Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Link? Some sort of proof?

She got her $350,000 a year position at Harvard because she's smart, well-educated, and speaks in complete, coherent sentences. Her ancestry would have made about as much difference to her application as the 3% ancestry which she claims.

When filling in a job application, I fill in every box I possibly can too. Not to get an advantage, but to ensure there are no reasons to turn me down.

If you ever had a job, you would do the same.
I know lots of people who are smart, well educated and speak in coherent sentences, and they aren't getting a $350,000 salary.

Harvard deems so-called "diversity" to be very important. They make hiring and admission decisions all the time that are based on race. They hired Warren because she told them she was Native American.
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.

Totally incorrect.....

...you must be a Liberal, huh?

"Incorrect" is it?


aaaaaaand her we go yet again. Lather, rinse, repeat, expect different results. Life in Duh Bubble.

Clean off those specs, old timer...

I posted these links:

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"
Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn

"That Warren allowed Harvard to hold her up as an example of their commitment to diversity in the hiring of historically disadvantaged communities is an insult to all Americans who have suffered real discrimination and mistreatment, and Warren should apologize for participating in this hypocritical sham," Jim Barnett, the campaign manager for Brown said when the story broke."
Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

".... listing herself in various ethnic professional directories, and being publicly touted by Harvard as a "woman of color," Warren has failed to produce documentation that she has any native-American ancestors. As radio host and MSNBC talking head Michael Smerconish put it in a recent column:

Warren only stopped listing herself as [native American] in 1995, just after she was hired by Harvard. But while she was at Harvard, the Crimson newspaper reported that the university's faculty included one Native American: Warren. And when she received tenure there, another Crimson story said she was the first woman with a minority background to receive tenure.

All of which would be well and good if Warren could substantiate her claim of Native American ancestry, which is a federal requirement when universities report diversity data. Thus far, she has not, and by her own admission, her connection to American Indians is remote...."
5 Other Fake Indians Besides Elizabeth Warren
She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Link? Some sort of proof?

She got her $350,000 a year position at Harvard because she's smart, well-educated, and speaks in complete, coherent sentences. Her ancestry would have made about as much difference to her application as the 3% ancestry which she claims.

When filling in a job application, I fill in every box I possibly can too. Not to get an advantage, but to ensure there are no reasons to turn me down.

If you ever had a job, you would do the same.
I know lots of people who are smart, well educated and speak in coherent sentences, and they aren't getting a $350,000 salary.

Harvard deems so-called "diversity" to be very important. They make hiring and admission decisions all the time that are based on race. They hired Warren because she told them she was Native American.

I believe you were asked for proof.
I know lots of people who are smart, well educated and speak in coherent sentences, and they aren't getting a $350,000 salary.

Harvard deems so-called "diversity" to be very important. They make hiring and admission decisions all the time that are based on race. They hired Warren because she told them she was Native American.

The did NOT hire Warren because she told them she was Native American because she never told them any such thing. They RECRUITED her because of her groundbreaking legal research on bankruptcy.

Did you not read the link I posted.

You're like a terrier with a rat on these conservative lies. Everything you have said has been thoroughly debunked and proven to be lies her opponent spread about her, and still you believe the lies.

Proving once again that there's no cure for stupid.
Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

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That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, fade to black, waiter, check please.

The "action" was Warren claiming she has Indian blood.All you leftwing douche bags are yelling for Trump to release his tax returns, but you give Warren a free pass about her claim to be an Indian. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.

And again, it's only an issue because you have nothing else against this woman. She hasn't lied, she hasn't "checked a box". She didn't even apply to Harvard, THEY recruited her.

Again you're left with nothing but your rage.

Bullshit. Universities "recruit" staff by putting ads in various places and by hiring "recruiting" firms that send out requests for resumes. Harvard wouldn't even have talked to her unless she or a recruiting firm first sent them her resume.

You're making stuff up, as you always do.
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.

