Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Nope. I am Irish/German and I can prove it. If anyone says I am lying about it, I can show them my family tree and prove my claim.

Here's what you intentionally don't get --- nobody would have a BASIS to say "you're lying". That would require evidence, Something like, I know your parents and found out you're 100% Chinese. Absent something like that, I'd have no basis to assert a "lie". Which is why I don't put my foot in my mouth that way. Apparently you're not even that smart.

She should do the same. Why did she make the claim if not to gain some minority benefits? or sympathy? or empathy?

Sorry, "the only reason I can think to do (something that hasn't been proven anyway) is X, Y or Z" is not an argument. It's your own predestined speculation, and it's based on a myth anyway. Which has been repeatedly demonstrated.

You keep looking though, Sparkles....


Please, she obviously didn't check the box because she thought it was an anonymous questionaire
You're getting off task. I believe the discussion was regarding this faux Native American. :lol:


And this....

"Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!
Prove you’re an Indian!

There is only one way to settle once and for all the question of whether the fake Indian is or is not a real Indian.

She needs to take a DNA test.

I dare you, Sen. Warren. It only costs about $200. If you insist, I’ll pay for it. In fact, I’ll take one myself. It’s easy. Just swab the inside of your mouth. Check my photo on the left, I’ll show you how to do it."
Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!

Case closed.
Still doesn't prove she lied does it?

She claims her grandmother told her she had Indian heritage.

DNA may prove grandma was incorrect. Doesn't prove Warren lied

"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.
Actually there is a real easy way to see if Warren is American Indian at all. It is called a DNA test. One has to wonder why she hasn't gone for one and made the results public to put the issue to bed. Being that you can only claim legal Indian status if you are a card carrying member of a tribe, she has lied to gain a benefit.

At this point, she is just continuing to make an ass out of herself.

As for the leftist throwing stones at Trump, everyone knew that was going to happen to any Republican candidate and a strong candidate was going to have boulders thrown at them. It is not shocking or even interesting to those of us who understand reality. The fact is that you could throw mountains at Trump and it won't matter because you are running Hillary Clinton who we all know is much worse. You would have to throw galaxies at Trump to even make a dent in his armor because your candidate is Hillary and she literally is that big of a piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I had the DNA test through Ancestry.com and it was far from accurate. I had fully documented ancestry and the DNA test got about 60% right

While it may be able to detect if you are half Indian, I doubt if it can accurately detect 3% Indian blood

40% Lumbricus terrestris?

Sounds about right.......
And this....

"Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!
Prove you’re an Indian!

There is only one way to settle once and for all the question of whether the fake Indian is or is not a real Indian.

She needs to take a DNA test.

I dare you, Sen. Warren. It only costs about $200. If you insist, I’ll pay for it. In fact, I’ll take one myself. It’s easy. Just swab the inside of your mouth. Check my photo on the left, I’ll show you how to do it."
Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!

Case closed.
Still doesn't prove she lied does it?

She claims her grandmother told her she had Indian heritage.

DNA may prove grandma was incorrect. Doesn't prove Warren lied

"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

Elizabeth Warren checked the box, Mrs. Mao. How is this conservatives trying to get something?

With you leftists, for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required.
She never claimed any minority benefits merely reported what she knew about her family

If you say she is lying, it is up to you to prove your claim

Nope. I am Irish/German and I can prove it. If anyone says I am lying about it, I can show them my family tree and prove my claim.

She should do the same. Why did she make the claim if not to gain some minority benefits? or sympathy? or empathy?

Why not?
Like many Americans, it was part of her heritage she was proud of. Many Americans claim Indian heritage, most cannot document it

The Liberal Paradigm...

She lies, and you swear it's true.
I trust her grandmother more than I trust frothing at the mouth conservatives

I'd expect you to say that....after all....you'd hardly diss an old flame......

And she does have those incriminating pics of you and ....well, you know.
Maybe you can photoshop some and put them next to your "sqaw" picks
And this....

"Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!
Prove you’re an Indian!

There is only one way to settle once and for all the question of whether the fake Indian is or is not a real Indian.

She needs to take a DNA test.

I dare you, Sen. Warren. It only costs about $200. If you insist, I’ll pay for it. In fact, I’ll take one myself. It’s easy. Just swab the inside of your mouth. Check my photo on the left, I’ll show you how to do it."
Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!

Case closed.
Still doesn't prove she lied does it?

She claims her grandmother told her she had Indian heritage.

DNA may prove grandma was incorrect. Doesn't prove Warren lied

"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American
Still doesn't prove she lied does it?

She claims her grandmother told her she had Indian heritage.

DNA may prove grandma was incorrect. Doesn't prove Warren lied

"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Harvard claims otherwise
"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Harvard claims otherwise

Of course they do.
Hillary Clinton is a habitual liar---------------prove me wrong, asshole.

I haven't been posting about Hillary Clinton except as a character in the analogy above. I can categorically state, she does not play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians, or anybody else.

