Elizabeth Warren publicly acknowledges she is not fit for public office

While delivering a commencement speech this past Friday, Warren made it very clear to the American people that she is not fit for public office.
Speaking to graduates on Friday, Warren began by congratulating the students for their acheivement. But the speech quickly derailed into Warren just bashing President Donald Trump for his decisions and governing policies.

“I’m trying to keep this apolitical but I can’t help myself"…
She's publicly acknowledging her inability to control herself and her emotions (much like Hitlery Clinton). Can you imagine someone like that sitting in the Oval Office? What happens when she's "triggered" by Vladimir Putin? Does she enter the nuclear launch codes and then tell the American people "I can't help myself"? What happens when she needs to deliver a speech before the U.N. but can't help herself from ranting like a lunatic because Iran doesn't permit transgenders to use the bathroom of their choice?

Someone who "can't help themselves" should not be sitting in the U.S. Senate and sure as hell can't be sitting in the White House. We need rational, intelligent people who are under control holding public office.

Elizabeth Warren turns college graduation ceremony into Trump-bashing speech: ‘I can’t help myself’
The fact that you can't even acknowledge that Trump is a whiny little bitch makes this thread of yours on Warren so fucking stupid. Who cares if Warren reacts with emotion to our president? Trump gets triggered by a washed up beauty queen and goes on a 3AM Twitter rant about her and you are complaining about this? Why are you so pathetically immature that you can't admit what a snowflake Trump is but will rant about a single phrase uttered by Warren? The double standard is so shockingly obvious but you are too dense to realize it.
The "so called" President calls a respected sitting Senator "Pocahontas", but Warren isn't "qualified" because she criticized the "so called" Presidents policies?
The "so called" President calls a respected sitting Senator "Pocahontas", but Warren isn't "qualified" because she criticized the "so called" Presidents policies?
Pocahontas should get scalped by the people she is exploiting... lol
"I can't help myself" is a commonly used phrase implying something holds importance to someone. How you can twist that into meaning she has no self- control is laughable.
No self-control? Take a look at donnies twitter account.
Nice twist there my dear. But when she says "I promised myself I wouldn't bring politics into this speech - but I can't help myself" that clearly means she can't control her impulses.

But hey - go ahead and run her! You people didn't listen when it came to Hitlery Clinton. All of you were dancing in the streets and making plans for the Supreme Court, right up until the moment you were all crying in the streets when President Trump kicked her ass.
Oh Christ he doesn't have to say that. His behavior speaks for himself. You know I'm right but you're too much of a wuss to admit it.
What are you talking about? I've bashed him for golfing too much and not being in the Oval Office enough. I'm the first to admit when President Trump isn't doing something right. But so far - his Twitter posts are fine to anyone who isn't a left-wing fragile snowflake.

He hasn't made an inappropriate post about national security, or foreign policy, etc. Basically, all he does is spank progressives which is what causes you lefties to lose your shit about his comments.
So are you really just going to deny that Trump is petty, immature, and completely unprofessional at his job despite the overwhelming evidence?
There is no denying that he is very petty. And he can be immature at times (mostly when it comes to women). But so far, he has not been "unprofessional" at his job. Would it shock me if he were at some point? No. But he has been very appropriate and professional as president. Just compare his speech to Pocahontas's.
Elizabeth Warren "lied" to herself...LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP!!!
"I can't help myself" is a commonly used phrase implying something holds importance to someone. How you can twist that into meaning she has no self- control is laughable.
No self-control? Take a look at donnies twitter account.
Nice twist there my dear. But when she says "I promised myself I wouldn't bring politics into this speech - but I can't help myself" that clearly means she can't control her impulses.

But hey - go ahead and run her! You people didn't listen when it came to Hitlery Clinton. All of you were dancing in the streets and making plans for the Supreme Court, right up until the moment you were all crying in the streets when President Trump kicked her ass.
yea negative 3 mill. What a win.

How is it than donald trump can get away with saying anything.. he can admit to being a sexual assailant and you guys can back peddle and spin all day around it.. but god forbid warren use one of the most common phrases in our language lol.
What a waste of space you are. Really truly, deplorable beyond reason. Sickening.
The "so called" President calls a respected sitting Senator "Pocahontas", but Warren isn't "qualified" because she criticized the "so called" Presidents policies?
There is nothing "respected" about Elizabeth Warren, my dear. She is a piece of shit who can't maintain her composure - just like Hitlery Clinton. The only difference is that Hitlery is a pathological liar while Pocahontas is just your standard, run of the mill serial liar.
How is it than donald trump can get away with saying anything.. he can admit to being a sexual assailant.
I can't speak for any other conservatives - but I can tell you that I was absolutely appalled by Donald Trump's remarks (and his actions) and I consider the guy a genuine piece of shit as a person.