Totally incorrect.....

...you must be a Liberal, huh?

"Incorrect" is it?


aaaaaaand her we go yet again. Lather, rinse, repeat, expect different results. Life in Duh Bubble.

Clean off those specs, old timer...

I posted these links:

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"
Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn

"That Warren allowed Harvard to hold her up as an example of their commitment to diversity in the hiring of historically disadvantaged communities is an insult to all Americans who have suffered real discrimination and mistreatment, and Warren should apologize for participating in this hypocritical sham," Jim Barnett, the campaign manager for Brown said when the story broke."
Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

".... listing herself in various ethnic professional directories, and being publicly touted by Harvard as a "woman of color," Warren has failed to produce documentation that she has any native-American ancestors. As radio host and MSNBC talking head Michael Smerconish put it in a recent column:

Warren only stopped listing herself as [native American] in 1995, just after she was hired by Harvard. But while she was at Harvard, the Crimson newspaper reported that the university's faculty included one Native American: Warren. And when she received tenure there, another Crimson story said she was the first woman with a minority background to receive tenure.

All of which would be well and good if Warren could substantiate her claim of Native American ancestry, which is a federal requirement when universities report diversity data. Thus far, she has not, and by her own admission, her connection to American Indians is remote...."
5 Other Fake Indians Besides Elizabeth Warren

A blog in HuffPost is not a creditable source according your previous posts. You'd laugh in my face I posted anything from Huffington Post as evidence. The article in the Washington Post which refutes just about everything in that blog.

The WP article notes that Warren was listed in one directory for Native Americans, the listing was made after she was hired at Harvard, and she never got anything out of it. She was not required to prove ethnicity in order to list. The former Republican Attorney General for the United States, who hired her at Harvard said her ethnicity was not an issue and he wasn't even aware of it when he recruited her.
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.

Wrong. She listed herself as a Native American:


“I know what I know from my family. I didn’t check a box to go to college. I didn’t check a box to go to law school. The only box I checked was in a directory to help people find me. I didn’t take anyone else’s job,” she said. “I think it’s pretty clear, the job I got is the job I got because of my teaching qualifications.”
Bullshit. Universities "recruit" staff by putting ads in various places and by hiring "recruiting" firms that send out requests for resumes. Harvard wouldn't even have talked to her unless she or a recruiting firm first sent them her resume.

You're making stuff up, as you always do.

And again, your proof is ?????

Universities offer people jobs all of the time. Stuttgart University in Germany approached a friend of mine who was a music professor at U of T, to teach a Master Class in operatic performance at the University. She didn't apply for the job, they contacted her.

Read the fucking link you moron. Everything you have posted about Elizabeth Warren is refuted in my link.

Every time you post, your gross ignorance and stupidity is displayed for all of the world to see.
Wrong. She listed herself as a Native American:


“I know what I know from my family. I didn’t check a box to go to college. I didn’t check a box to go to law school. The only box I checked was in a directory to help people find me. I didn’t take anyone else’s job,” she said. “I think it’s pretty clear, the job I got is the job I got because of my teaching qualifications.”

She was listed in a directory of Native American lawyers ("a" as in "one"), nothing to do with Harvard or Penn State. You don't even read the links to stuff you post.

Your comebacks become weaker the more you post

The facts are posted. The truth is plain. There is nothing else to say.

You give her a pass because she's a Democrat. I understand. You only give a shit about the facts if it concerns a Republican.

We already knew that about you libs. Revisionist fucks who make heroes out of assholes.
You have yet to post to any facts proving she lied
You post facts to support you not agreeing with her...but can't prove a lie

Prove her grandmother was lying...go for it

It is all in the Wiki. Check the death-certificate on the lady. White.
Warren never claimed she was not primarily white

That is because she is white. Now you are starting to get it.

3% Cherokee.

