Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.

Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.

Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.

Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.
Your link does nothing to prove she lied

Why is it so hard?

Keep denying the facts and the truth, it is what liberals do.
Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.

Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.

Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.

Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.
Your link does nothing to prove she lied

Why is it so hard?

Keep denying the facts and the truth, it is what liberals do.
Your comebacks become weaker the more you post
Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.

Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.

Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.
Your link does nothing to prove she lied

Why is it so hard?

Keep denying the facts and the truth, it is what liberals do.
Your comebacks become weaker the more you post

The facts are posted. The truth is plain. There is nothing else to say.

You give her a pass because she's a Democrat. I understand. You only give a shit about the facts if it concerns a Republican.

We already knew that about you libs. Revisionist fucks who make heroes out of assholes.
Bring out her grandmother to say she never told Liz they had Indian heritage

That would prove a lie

DNA would prove grandma was wrong

Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

So Harvard could check off two authorized minority boxes.

It's the way collectivists behave.

I uh, don't think women are a "minority". You could look it up.

Cue RWNJ meme about Warren lying about being a woman in four...... three..... two.....

Wrong again.
I can't decide whether your record is more astounding or more amusing.

"Among Harvard’s Faculty, ‘Women Are Still Pioneers’
Experience in Faculty of Arts and Sciences remains distinctly worse for women"
Among Harvard’s Faculty, ‘Women Are Still Pioneers’ | News | The Harvard Crimson

And Harvard wouldn't like to be looked down on by its brother Liberals.....
....would it.

Which goes to validate Buckley's dictum "I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University."
Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.

Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.
Your link does nothing to prove she lied

Why is it so hard?

Keep denying the facts and the truth, it is what liberals do.
Your comebacks become weaker the more you post

The facts are posted. The truth is plain. There is nothing else to say.

You give her a pass because she's a Democrat. I understand. You only give a shit about the facts if it concerns a Republican.

We already knew that about you libs. Revisionist fucks who make heroes out of assholes.
You have yet to post to any facts proving she lied
You post facts to support you not agreeing with her...but can't prove a lie

Prove her grandmother was lying...go for it
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied

I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.

Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.

Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.

Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.

Ah, "suck my balls". Well that certainly proves your point. Why didn't you just say that at the beginning.

I see I sold you short when I called you a fucking hypocrite. You're also a fucking moron.

Thanks for being the face of this here myth, Goober.

Donald Trump Blasts “Mexican” Judge in Trump University Case
Source: Slate

You know what’s presidential? Using 12 minutes of a campaign rally to criticize a judge who is overseeing civil litigation against your failed “education” venture. And that’s exactly what Donald Trump did in San Diego when he seemingly bored his audience with details about the ongoing case, specifically attacking U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel for being a “hater” and even speculating about what his ethnicity might be.

“The trial is going to take place sometime in November. There should be no trial. This should have been dismissed on summary judgment easily,” Trump said. “Everybody says it, but I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater. He’s a hater. His name is Gonzalo Curiel.”

Curiel “is not doing the right thing. And I figure, what the hell? Why not talk about it for two minutes?” What followed was “one of his most personal attacks against an apolitical figure since becoming the presumptive Republican presidential nominee,” notes the Wall Street Journal. As part of his attack, Trump told his audience, which just moments earlier had chanted about the need to “build that wall,” that Curiel is “Mexican.”

“I think Judge Curiel should be ashamed of himself,” Trump said. “I’m telling you, this court system, judges in this court system, federal court, they ought to look into Judge Curiel. Because what Judge Curiel is doing is a total disgrace, OK? But we’ll come back in November. Wouldn’t that be wild if I’m president and I come back to do a civil case? Where everybody likes it. OK. This is called life, folks.”

Read more: Donald Trump Blasts “Mexican” Judge in Trump University Case
That's another fib.


The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she ‘applied’ to Harvard and Penn?


"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"
Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn

"That Warren allowed Harvard to hold her up as an example of their commitment to diversity in the hiring of historically disadvantaged communities is an insult to all Americans who have suffered real discrimination and mistreatment, and Warren should apologize for participating in this hypocritical sham," Jim Barnett, the campaign manager for Brown said when the story broke."
Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

".... listing herself in various ethnic professional directories, and being publicly touted by Harvard as a "woman of color," Warren has failed to produce documentation that she has any native-American ancestors. As radio host and MSNBC talking head Michael Smerconish put it in a recent column:

Warren only stopped listing herself as [native American] in 1995, just after she was hired by Harvard. But while she was at Harvard, the Crimson newspaper reported that the university's faculty included one Native American: Warren. And when she received tenure there, another Crimson story said she was the first woman with a minority background to receive tenure.

