Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

The woman who pretended to be an Indian so she could take the place of an actual Indian and get all the benefits..........right.....
Show where that happened

Why are so many moon-bat lefties illiterate? :lol:

From Wiki: In April 2012, the Boston Herald sparked a campaign controversy when it reported that from 1986 to 1995 Warren had listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) directories.[67] Harvard Law School had publicized her minority status in response to criticisms about a lack of faculty diversity, but Warren said that she was unaware of this until she read about it in a newspaper during the 2012 election.[67][68][69] Scott Brown, her Republican opponent in the Senate race, speculated that she had fabricated Native American heritage to gain advantage in hiring.[70][71][72] Former colleagues and supervisors at universities where she had worked stated that Warren's ancestry played no role in her hiring.[68][69][72][73] Warren responded to the allegations saying that she had self-identified as a minority in the directories in order to meet others with similar tribal roots.
"Foster’s sister Sheila Foster Anthony has criticized Trump for “cynically, crassly and recklessly” insinuating that her brother had been murdered and said that it is 'beyond contempt that a politician would use a family tragedy to further his candidacy.'

"'How wrong. How irresponsible. How cruel,' Foster wrote in an op-ed that was published on The Post’s website Thursday."

While Trump Touts His Properties as a Measure of Success, His Property Tax Filings Tell a Different Story

Alter Net? That's your source??? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Aaaaand here we go yet again, there's one born every minute....

lying about her race to take advantage of benefits

Links? You'll need two for these two assertions.
Rotsa ruck. Be the first.

The thread that keeps on giving. Like shooting fish in a barrel.


a couple of college application forms should do it for them shouldn't it... :eusa_whistle:
The woman who pretended to be an Indian so she could take the place of an actual Indian and get all the benefits..........right.....
Show where that happened

Why are so many moon-bat lefties illiterate? :lol:

From Wiki: In April 2012, the Boston Herald sparked a campaign controversy when it reported that from 1986 to 1995 Warren had listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) directories.[67] Harvard Law School had publicized her minority status in response to criticisms about a lack of faculty diversity, but Warren said that she was unaware of this until she read about it in a newspaper during the 2012 election.[67][68][69] Scott Brown, her Republican opponent in the Senate race, speculated that she had fabricated Native American heritage to gain advantage in hiring.[70][71][72] Former colleagues and supervisors at universities where she had worked stated that Warren's ancestry played no role in her hiring.[68][69][72][73] Warren responded to the allegations saying that she had self-identified as a minority in the directories in order to meet others with similar tribal roots.

Thank you. I made that point in more excruciating detail in 160.

I wouldn't call them "moon-bat [sic] lefties" though, I'd go with "self-delusional denialists". Even if it is from the Department of Redundancy Department.

This is the weirdity --- they take a political blusterfluff from a state Senate race four years ago and run with it like it's a real thing, oblivious to the fact that "I wish it were true" or "this would be so convenient if it were true" is somehow the same thing as "this actually IS true". Selective reading, to be generous.
The woman who pretended to be an Indian so she could take the place of an actual Indian and get all the benefits..........right.....
Show where that happened

Why are so many moon-bat lefties illiterate? :lol:

From Wiki: In April 2012, the Boston Herald sparked a campaign controversy when it reported that from 1986 to 1995 Warren had listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) directories.[67] Harvard Law School had publicized her minority status in response to criticisms about a lack of faculty diversity, but Warren said that she was unaware of this until she read about it in a newspaper during the 2012 election.[67][68][69] Scott Brown, her Republican opponent in the Senate race, speculated that she had fabricated Native American heritage to gain advantage in hiring.[70][71][72] Former colleagues and supervisors at universities where she had worked stated that Warren's ancestry played no role in her hiring.[68][69][72][73] Warren responded to the allegations saying that she had self-identified as a minority in the directories in order to meet others with similar tribal roots.

Thank you. I made that point in more excruciating detail in 160.

I wouldn't call them "moon-bat [sic] lefties" though, I'd go with "self-delusional denialists". Even if it is from the Department of Redundancy Department.

This is the weirdity --- they take a political blusterfluff from a state Senate race four years ago and run with it like it's a real thing, oblivious to the fact that "I wish it were true" or "this would be so convenient if it were true" is somehow the same thing as "this actually IS true". Selective reading, to be generous.

What is not speculation is that she falsely stated she had Native American Heritage when in fact there is zero evidence to support this. Z-E-R-O. :lol:


Pocahontas is one in a long line of race hustlers who lie about their heritage for her own twisted reasons. She is pathetic. Her claims are an affront to anyone who actually has Native American heritage.
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trump’s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nominee’s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!

They Dems are going to spend $1 billion dredging up everything he's said and done, and will put it out for everyone to see.
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trump’s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nominee’s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!

They Dems are going to spend $1 billion dredging up everything he's said and done, and will put it out for everyone to see.