However, as a president, he has been phenomenal. Considering he is a megalomaniac, I never imagined in a million years that he would respect the U.S. Constitution and restore power to the states. He has done that and a lot more.

The real question is - why do all of you progressive women faun all over Bill Clinton who was a sexual predator but act "disgusted" by Donald Trump? Answer: because 'ole Slick Willy had a little "D" behind his name.
The "so called" President calls a respected sitting Senator "Pocahontas", but Warren isn't "qualified" because she criticized the "so called" Presidents policies?
There is nothing "respected" about Elizabeth Warren, my dear. She is a piece of shit who can't maintain her composure - just like Hitlery Clinton. The only difference is that Hitlery is a pathological liar while Pocahontas is just your standard, run of the mill serial liar.
"can't keep her composure" = females are too emotional
Don't hide your point- she's a woman, I get it.

As an objective, nonsexist adult, I can tell you in reality- donnie can't keep his composure. Let me know when you get back to the real world, I'll show you around!
How is it than donald trump can get away with saying anything.. he can admit to being a sexual assailant.
I can't speak for any other conservatives - but I can tell you that I was absolutely appalled by Donald Trump's remarks (and his actions) and I consider the guy a genuine piece of shit as a person.

However, as a president, he has been phenomenal. Considering he is a megalomaniac, I never imagined in a million years that he would respect the U.S. Constitution and restore power to the states. He has done that and a lot more.

The real question is - why do all of you progressive women faun all over Bill Clinton who was a sexual predator but act "disgusted" by Donald Trump? Answer: because 'ole Slick Willy had a little "D" behind his name.
wow. He admits it.

Now, why is Warren held to such higher standards that saying a phrase like "I can't help myself" warrants a thread??????????????
What a waste of space you are. Really truly, deplorable beyond reason. Sickening.
Spoken like a fragile progressive snowflake who can't deal with reality. Because President Trump won't bow to left-wing Nazi's and fights back, you people are "horrified" by his words. But Bill Clinton can grope and rape women all day and you worship him. Talk about being a truly deplorable person. That's you my dear. Way to stand up for women who were victims of sexual assault. Great job.
shes extremely bright, and passionate.
Bwahahahaha! That's left-wing snowflake code word for a woman who "can't maintain her composure". When Donald Trump does it - he's not "passionate", he's a "Nazi". When Liz Warren does it, she's not an emotional train wreck, she's "passionate".

My word, you are a piece of work my dear....
What a waste of space you are. Really truly, deplorable beyond reason. Sickening.
Spoken like a fragile progressive snowflake who can't deal with reality. Because President Trump won't bow to left-wing Nazi's and fights back, you people are "horrified" by his words. But Bill Clinton can grope and rape women all day and you worship him. Talk about being a truly deplorable person. That's you my dear. Way to stand up for women who were victims of sexual assault. Great job.
clinton is a cheater, yes, it is an awful thing to be. Donnie is a rapist. Comparing the two makes me sick so thats where I'll end.

left wing Nazis is funny, but an oxymoron. I stood up by not voting for the pussy grabber.
wow. He admits it.

Now, why is Warren held to such higher standards that saying a phrase like "I can't help myself" warrants a thread??????????????
Sweetie...I want you to ask an adult to explain your own words bolded in red above and then get back to me. I'm just going to let the mind-boggling stupidity of those words sit out there for a while until it dawns on you. :laugh:
shes extremely bright, and passionate.
Bwahahahaha! That's left-wing snowflake code word for a woman who "can't maintain her composure". When Donald Trump does it - he's not "passionate", he's a "Nazi". When Liz Warren does it, she's not an emotional train wreck, she's "passionate".

My word, you are a piece of work my dear....
Donnie yells and screams and tweets out of ego, anger, and insecurity. That's not passion.
wow. He admits it.

Now, why is Warren held to such higher standards that saying a phrase like "I can't help myself" warrants a thread??????????????
Sweetie...I want you to ask an adult to explain your own words bolded in red above and then get back to me. I'm just going to let the mind-boggling stupidity of those words sit out there for a while until it dawns on you. :laugh:
Sweetie, honey, darling, shithead.. cut the crap.

Why do you think women are so beneath you?

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