Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Harvard claims otherwise

Of course they do.

Then where is your evidence?
More conspiracy theories?
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied
Nope. I am Irish/German and I can prove it. If anyone says I am lying about it, I can show them my family tree and prove my claim.

Here's what you intentionally don't get --- nobody would have a BASIS to say "you're lying". That would require evidence, Something like, I know your parents and found out you're 100% Chinese. Absent something like that, I'd have no basis to assert a "lie". Which is why I don't put my foot in my mouth that way. Apparently you're not even that smart.

She should do the same. Why did she make the claim if not to gain some minority benefits? or sympathy? or empathy?

Sorry, "the only reason I can think to do (something that hasn't been proven anyway) is X, Y or Z" is not an argument. It's your own predestined speculation, and it's based on a myth anyway. Which has been repeatedly demonstrated.

You keep looking though, Sparkles....


Please, she obviously didn't check the box because she thought it was an anonymous questionaire

And what "box" would this be? You can show us this "box", yes?


Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied

I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.

Fine --- PROVE that.

What, y'all don't understand the word "prove" either??
So, what we have so far is a question of whether Elizabeth Warrens grandma lied

Or whether Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ, lied about knowing the handicapped reporter, lied about knowing who David Duke was, lied about his wealth, lied about his charitable contributions...

I trust grandma
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.

Fine --- PROVE that.

What, y'all don't understand the word "prove" either??

You can't legally check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being a member of the tribe. They have an established system to gain tribal membership which she has not complied with.

She lied when she checked the box. There is your proof.
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied

I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.
Last edited:
She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Link? Some sort of proof?

She got her $350,000 a year position at Harvard because she's smart, well-educated, and speaks in complete, coherent sentences. Her ancestry would have made about as much difference to her application as the 3% ancestry which she claims.

When filling in a job application, I fill in every box I possibly can too. Not to get an advantage, but to ensure there are no reasons to turn me down.

If you ever had a job, you would do the same.
That's another fib.


The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she ‘applied’ to Harvard and Penn?
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, fade to black, waiter, check please.

The "action" was Warren claiming she has Indian blood.All you leftwing douche bags are yelling for Trump to release his tax returns, but you give Warren a free pass about her claim to be an Indian. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.

And again, it's only an issue because you have nothing else against this woman. She hasn't lied, she hasn't "checked a box". She didn't even apply to Harvard, THEY recruited her.

Again you're left with nothing but your rage.
Nope. I am Irish/German and I can prove it. If anyone says I am lying about it, I can show them my family tree and prove my claim.

Here's what you intentionally don't get --- nobody would have a BASIS to say "you're lying". That would require evidence, Something like, I know your parents and found out you're 100% Chinese. Absent something like that, I'd have no basis to assert a "lie". Which is why I don't put my foot in my mouth that way. Apparently you're not even that smart.

She should do the same. Why did she make the claim if not to gain some minority benefits? or sympathy? or empathy?

Sorry, "the only reason I can think to do (something that hasn't been proven anyway) is X, Y or Z" is not an argument. It's your own predestined speculation, and it's based on a myth anyway. Which has been repeatedly demonstrated.

You keep looking though, Sparkles....


Please, she obviously didn't check the box because she thought it was an anonymous questionaire

She lied when she checked the box. There is your proof.





Check all that apply:
[ ] Us morons don' need no steenking box, we run on myths

[ ] I don't know, I'm parroting shit I din't bother to look up, not innersted in "facks"

[ ] Ummmm.... uhhhh..... :confused:

[ ] B-but.. but Hillary! But.. but... O'bama! B-but, but Liburruls!

[ ] On my planet "speculation" is the same as "history" --- we to dam stoopid to know better​
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, fade to black, waiter, check please.

The "action" was Warren claiming she has Indian blood.All you leftwing douche bags are yelling for Trump to release his tax returns, but you give Warren a free pass about her claim to be an Indian. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.

And again, it's only an issue because you have nothing else against this woman. She hasn't lied, she hasn't "checked a box". She didn't even apply to Harvard, THEY recruited her.

Again you're left with nothing but your rage.

From that same page, as posted back in 160 --- three days and over five hundred posts ago as well as many times in the past, with information readily available for the last FOUR YEARS:
  • >> The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no".
  • For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”
  • The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”
  • The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”
  • Brown said that Warren “checked the box claiming she was Native American” when she applied to Harvard and Penn, suggesting the Democratic candidate somehow gained an unfair advantage because of an iffy ethnic background. But there is no proof that she ever marked a form to tell the schools about her heritage, nor is there any public evidence that the universities knew about her lineage before hiring her.
  • The senator’s debate comments also suggest Warren actively applied for positions with Harvard and Penn, but the evidence suggests the schools recruited her because of her groundbreaking research and writings on bankruptcy. Harvard, in fact, did not give up on her after she first turned down a tenured position with the university. <<

It does speak to a kind of mental illness that the mythologists babble on with this same myth after a four-year-old debunking. Says a lot about self-delusion and living in a world where facts are irrelevant.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov, 1980
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied

I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.

Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.
That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied

I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.

Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.

Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.
Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied

I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.

Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.

Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.

Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, fade to black, waiter, check please.

The "action" was Warren claiming she has Indian blood.All you leftwing douche bags are yelling for Trump to release his tax returns, but you give Warren a free pass about her claim to be an Indian. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.

And again, it's only an issue because you have nothing else against this woman. She hasn't lied, she hasn't "checked a box". She didn't even apply to Harvard, THEY recruited her.

Again you're left with nothing but your rage.

From that same page, as posted back in 160 --- three days and over five hundred posts ago as well as many times in the past, with information readily available for the last FOUR YEARS:
  • >> The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no".
  • For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”
  • The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”
  • The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”
  • Brown said that Warren “checked the box claiming she was Native American” when she applied to Harvard and Penn, suggesting the Democratic candidate somehow gained an unfair advantage because of an iffy ethnic background. But there is no proof that she ever marked a form to tell the schools about her heritage, nor is there any public evidence that the universities knew about her lineage before hiring her.
  • The senator’s debate comments also suggest Warren actively applied for positions with Harvard and Penn, but the evidence suggests the schools recruited her because of her groundbreaking research and writings on bankruptcy. Harvard, in fact, did not give up on her after she first turned down a tenured position with the university. <<
It does speak to a kind of mental illness that the mythologists babble on with this same myth after a four-year-old debunking. Says a lot about self-delusion and living in a world where facts are irrelevant.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov, 1980
The only way I can respond to that is with a photoshop of Warren as an Indian Sqaw.......guess I win
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied

I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.

Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.

Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.

Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.
Your link does nothing to prove she lied

Why is it so hard?

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