Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

He said "my guess" moron, it's classic you're talking about other's reading comprehension.

Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

So just to be clear, when Warren doesn't need to prove her claim, are you holding Trump to the same standard with his tax returns? He doesn't need to prove shit, you do?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!
If Warren claims she is part Indian, you can claim there is insufficient evidence

When you claim she is lying the burden falls in you to prove it
He said "my guess" moron, it's classic you're talking about other's reading comprehension.

Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

So just to be clear, when Warren doesn't need to prove her claim, are you holding Trump to the same standard with his tax returns? He doesn't need to prove shit, you do?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!

The claim on the table is pretty simple, even for your stage of intellect. It's all of two words:

"She lied".

It baffles me that anybody would willingly purport to not understand two words in seven letters. Subject-verb, period. The verb is "lied". The basis is nonexistent. I'm not sure how this can be made any more elementary, short of pulling out Play-Doh stick figures.
Why would you be baffled by Kaz having an irrational view of a pro-choice pro-banking regulation democrat? LOL

Baffled, but not surprised.

Warren's status is ultimately not my interest here; my fascination is the same thing it usually is, the psychology of blatant self-delusion, where somebody goes on and on and on with the same meme after it's been debunked. I try in vain to get a grip on what they can possibly be thinking.

As the old state the obvious adage goes, "when the known facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

Weird -- somehow the self-deluded seem to think there's more than one answer to that.
The whole Indian thing is a distraction. The blacks in and from the South are not all black, and a good number of the whites aren't all white. The same is true in Oklahoma and the former Indian Territory. Ark too probably.

The only thing unusual about Warren is she checked off native American on some form for whimsical reasons. She didn't seek or get any preferential treatment. And most "white" people from Ok would just check off white.

People who object to her politics latch onto this "she lied," when she didn't. Her family apparently figures they have some native American stock. It's irrelevant to anything beyond whimsy.

kaz is a one trick pony, and not a very good one at that.
He said "my guess" moron, it's classic you're talking about other's reading comprehension.

Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

So just to be clear, when Warren doesn't need to prove her claim, are you holding Trump to the same standard with his tax returns? He doesn't need to prove shit, you do?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!
If Warren claims she is part Indian, you can claim there is insufficient evidence

When you claim she is lying the burden falls in you to prove it

IKR? I've never seen so many adept at lying, claim to not know what "lying" means. That's actually lying about lying. That's like a Dishonesty sammich, with Mendacity spread and Disingenuous Lettuce, washed down with Kool-Aid.
He said "my guess" moron, it's classic you're talking about other's reading comprehension.

Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

So just to be clear, when Warren doesn't need to prove her claim, are you holding Trump to the same standard with his tax returns? He doesn't need to prove shit, you do?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!
If Warren claims she is part Indian, you can claim there is insufficient evidence

When you claim she is lying the burden falls in you to prove it
I would agree with this, however when an American makes some sort of claim that the liberals dont like, they then say its up to the American to prove it. So which one is it? do we take peoples word for it unless WE can without question disprove what they are saying, or do we discount their statements until such a time that THEY can prove what they claimed.
really needs to be one way or the other.
I made 6.2 trillion dollars in the stock market last month.
He said "my guess" moron, it's classic you're talking about other's reading comprehension.

Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

So just to be clear, when Warren doesn't need to prove her claim, are you holding Trump to the same standard with his tax returns? He doesn't need to prove shit, you do?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!
If Warren claims she is part Indian, you can claim there is insufficient evidence

When you claim she is lying the burden falls in you to prove it
I would agree with this, however when an American makes some sort of claim that the liberals dont like, they then say its up to the American to prove it. So which one is it? do we take peoples word for it unless WE can without question disprove what they are saying, or do we discount their statements until such a time that THEY can prove what they claimed.
really needs to be one way or the other.
I made 6.2 trillion dollars in the stock market last month.

Elizabeth Warren didn't make any claim HERE. If she were a USMB poster, she could make a claim and be called to task on it. Moreover her family history, however vague that may be, has already been corroborated by relatives. NOR did she make any claim anywhere for the purpose of getting hired, and we've already shown that.

But several posters HERE (again, that's HERE) made a specific accusation that "she lied". THEY -- the ones HERE -- bear the burden of proof for that assertion. As well as for the hiring bit.

We've challenged them over and over in this thread, and others before it, to show any evidence thereof. None has ever been found.

Now normal people, when they think something is the case but can find no evidence, allow the possibility that maybe what they thought was the case ---- is not the case.

That's normal people though.

Amazing how far ya have to dumb things down on a message board.
Aside from the partisan crap, what this "story" really showed is that all of us have family narratives ... we came over on the Mayflower in 1502 .... that often are more myth that gets handed down.

As for Oklahoma, Glen Ford made a pretty good movie about the Oklahoma myth. Long. Not enough guns and violence though. (-:
He said "my guess" moron, it's classic you're talking about other's reading comprehension.

Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

So just to be clear, when Warren doesn't need to prove her claim, are you holding Trump to the same standard with his tax returns? He doesn't need to prove shit, you do?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!