All of which would be well and good if Warren could substantiate her claim of Native American ancestry, which is a federal requirement when universities report diversity data. Thus far, she has not, and by her own admission, her connection to American Indians is remote...."
5 Other Fake Indians Besides Elizabeth Warren

Heck....Harvard must have jumped for how....Warren was even better than having a black woman.
Donald Trump Blasts “Mexican” Judge in Trump University Case
Source: Slate

You know what’s presidential? Using 12 minutes of a campaign rally to criticize a judge who is overseeing civil litigation against your failed “education” venture. And that’s exactly what Donald Trump did in San Diego when he seemingly bored his audience with details about the ongoing case, specifically attacking U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel for being a “hater” and even speculating about what his ethnicity might be.

“The trial is going to take place sometime in November. There should be no trial. This should have been dismissed on summary judgment easily,” Trump said. “Everybody says it, but I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater. He’s a hater. His name is Gonzalo Curiel.”

Curiel “is not doing the right thing. And I figure, what the hell? Why not talk about it for two minutes?” What followed was “one of his most personal attacks against an apolitical figure since becoming the presumptive Republican presidential nominee,” notes the Wall Street Journal. As part of his attack, Trump told his audience, which just moments earlier had chanted about the need to “build that wall,” that Curiel is “Mexican.”

“I think Judge Curiel should be ashamed of himself,” Trump said. “I’m telling you, this court system, judges in this court system, federal court, they ought to look into Judge Curiel. Because what Judge Curiel is doing is a total disgrace, OK? But we’ll come back in November. Wouldn’t that be wild if I’m president and I come back to do a civil case? Where everybody likes it. OK. This is called life, folks.”

Read more: Donald Trump Blasts “Mexican” Judge in Trump University Case

Sounds like contempt of court to me.
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.

Totally incorrect.....

...you must be a Liberal, huh?
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.

Totally incorrect.....

...you must be a Liberal, huh?

"Incorrect" is it?


aaaaaaand her we go yet again. Lather, rinse, repeat, expect different results. Life in Duh Bubble.
Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.
Your link does nothing to prove she lied

Why is it so hard?

Keep denying the facts and the truth, it is what liberals do.
Your comebacks become weaker the more you post

The facts are posted. The truth is plain. There is nothing else to say.

You give her a pass because she's a Democrat. I understand. You only give a shit about the facts if it concerns a Republican.

We already knew that about you libs. Revisionist fucks who make heroes out of assholes.
You have yet to post to any facts proving she lied
You post facts to support you not agreeing with her...but can't prove a lie

Prove her grandmother was lying...go for it

It is all in the Wiki. Check the death-certificate on the lady. White.
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

Ummm.... yes you do Hunior. You just came on this board and proclaimed, and I quote, "She is not Cherkoee, period, never was" and "She is a liar". Also made some reference to checking an "Indian box".

That's THREE assertions that have already been made by others, with no evidence at all. All this despite the existing evidence (see post 160) that Warren specifically declined such a preferential program, listing herself as "white" ---- which is the opposite of "checking the Indian box". All this despite her siblings corroborating the family lore. Which btw included TWO tribes -- Cherokee and Lenape.

One of y'all even quoted the Wiki page where this entire myth was described --- in his own post --- as, and I quote, SPECULATION on the part of a political opponent in a Senate race. An opponent, ironically, who after losing that election, ran to a neighboring state to "check the box" on being a New Hamster resident to try again.

And by the way when that was pointed out that poster ran away in a courageous upstanding abandonment of his point. Turned tail and fled. Buggered off. Ran and hid. Still hiding.

Yer a fucking hypocrite.

Lying fucking libs. They don't give a shit when their politicians lie. As long as the (D) is behind the name they can tell what ever bullshit story they want.

Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

Warren's siblings all say she is but her cousins say they don't know anything about any Indian heritage.

You scumbags will all swear to your politicians lies. You are all disgusting hypocrites.

She has to prove her Cherokee heritage like all other recognized Cherokee or shut her stupid fucking mouth.

Ummmmmmmmmmm.... you're the liar here Hunior. You declared "she lied" and can't prove it.

Sucks to be you. Do your homework next time.

Suck a cock you motherfucking lying ass lib

Elizabeth Warren Native American / Cherokee Controversy « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

There is the truth for you

She was listed as Harvard's first woman of color and University of Pennsylvania had her listed on this minority equity report to the federal government

You are a lying motherfucker and you are blatant about it. You liberals are something else.

Suck my balls you sack of shit.

Ah, "suck my balls". Well that certainly proves your point. Why didn't you just say that at the beginning.

I see I sold you short when I called you a fucking hypocrite. You're also a fucking moron.

Thanks for being the face of this here myth, Goober.


You can't dispute the facts in the Wiki so you want to debate if the facts are true but since they are you are left with debating the conclusion.

The conclusion is clear to anyone with a brain. You are the fucking moron. Thanks for proving that liberals really are as delusional as everyone else believes them to be.
Your link does nothing to prove she lied

Why is it so hard?

Keep denying the facts and the truth, it is what liberals do.
Your comebacks become weaker the more you post

The facts are posted. The truth is plain. There is nothing else to say.

You give her a pass because she's a Democrat. I understand. You only give a shit about the facts if it concerns a Republican.