No wonder conservatives hate her
Wrong. She listed herself as a Native American:


“I know what I know from my family. I didn’t check a box to go to college. I didn’t check a box to go to law school. The only box I checked was in a directory to help people find me. I didn’t take anyone else’s job,” she said. “I think it’s pretty clear, the job I got is the job I got because of my teaching qualifications.”

She was listed in a directory of Native American lawyers ("a" as in "one"), nothing to do with Harvard or Penn State. You don't even read the links to stuff you post.


That's what she used to get her position at Harvard, dingbat.
Did I miss something? Is Elizabeth Warren running for President?

Shit...stop following the news for a few days, and you miss all the important stuff...

Elizabeth Warren is among a few which could step in when Hillary Clinton is indicted. My guess is that Joe Biden would be the nominee but in this crazy year, who knows? I don't see her as VP for Hillary Clinton. Hillary desperately needs to pull sharply back to the center after she FINALLY shakes Bernie Sanders.
The facts are posted. The truth is plain. There is nothing else to say.

You give her a pass because she's a Democrat. I understand. You only give a shit about the facts if it concerns a Republican.

We already knew that about you libs. Revisionist fucks who make heroes out of assholes.
You have yet to post to any facts proving she lied
You post facts to support you not agreeing with her...but can't prove a lie

Prove her grandmother was lying...go for it

It is all in the Wiki. Check the death-certificate on the lady. White.
Warren never claimed she was not primarily white

That is because she is white. Now you are starting to get it.

3% Cherokee.

No wonder conservatives hate her

3% Cherokee gets you a tribal card but she doesn't have one. She imagined her 3%

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Link? Some sort of proof?

She got her $350,000 a year position at Harvard because she's smart, well-educated, and speaks in complete, coherent sentences. Her ancestry would have made about as much difference to her application as the 3% ancestry which she claims.

When filling in a job application, I fill in every box I possibly can too. Not to get an advantage, but to ensure there are no reasons to turn me down.

If you ever had a job, you would do the same.
I know lots of people who are smart, well educated and speak in coherent sentences, and they aren't getting a $350,000 salary.

Harvard deems so-called "diversity" to be very important. They make hiring and admission decisions all the time that are based on race. They hired Warren because she told them she was Native American.

I believe you were asked for proof.

Harvard law dean cited ‘affirmative action’ in 1994; Elizabeth Warren’s academic qualifications questioned

In a 1994 interview, then-Harvard Law School dean Robert Clark said his institution was actively applying an affirmative action policy to hiring female faculty, The Daily Caller has learned. The famed law school first offered Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren a professorship in 1992 and granted her tenure in 1995.

And charges leveled in a 1990 academic law journal raised serious questions about her qualifications to teach at Harvard at all.

In 1991, Rutgers Professor Phillip Schuchman reviewed Warren’s co-authored 1989 book “As We Forgive Our Debtors: Bankruptcy and Consumer Credit in America” in the pages of the Rutgers Law Review, a publication Warren once edited. Schuchman found “serious errors” which result in “grossly mistaken functions and comparisons.”

Warren and her co-authors had drawn improper conclusions from “even their flawed findings,” and “made their raw data unavailable” to check, he wrote. “In my opinion, the authors have engaged in repeated instances of scientific misconduct.”

The work “contains so much exaggeration, so many questionable ploys, and so many incorrect statements that it would be well to check the accuracy of their raw data, as old as it is,” Schuchman added.

Harvard Law School appears to have overlooked that review, in part, because of its commitment to hiring a woman professor.

“We’re clearly trying to add more women to the faculty,” Clark told the Harvard Law Record in March 1994.

“Clark said HLS was engaging ‘affirmative action’ to the extent it was working to increase the number of women considered and interviewed,” wrote the Record’s Greg Stohr. “He also said the Law School would be willing to hire a qualified woman, even if her area of expertise did not fit an immediate need, but he stopped short of saying the school would lower its qualification requirements for women.”
3% Cherokee.