The claim on the table is pretty simple, even for your stage of intellect. It's all of two words:

"She lied".

It baffles me that anybody would willingly purport to not understand two words in seven letters. Subject-verb, period. The verb is "lied". The basis is nonexistent. I'm not sure how this can be made any more elementary, short of pulling out Play-Doh stick figures.
Why would you be baffled by Kaz having an irrational view of a pro-choice pro-banking regulation democrat? LOL

Baffled, but not surprised.

Warren's status is ultimately not my interest here; my fascination is the same thing it usually is, the psychology of blatant self-delusion, where somebody goes on and on and on with the same meme after it's been debunked. I try in vain to get a grip on what they can possibly be thinking.

As the old state the obvious adage goes, "when the known facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

Weird -- somehow the self-deluded seem to think there's more than one answer to that.

Warren was proven part Indian?

He said "my guess" moron, it's classic you're talking about other's reading comprehension.

Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

So just to be clear, when Warren doesn't need to prove her claim, are you holding Trump to the same standard with his tax returns? He doesn't need to prove shit, you do?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!

The claim on the table is pretty simple, even for your stage of intellect. It's all of two words:

"She lied".

It baffles me that anybody would willingly purport to not understand two words in seven letters. Subject-verb, period. The verb is "lied". The basis is nonexistent. I'm not sure how this can be made any more elementary, short of pulling out Play-Doh stick figures.

You're doing the exact same thing in another thread on LBJ and the negro quote. That was a quote from a book. I totally grant you that the author said it without any corroboration, so to say you don't believe it is reasonable. But you keep declaring it a lie when you don't know that either. You haven't proven it's a lie, no one has. Hypocrisy much?

I haven't posted anywhere concerning LBJ recently. Last time I did it was in relation to the Klan.

Don't know what you're babbling about here. :dunno:
Riiiiiight........... and then I told him why that guess was stoopid.

Are we having trouble keeping up? Why don't you sound the words out one at a time and repeat. Do that over and over until you reach a normal speed. Soon you'll be reading the whole post! Won't that be fun?

What tax returns?

Warren didn't make a claim here. The Meme Mimics did. That being "she lied". Several days later, just in this thread, and many before, zero people have posted zero evidence.

Far as I know zero plus zero equals ZERO.

But leave us not move on to complex matters like numbers before we wrap our tiny little synapses around "sentences".

So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!

The claim on the table is pretty simple, even for your stage of intellect. It's all of two words:

"She lied".

It baffles me that anybody would willingly purport to not understand two words in seven letters. Subject-verb, period. The verb is "lied". The basis is nonexistent. I'm not sure how this can be made any more elementary, short of pulling out Play-Doh stick figures.
Why would you be baffled by Kaz having an irrational view of a pro-choice pro-banking regulation democrat? LOL

Baffled, but not surprised.

Warren's status is ultimately not my interest here; my fascination is the same thing it usually is, the psychology of blatant self-delusion, where somebody goes on and on and on with the same meme after it's been debunked. I try in vain to get a grip on what they can possibly be thinking.

As the old state the obvious adage goes, "when the known facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

Weird -- somehow the self-deluded seem to think there's more than one answer to that.

Warren was proven part Indian?


It was proven that "she lied"?

Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9/11. That is well documented. The only issue is how many, Trump said thousands, while the actual numbers were probably less than 500.

McCain was captured and held prisoner. He survived and survival under those conditions makes him a hero to many. But he did not risk his life for his fellow soldiers, he did not all on a grenade. There are many many members of our military who did much more heroic acts. McCain has also sold out the people who put him in office and will probably lose in November.

Hillary's lies are numerous and well documented. She is also a very unlikeable person and a crappy candidate. That's why she is faltering and Trump is surging.
OK apparently some want to play the degree of Dumb that actually requires the Play-Doh stick figures. Here we go.

Let's say some poster made an assertion. The assertion for this purpose is:

"Hillary Clinton plays centerfield for the Cleveland Indians"

Other posters bring in box scores from Cleveland Indians games, showing no "Hillary Clinton" in centerfield, or anywhere on the team.

Baseball Reference is consulted, showing no record at any time of a player named "Hillary Clinton".

Finally, Hillary Clinton herself is seen giving a speech in San Diego, at the same time the Cleveland Indians are in Baltimore.

Still with us?

Now --- NORMAL people would at this point conclude, "Maybe Hillary Clinton DOES NOT play centerfield for the Cleveland Indians and the premise was wrong". NORMAL people.

But at USMB, she's out there in the grass, just because it plays better than the Real World, facts be damned.

I keep saying, this place needs a resident psychiatrist.
OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.

No. That's at the most a "case not proven" --- IT IS NOT AND NEVER CAN BE PROOF OF A "LIE".

How can somebody so adept at lying claim not to know what the word means?

If I'm Irish, and I know I'm Irish, and yet I claim to be Icelandic --- THAT's a lie. Get it?
If you are Irish then you should be able to prove it. If warren is a native American she should be able to prove it.