We already knew that about you libs. Revisionist fucks who make heroes out of assholes.
You have yet to post to any facts proving she lied
You post facts to support you not agreeing with her...but can't prove a lie

Prove her grandmother was lying...go for it

It is all in the Wiki. Check the death-certificate on the lady. White.
Warren never claimed she was not primarily white
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.

Totally incorrect.....

...you must be a Liberal, huh?

"Incorrect" is it?


aaaaaaand her we go yet again. Lather, rinse, repeat, expect different results. Life in Duh Bubble.

You can say prove it all you want but the wiki does just that. Inconclusively for anyone with a brain. The fact that you keep stomping your feet and say the same thing just proves how much of a liberal hack you are.
Keep denying the facts and the truth, it is what liberals do.
Your comebacks become weaker the more you post

The facts are posted. The truth is plain. There is nothing else to say.

You give her a pass because she's a Democrat. I understand. You only give a shit about the facts if it concerns a Republican.

We already knew that about you libs. Revisionist fucks who make heroes out of assholes.
You have yet to post to any facts proving she lied
You post facts to support you not agreeing with her...but can't prove a lie

Prove her grandmother was lying...go for it

It is all in the Wiki. Check the death-certificate on the lady. White.
Warren never claimed she was not primarily white

That is because she is white. Now you are starting to get it.
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.

Totally incorrect.....

...you must be a Liberal, huh?

"Incorrect" is it?


aaaaaaand her we go yet again. Lather, rinse, repeat, expect different results. Life in Duh Bubble.

You can say prove it all you want but the wiki does just that. Inconclusively for anyone with a brain. The fact that you keep stomping your feet and say the same thing just proves how much of a liberal hack you are.

No, it "proves" no such thing. The Wiki actually specifically described it as, and again for the inebriated i quote, "SPECULATION".
Her grandmother is long dead.

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient!

I have a grandson who is 25% Mohawk. His grandmother is full blood Mohawk. My grandson has blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and looks like a blond haired blue eyed white boy.

That you and others continue to raise the issue of Warren's heritage, is beyond ridiculous. What "benefit" is she claiming?

Or is this just another case of conservatives trying to deflect from the fact that they have nothing to counter her well-reasoned discourse and thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.

Conservatives attack the person when they can't attack the platform.

She got her $350,000/yr position at Harvard partly because of her claim that she was supposedly native American

Harvard claims otherwise

Of course they do.

Then where is your evidence?
More conspiracy theories?

Funny but my wife and son both are members of a tribe and had to prove their heritage going back to the Dawes Rolls by submitting birth certificates to trace their heritage back to the person who was a listed member of the tribe. Also, the tribes are very proactive in getting their DNA from living members so that today there is a very large database of registered Indian DNA.

You guys want to give Warren a pass but the tribes won't and she is going to have to prove her claim the same as any other Native American does or retract her claim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That isn't the claim here.

The claim here is "She lied".

It's pretty fucking simple. "Lie" is an action. Assertion of an action requires proof. None exists. Ergo, assertion fails.

That's it. Done. Finito, the end, roll credits, waiter, check please.

Bullshit liberals giving her a pass. She claimed to be Cherokee. That is one of the Indian Nations on the Dawes. There is a standard of proof to claim Cherokee Heritage. She isn't claiming to be Mohawk, she instead chose Cherokee which puts her in a protected and privileged class.

The fact that you will not hold her to the same standards as all other Cherokee tribal members proves the depravity of the left when in comes to accountability.

She is not Cherokee, period. Never was. She is full of shit.
So you can prove she does not meet certain standards for full status
She is claiming 3%

Prove her grandma lied

That isn't what she claimed when she was hired by Harvard.
I don't have to prove shit. She is the one who claims Cherokee Heritage that has an established standard of proof that she has not met.

Being a Cherokee is being part of the Cherokee Tribe. You can't check the Indian box as a Cherokee without being recognized by the tribe.

She's a liar until she passes the Tribal membership procedures.

She hasn't claimed Tribal Membership. She hasn't "checked any boxes", nor claimed any benefits. All she has said is that she has some native blood - a small amount. And she is proud of that.

Harvard University recruited her, she did not apply, and they never discussed her ancestry in the hiring process when recruiting her.

This wouldn't even be an issue if her idiot opponent hadn't been lashing out at her and trying to find something, anything, to keep from losing a seat.

Conservatives - launching scurrilous personal attacks because they have nothing else.

Totally incorrect.....

...you must be a Liberal, huh?

"Incorrect" is it?


aaaaaaand her we go yet again. Lather, rinse, repeat, expect different results. Life in Duh Bubble.

You can say prove it all you want but the wiki does just that. Inconclusively for anyone with a brain. The fact that you keep stomping your feet and say the same thing just proves how much of a liberal hack you are.

No, it "proves" no such thing. The Wiki actually specifically described it as, and again for the inebriated i quote, "SPECULATION".

You say speculation. The wiki posts facts. When taken together those facts become proof.

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