No wonder conservatives hate her

Wrong. She listed herself as a Native American:


“I know what I know from my family. I didn’t check a box to go to college. I didn’t check a box to go to law school. The only box I checked was in a directory to help people find me. I didn’t take anyone else’s job,” she said. “I think it’s pretty clear, the job I got is the job I got because of my teaching qualifications.”

She was listed in a directory of Native American lawyers ("a" as in "one"), nothing to do with Harvard or Penn State. You don't even read the links to stuff you post.


That's what she used to get her position at Harvard, dingbat.

So again, you have not read the link where the Republican former Attorney General of the United States, who recruited and hired Warren at Harvard said that her ethnicity was not a factor in her hiring at Harvard, and he wasn't even aware of it when he recruited and hired her. Or Warren's statement in the link YOU posted where she said she listed her name in that directory AFTER she was hired at Harvard.

Read the fucking links you dolt!
You have yet to post to any facts proving she lied
You post facts to support you not agreeing with her...but can't prove a lie

Prove her grandmother was lying...go for it

It is all in the Wiki. Check the death-certificate on the lady. White.
Warren never claimed she was not primarily white

That is because she is white. Now you are starting to get it.

3% Cherokee.

No wonder conservatives hate her

3% Cherokee gets you a tribal card but she doesn't have one. She imagined her 3%

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Maybe she can open a casino and drive Trump out of business
I posted these links:

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"
Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn

--- Not to get a job she didn't. So in what way does this prove "she lied"?

Maybe you need to clean out da cobwebz, old biddy..... I posted these points, among others, waaaay back in 160 as well as in past threads and they don't go away just because the mythologists ignore them:

  • The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”
  • The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”
  • Brown said that Warren “checked the box claiming she was Native American” when she applied to Harvard and Penn, suggesting the Democratic candidate somehow gained an unfair advantage because of an iffy ethnic background. But there is no proof that she ever marked a form to tell the schools about her heritage, nor is there any public evidence that the universities knew about her lineage before hiring her.

That Warren allowed Harvard to hold her up as an example of their commitment to diversity in the hiring of historically disadvantaged communities is an insult to all Americans who have suffered real discrimination and mistreatment, and Warren should apologize for participating in this hypocritical sham," Jim Barnett, the campaign manager for Brown said when the story broke."
Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

I kinda highlighted the relevant context there. See if you can find it. Think of it as a "where's Waldo". Again already noted --- y'all are taking what is starkly and accurately described as "speculation" in a political campaign, which speculation has been summarily taken to the cleaners, and still running with it as if the clock-cleaning never happened. That's kind of .... well, stoopid.

Again, HOW, no pun intended, does this prove "she lied"?

(blank space here)


".... listing herself in various ethnic professional directories, and being publicly touted by Harvard as a "woman of color,"

Where did anyone say "woman of color"? Linkie?

Warren has failed to produce documentation that she has any native-American ancestors.

To who?
WHO asked for this "documentation"? Ever?
You, decades after the fact? Pfft.

As radio host and MSNBC talking head Michael Smerconish put it in a recent column:

Warren only stopped listing herself as [native American] in 1995, just after she was hired by Harvard. But while she was at Harvard, the Crimson newspaper reported that the university's faculty included one Native American: Warren. And when she received tenure there, another Crimson story said she was the first woman with a minority background to receive tenure.

---- AND?

Once AGAIN... HOW (pun intended this time) does this make any case that "she lied"?

All of which would be well and good if Warren could substantiate her claim of Native American ancestry, which is a federal requirement when universities report diversity data. Thus far, she has not, and by her own admission, her connection to American Indians is remote...."
5 Other Fake Indians Besides Elizabeth Warren

Ah, now it's "remote". That's a bit different from "she lied" is it not?

This just in -- ALL generations-removed ancestry is "remote". Who knew.
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