If I say that you lied about being Irish, you simply provide proof and show me up. Warren could do the same, except she can't------------------------figure it out yet, hopstick?

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way here on Earth. Never did.

If I say I'm Irish and you say I didn't prove that -- you're right. Until I provide proof, I didn't.
If I say I'm Irish and you say I "lied" -- then you've declared the action on my part, and the burden of proof is YOURS.

your attempt at logical reasoning fails, just as your liberal bullshit rants fail every single time.
Actually, your are getting your ass handed to you, as usual, and showing you are too dumb to know when to quit.

wrong again, you and your butt buddy hopstick have made fools of yourselves in this thread as you do in every thread you enter.
I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9/11. That is well documented. The only issue is how many, Trump said thousands, while the actual numbers were probably less than 500.

You forgot to mention the moon landing was faked in New Mexico and that John Barron shot JFK.
So when Warren says she's part Indian, that isn't a claim, it's a claim when she's challenged on her claim and she needs to be proven wrong. And I called you a moron. Nailed it!

The claim on the table is pretty simple, even for your stage of intellect. It's all of two words:

"She lied".

It baffles me that anybody would willingly purport to not understand two words in seven letters. Subject-verb, period. The verb is "lied". The basis is nonexistent. I'm not sure how this can be made any more elementary, short of pulling out Play-Doh stick figures.
Why would you be baffled by Kaz having an irrational view of a pro-choice pro-banking regulation democrat? LOL

Baffled, but not surprised.

Warren's status is ultimately not my interest here; my fascination is the same thing it usually is, the psychology of blatant self-delusion, where somebody goes on and on and on with the same meme after it's been debunked. I try in vain to get a grip on what they can possibly be thinking.

As the old state the obvious adage goes, "when the known facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

Weird -- somehow the self-deluded seem to think there's more than one answer to that.

Warren was proven part Indian?


It was proven that "she lied"?


watch the video of her landing "under sniper fire"

we all know that Benghazi was not caused by a video created by a fool in California and viewed by 5 or 6 people in the entire world.
You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9/11. That is well documented. The only issue is how many, Trump said thousands, while the actual numbers were probably less than 500.

You forgot to mention the moon landing was faked in New Mexico and that John Barron shot JFK.

Huh? its you left wing fools who claim that the moon landing was faked.

As to JFK, the sealed portions of the Warren commission report will be opened in 2038. Then, if we are still alive, we may know the truth.
I love the man hands.
The claim on the table is pretty simple, even for your stage of intellect. It's all of two words:

"She lied".

It baffles me that anybody would willingly purport to not understand two words in seven letters. Subject-verb, period. The verb is "lied". The basis is nonexistent. I'm not sure how this can be made any more elementary, short of pulling out Play-Doh stick figures.
Why would you be baffled by Kaz having an irrational view of a pro-choice pro-banking regulation democrat? LOL

Baffled, but not surprised.

Warren's status is ultimately not my interest here; my fascination is the same thing it usually is, the psychology of blatant self-delusion, where somebody goes on and on and on with the same meme after it's been debunked. I try in vain to get a grip on what they can possibly be thinking.

As the old state the obvious adage goes, "when the known facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

Weird -- somehow the self-deluded seem to think there's more than one answer to that.

Warren was proven part Indian?


It was proven that "she lied"?


watch the video of her landing "under sniper fire"

we all know that Benghazi was not caused by a video created by a fool in California and viewed by 5 or 6 people in the entire world.

The pronoun "she" refers to Elizabeth Warren. You know, the thread topic.

Try to keep up.
Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9/11. That is well documented. The only issue is how many, Trump said thousands, while the actual numbers were probably less than 500.

You forgot to mention the moon landing was faked in New Mexico and that John Barron shot JFK.

Huh? its you left wing fools who claim that the moon landing was faked.

As to JFK, the sealed portions of the Warren commission report will be opened in 2038. Then, if we are still alive, we may know the truth.

Why would you be baffled by Kaz having an irrational view of a pro-choice pro-banking regulation democrat? LOL

Baffled, but not surprised.

Warren's status is ultimately not my interest here; my fascination is the same thing it usually is, the psychology of blatant self-delusion, where somebody goes on and on and on with the same meme after it's been debunked. I try in vain to get a grip on what they can possibly be thinking.

As the old state the obvious adage goes, "when the known facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

Weird -- somehow the self-deluded seem to think there's more than one answer to that.

Warren was proven part Indian?


It was proven that "she lied"?


watch the video of her landing "under sniper fire"

we all know that Benghazi was not caused by a video created by a fool in California and viewed by 5 or 6 people in the entire world.

The pronoun "she" refers to Elizabeth Warren. You know, the thread topic.

Try to keep up.

forgive me oh great one, I got my female liberal liars mixed up.

Jay Silverheels was quite the athlete. Famous Lacrosse player.

Of course this is a golden opportunity to claim Jay Silverheels was a "fake Indian" too --- since you have the same amount of evidence and all. Why quit when you're on a roll?

Here, I'll even spot you a head start --- his birth name was Harry Smith.

Harry Smith? HE LIED!!

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