That's nice. It still pales next to the shit-stain Hillary. :lol:
I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9/11. That is well documented. The only issue is how many, Trump said thousands, while the actual numbers were probably less than 500.

McCain was captured and held prisoner. He survived and survival under those conditions makes him a hero to many. But he did not risk his life for his fellow soldiers, he did not all on a grenade. There are many many members of our military who did much more heroic acts. McCain has also sold out the people who put him in office and will probably lose in November.

Hillary's lies are numerous and well documented. She is also a very unlikeable person and a crappy candidate. That's why she is faltering and Trump is surging.

That is total bullshit

The dancing Muslims are a myth

Trump....I prefer those who were not captured
Warren was proven part Indian?


It was proven that "she lied"?


You said it was proven she was part Indian, not proving she wasn't does prove she is. You do explain the left wing overt bias in the media if that's what you think is editing

Ummm..... no Cinderella, if I said that you could quote it. I said it was *NOT* proven that "she lied". Are we still having trouble with English?

What is NOT proven is her claim to be 1/32 native American. BTW, she used that claim to get special treatment on admission to Harvard. Kinda like Obama used his foreign student claim to get special treatment at Columbia.

Your heroes are all frauds, deal with it.

Correct that her claim to be Cherokee and Lenape is not proven. It's a family tradition. But it's also irrelevant to anything.

And no, she did not "use that claim to get special treatment". Both of these were already covered in post 160, which it must terrify y'all to go read for fear you might find out you're riding a myth.

I don't know squat about O'bama and Columbia, nor do I care. It too is irrelevant. I have but one hero to defend, and that is The Truth. The Fraud is all your'n. QED.

See, it really doesn't matter to me what Elizabeth Warren's ancestry is or isn't, or who the founders of the Klan were, or where "honor killing" comes from. What matters is that these questions have known answers, or in the Warren case an absence of evidence to the contrary. These simple realities CANNOT be ignored. It just is not an option. You either make your case, or you fail to make it.

When you say "Hillary Clinton plays centerfield for the Cleveland Indians", and it is then proven right in front of your face that Hillary Clinton DOES NOT play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians....... you do not have the option to go on saying she does as if nothing happened.

I don't get where y'all get this idea that you can just make reality up as you go. You can't.

Hillary Clinton is a habitual liar---------------prove me wrong, asshole.
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trump’s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nominee’s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!

They Dems are going to spend $1 billion dredging up everything he's said and done, and will put it out for everyone to see.

That's nice. It still pales next to the shit-stain Hillary. :lol:

Birfer Trump wanted you to lose your house so he could profit.

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9/11. That is well documented. The only issue is how many, Trump said thousands, while the actual numbers were probably less than 500.

McCain was captured and held prisoner. He survived and survival under those conditions makes him a hero to many. But he did not risk his life for his fellow soldiers, he did not all on a grenade. There are many many members of our military who did much more heroic acts. McCain has also sold out the people who put him in office and will probably lose in November.

Hillary's lies are numerous and well documented. She is also a very unlikeable person and a crappy candidate. That's why she is faltering and Trump is surging.

That is total bullshit

The dancing Muslims are a myth

Trump....I prefer those who were not captured

Look it up. hundreds of muslims celebrated in the streets of NJ after 9/11. That has been confirmed. Trump's claim that there were thousands is not accurate.

I respect McCain, but what makes a captured prisoner a hero, if all he did was get captured?
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trump’s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nominee’s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!

They Dems are going to spend $1 billion dredging up everything he's said and done, and will put it out for everyone to see.

That's nice. It still pales next to the shit-stain Hillary. :lol:

Birfer Trump wanted you to lose your house so he could profit.


So did the wall street money men who are funding Hillary's campaign, and paying her millions in "speaking fees". Nothing done by either is illegal.
Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9/11. That is well documented. The only issue is how many, Trump said thousands, while the actual numbers were probably less than 500.

McCain was captured and held prisoner. He survived and survival under those conditions makes him a hero to many. But he did not risk his life for his fellow soldiers, he did not all on a grenade. There are many many members of our military who did much more heroic acts. McCain has also sold out the people who put him in office and will probably lose in November.

Hillary's lies are numerous and well documented. She is also a very unlikeable person and a crappy candidate. That's why she is faltering and Trump is surging.

That is total bullshit

The dancing Muslims are a myth

Trump....I prefer those who were not captured

Look it up. hundreds of muslims celebrated in the streets of NJ after 9/11. That has been confirmed. Trump's claim that there were thousands is not accurate.

I respect McCain, but what makes a captured prisoner a hero, if all he did was get captured?

100s was never confirmed. Some individuals, not cops, not reporters, not photographers SAY there were some people. If you have a link for 100s from a reputable source (eg NOT the Big Quack) let's see it.

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