The topic is Rump, and Warren. Not Clinton.

Give it up. You lost the debate a couple of days ago. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, not on the person questioning it.

If you claim to be a pacific islander in order to get minority benefits, then the burden to prove it is on you, not on the person who asks you to prove it.

warren claims to be 1/32 native American, its up to her to prove her claim.

She never claimed any minority benefits merely reported what she knew about her family

If you say she is lying, it is up to you to prove your claim

Nope. I am Irish/German and I can prove it. If anyone says I am lying about it, I can show them my family tree and prove my claim.

She should do the same. Why did she make the claim if not to gain some minority benefits? or sympathy? or empathy?

Why not?
Like many Americans, it was part of her heritage she was proud of. Many Americans claim Indian heritage, most cannot document it

Yeah this is pretty commonly known except apparently to those with selective memory.

My family heritage, though it had to be ferreted out over the years and really wasn't talked about voluntarily, includes "Black Irish".
  • Are there stories/traditions among my antecedents noting that distinction over the years? Yes.
  • Was there at the same time a societal pressure to not acknowledge it? Yes.
  • Are there physical attributes in the family also making that suggestion? Yes.
  • Can I 'prove' my genes trace in part back to the Spanish Armada? No.
  • Do I need to? No.
  • Have I ever listed myself that way in order to gain some preferential treatment? No.
  • Have I ever described myself that way merely as a curiosity? Yes.

----- Exactly the same as Warren.
Nope. I am Irish/German and I can prove it. If anyone says I am lying about it, I can show them my family tree and prove my claim.

She should do the same. Why did she make the claim if not to gain some minority benefits? or sympathy? or empathy?

Why not?
Like many Americans, it was part of her heritage she was proud of. Many Americans claim Indian heritage, most cannot document it

The Liberal Paradigm...

She lies, and you swear it's true.
I trust her grandmother more than I trust frothing at the mouth conservatives

I'd expect you to say that....after all....you'd hardly diss an old flame......

And she does have those incriminating pics of you and ....well, you know.
Maybe you can photoshop some and put them next to your "sqaw" picks

The Planes Indians practiced polygamy, and one chief had three squaws.
The first squaw lived in a teepee of elk hide, the second in a teepee
made of buffalo hide, and the youngest in a teepee of hippopotamus hide.
Then he slept with each wife on the eve of his great hunting trip.
He was gone nine moons and when he returned, he went into the elk hide
teepee and found that his wife had borne him a son. Likewise, in the
buffalo hide teepee, that squaw, too, had borne him a son. So, imagine
his surprise when he found twin baby boys in the hippopotamus hide

This just proves that …

The squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sum of the squaws of the other two hides.
Classic Math and Science Jokes
Still doesn't prove she lied does it?

She claims her grandmother told her she had Indian heritage.

DNA may prove grandma was incorrect. Doesn't prove Warren lied

"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

So Harvard could check off two authorized minority boxes.

It's the way collectivists behave.
Actually there is a real easy way to see if Warren is American Indian at all. It is called a DNA test. One has to wonder why she hasn't gone for one and made the results public to put the issue to bed. Being that you can only claim legal Indian status if you are a card carrying member of a tribe, she has lied to gain a benefit.

At this point, she is just continuing to make an ass out of herself.

As for the leftist throwing stones at Trump, everyone knew that was going to happen to any Republican candidate and a strong candidate was going to have boulders thrown at them. It is not shocking or even interesting to those of us who understand reality. The fact is that you could throw mountains at Trump and it won't matter because you are running Hillary Clinton who we all know is much worse. You would have to throw galaxies at Trump to even make a dent in his armor because your candidate is Hillary and she literally is that big of a piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I had the DNA test through Ancestry.com and it was far from accurate. I had fully documented ancestry and the DNA test got about 60% right

While it may be able to detect if you are half Indian, I doubt if it can accurately detect 3% Indian blood

I got one of those. It pointed me to Serbia, an area of the world that has no representation in either side of my family at all.
In broad terms, those tests can tell you were from Europe or Asia or Africa fairly accurately

Someone with 3% Native American heritage may be mistaken for Mongol, East Asian or Siberian

Yeah, at best they point to gene types rather than what we call "ethnicities".
"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Harvard claims otherwise

That's another fib.
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding."
Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course she lied.

I put you in your place.....last seat in the dumb row......kinda early today, huh?
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

So Harvard could check off two authorized minority boxes.

It's the way collectivists behave.

I uh, don't think women are a "minority". You could look it up.

Cue RWNJ meme about Warren lying about being a woman in four...... three..... two.....
Did I miss something? Is Elizabeth Warren running for President?

Shit...stop following the news for a few days, and you miss all the important stuff...
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, fade to black, waiter, check please.
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, fade to black, waiter, check please.

The "action" was Warren claiming she has Indian blood.All you leftwing douche bags are yelling for Trump to release his tax returns, but you give Warren a free pass about her claim to be an Indian. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.

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