in post 160, which it must terrify y'all to go read for fear you might find out you're riding a myth.

I don't know squat about O'bama and Columbia, nor do I care. It too is irrelevant. I have but one hero to defend, and that is The Truth. The Fraud is all your'n. QED.

See, it really doesn't matter to me what Elizabeth Warren's ancestry is or isn't, or who the founders of the Klan were, or where "honor killing" comes from. What matters is that these questions have known answers, or in the Warren case an absence of evidence to the contrary. These simple realities CANNOT be ignored. It just is not an option. You either make your case, or you fail to make it.

When you say "Hillary Clinton plays centerfield for the Cleveland Indians", and it is then proven right in front of your face that Hillary Clinton DOES NOT play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians....... you do not have the option to go on saying she does as if nothing happened.

I don't get where y'all get this idea that you can just make reality up as you go. You can't.

Hillary Clinton is a habitual liar---------------prove me wrong, asshole.

I haven't been posting about Hillary Clinton except as a character in the analogy above. I can categorically state, she does not play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians, or anybody else.

The topic is Rump, and Warren. Not Clinton.

Give it up. You lost the debate a couple of days ago. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, not on the person questioning it.

If you claim to be a pacific islander in order to get minority benefits, then the burden to prove it is on you, not on the person who asks you to prove it.

warren claims to be 1/32 native American, its up to her to prove her claim.

Haven't you met Pogo before? He doesn't have to prove shit. He just gets to demand proof. He says so

he and rightwinger must be brothers-----------------or butt buddies.

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