Elizabeth Warren ran against Scott Brown warning of Control of the Senate

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Elizabeth Warren ran against Scott Brown warning of Control of the Senate

Warren, warned that if the GOP got control of the US Senate, Senator Jim Inhofe would be in charge of the EPA. Senator Warren's nightmare scenario has come true. So in hindsight, how did electing her to keep the GOP from controlling the US Senate work out?

I guess it's the kind of campaigning we see here that keeps people dissatisfied with politics and government. But did she have a true choice on how to run and win? Would the people, have turned out and elected her if she hadn't gone this route?
She likes to rail against Wall Street, yet she has a million dollars of her very sizeable estate invested there. She is just another lying pol out to enrich and empower herself.
She likes to rail against Wall Street, yet she has a million dollars of her very sizeable estate invested there. She is just another lying pol out to enrich and empower herself.
Imbecile alert!

why in the whacky world of wingnuttery would having a few millions dollars demand not criticizing Wall Street? Using the whacky wingnut world logic, stock holders shouldn't criticize the Board of Directors or CEO. :cuckoo:
She likes to rail against Wall Street, yet she has a million dollars of her very sizeable estate invested there. She is just another lying pol out to enrich and empower herself.
Imbecile alert!

why in the whacky world of wingnuttery would having a few millions dollars demand not criticizing Wall Street? Using the whacky wingnut world logic, stock holders shouldn't criticize the Board of Directors or CEO. :cuckoo:
If only it were possible to educate you...

2016: Liberals hope that the populist-sounding Elizabeth Warren will run to the left of Hillary Clinton, whom they fear is now too rich and out of touch. But Sen. Warren's financial records may dash their hopes.

While making presidential noises, the Democrat senator has positioned herself as the Democratic Party's top defender of the working class.

On Wednesday, she told the AFL-CIO in its "Summit on Raising Wages" that the system is "rigged" in favor of the wealthy.

"The average family not in the top 10% makes less money today than they were making a generation ago. So who got all of the increase in income? One hundred percent of it went to the top 10%," Warren preached, sounding like a reincarnated Eugene Debs. "All the new money earned went to the top. All of it."

And, as it turns out, a healthy share of it went to Warren herself. She's amassed a personal fortune bashing the rich — while insisting she's not one of them.

Combing through her latest Senate financial disclosure filings, however, it becomes clear she is part of the same top 10% she rails against. In fact, her net worth puts her in the wealthiest 1%.

The assets of the self-proclaimed godmother of the Occupy Wall Street movement and champion of the 99% include:

• Financial assets worth between $3.7 million and $10 million.

• Real estate assets worth more than $3.1 million, including a home in Cambridge, Mass., valued at $2.4 million and a condo in Washington valued at $740,000.

• A $525,000 book advance for her new memoir, "A Fighting Chance."

• At least 19 investment funds, including stock funds worth at least $1 million.

Her large stock portfolio is odd, given her crusading against the "excesses" and "greed" of Wall Street. And it's downright unseemly, given her bashing of members of Congress who own stock.

"There are some wealthy individuals — I'm not one of them — but some wealthy individuals who have a lot of stock portfolios," she told MSNBC during a 2012 campaign interview.

During a senatorial debate, she jabbed her GOP foe Scott Brown for standing "with the millionaires, not those who are out of work." Turns out Brown was standing right next to one.
Liz Warren Class Warrior With Heap Big Wampum - Investors.com
If Elizabeth Warren is 1/4th Indian, then can we assume that Henry Waxman is 1/3rd Alien from planet Uranus?
Fauxcahontas is the perfect Democrat: Liar, fraud, anti-capitalist, stupid.
She certainly fits your description, but sadly so do many Rs.

What is most hypocritical (Ds tend to be major hypocrites too) is she condemns Wall Street and capitalism with regularity...all the while investing her own money heavily in Wall Street.

Don't expect the MSM to inform their viewers/readers of this fact.
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Elizabeth Warren ran against Scott Brown warning of Control of the Senate

Warren, warned that if the GOP got control of the US Senate, Senator Jim Inhofe would be in charge of the EPA. Senator Warren's nightmare scenario has come true. So in hindsight, how did electing her to keep the GOP from controlling the US Senate work out?

I guess it's the kind of campaigning we see here that keeps people dissatisfied with politics and government. But did she have a true choice on how to run and win? Would the people, have turned out and elected her if she hadn't gone this route?

Why are you so enamored with someone in bed with wall street. She's playing you for a fool and you're fully engulfed.
Seems to me we heard the same type of disaster claims when the sequester cuts took effect.
Fauxcahontas is the perfect Democrat: Liar, fraud, anti-capitalist, stupid.
She certainly fits your description, but sadly so do many Rs.

What is most hypocritical (Ds tend to be major hypocrites too) is she condemns Wall Street and capitalism with regularity...all the while investing her own money heavily in Wall Street.

Don't expect the MSM to inform their viewers/readers of this fact.

Yes, there are Progressive Republicans, but Fauxcahontas is a perfect Democrat while those others you mention are RINOs.
Elizabeth Warren ran against Scott Brown warning of Control of the Senate

Warren, warned that if the GOP got control of the US Senate, Senator Jim Inhofe would be in charge of the EPA. Senator Warren's nightmare scenario has come true. So in hindsight, how did electing her to keep the GOP from controlling the US Senate work out?

I guess it's the kind of campaigning we see here that keeps people dissatisfied with politics and government. But did she have a true choice on how to run and win? Would the people, have turned out and elected her if she hadn't gone this route?

Why are you so enamored with someone in bed with wall street. She's playing you for a fool and you're fully engulfed.
huh? put down the pipe

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