Elizabeth Warren Smoke Virtue Signaling

Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.
You are right classic response. You Trumpers sure know how to debate.
Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.
All Warren has to do is a DNA test, like 23 and Me from an independent source. That would settle the issue, but she has not. This would seem to indicate she is a liar....and being a politician, lying just comes naturally.

That said, what Trump did was stupid and inappropriate for the event....but he is known for doing such things.
Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.
Birther was 2008 Hitlery campaign. Pull your head out of Uranus, please, wake the fuck up.

Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.
All Warren has to do is a DNA test, like 23 and Me from an independent source. That would settle the issue, but she has not. This would seem to indicate she is a liar....and being a politician, lying just comes naturally.

That said, what Trump did was stupid and inappropriate for the event....but he is known for doing such things.

Why she does not need to? Why should she, Obama showed his birth cert and it was said to of been fake. There is no pleasing you type of people. Trump should refer to her as Senator Warren, but then you Trumpers love the smart elect talk, like I said he is nasty. Why not show the paper where he got dx with a bone spur, why not show is tax returns, still waiting. You have been taken so now you defend yourself and him.
Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.
All Warren has to do is a DNA test, like 23 and Me from an independent source. That would settle the issue, but she has not. This would seem to indicate she is a liar....and being a politician, lying just comes naturally.

That said, what Trump did was stupid and inappropriate for the event....but he is known for doing such things.

Why she does not need to? Why should she, Obama showed his birth cert and it was said to of been fake. There is no pleasing you type of people. Trump should refer to her as Senator Warren, but then you Trumpers love the smart elect talk, like I said he is nasty. Why not show the paper where he got dx with a bone spur, why not show is tax returns, still waiting. You have been taken so now you defend yourself and him.
If it wasn't for the Liberal, Lickspittle, Lapdog, Lame Stream Media and covering for the mistakes that the Obama's admittedly told, the 2 fags, would never of been put in the White House in the first place.
Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.
All Warren has to do is a DNA test, like 23 and Me from an independent source. That would settle the issue, but she has not. This would seem to indicate she is a liar....and being a politician, lying just comes naturally.

That said, what Trump did was stupid and inappropriate for the event....but he is known for doing such things.

Why she does not need to? Why should she, Obama showed his birth cert and it was said to of been fake. There is no pleasing you type of people. Trump should refer to her as Senator Warren, but then you Trumpers love the smart elect talk, like I said he is nasty. Why not show the paper where he got dx with a bone spur, why not show is tax returns, still waiting. You have been taken so now you defend yourself and him.
If it wasn't for the Liberal, Lickspittle, Lapdog, Lame Stream Media and covering for the mistakes that the Obama's admittedly told, the 2 fags, would never of been put in the White House in the first place.

why not post what he really said. In other words McCain never accused him of being a Muslim.

Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.

Lol the Clinton camp started that rumor campaign during the '08 primaries, and spare me your debunked snopes rebuttal I've heard it all before.
Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.
All Warren has to do is a DNA test, like 23 and Me from an independent source. That would settle the issue, but she has not. This would seem to indicate she is a liar....and being a politician, lying just comes naturally.

That said, what Trump did was stupid and inappropriate for the event....but he is known for doing such things.

Why she does not need to? Why should she, Obama showed his birth cert and it was said to of been fake. There is no pleasing you type of people. Trump should refer to her as Senator Warren, but then you Trumpers love the smart elect talk, like I said he is nasty. Why not show the paper where he got dx with a bone spur, why not show is tax returns, still waiting. You have been taken so now you defend yourself and him.

Lol are you actually sticking by her false claim of Cherokee ancestry? Even WaPo calls BS:

Why Donald Trump calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’
Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.
All Warren has to do is a DNA test, like 23 and Me from an independent source. That would settle the issue, but she has not. This would seem to indicate she is a liar....and being a politician, lying just comes naturally.

That said, what Trump did was stupid and inappropriate for the event....but he is known for doing such things.

Why she does not need to? Why should she, Obama showed his birth cert and it was said to of been fake. There is no pleasing you type of people. Trump should refer to her as Senator Warren, but then you Trumpers love the smart elect talk, like I said he is nasty. Why not show the paper where he got dx with a bone spur, why not show is tax returns, still waiting. You have been taken so now you defend yourself and him.
If it bothers her so much, merely prove it. It is simple. That would end the jokes and criticism she is getting.
Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.

Same as Trump and his birther crap, ever hear about what his people found out in Hi, didn't think so. Now he is the biggest fake on the planet, well among them. What about his bone spur.

What about his bone spur? It was a temporary deferment that wouldn’t had prevented him from being drafted.
You are right classic response. You Trumpers sure know how to debate.
you didnt debate either, genius. You posted a de-railment :rolleyes:

We are talking Trump and Sen Warren and his assertion she lied on her application for college, well lets see his doc excuse for his bone spurs and tax returns.

She lied about her heritage, end of.

Have you seen her application?? Is it online? how do you know she lied.
You are right classic response. You Trumpers sure know how to debate.
you didnt debate either, genius. You posted a de-railment :rolleyes:

We are talking Trump and Sen Warren and his assertion she lied on her application for college, well lets see his doc excuse for his bone spurs and tax returns.

She lied about her heritage, end of.

Have you seen her application?? Is it online? how do you know she lied.

I found this:

The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no.”

For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”

But Penn’s 2005 Minority Equity Report identified her as the recipient of a 1994 faculty award, listing her name in bold to signify that she was a minority.

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

Where is the document she wrote a lie?
Last edited:
Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 10:04 PM EST, Mon November 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren 'couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment - CNNPolitics

Awww poor Pocahontas, well then maybe you shouldn't lie about your heritage to get ahead under the racist laws and postmodernist identity politics which the left created.
She sounds like a dotty old lady in a nursing home.

Running Bern

Chief Lizzahontas whined
To her papoose,
"On the deplorables' Trump Train
We'll be stowaways in the caboose."
You are right classic response. You Trumpers sure know how to debate.
you didnt debate either, genius. You posted a de-railment :rolleyes:

We are talking Trump and Sen Warren and his assertion she lied on her application for college, well lets see his doc excuse for his bone spurs and tax returns.

She lied about her heritage, end of.

Have you seen her application?? Is it online? how do you know she lied.

I found this:

The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no.”

For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”

But Penn’s 2005 Minority Equity Report identified her as the recipient of a 1994 faculty award, listing her name in bold to signify that she was a minority.

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

Where is the document she wrote a lie?

Thank you very much. No I didn't think she lied. I have always went by what my Mom said, and if her Mom told she had native American blood I bet she believed it. I mean who gets a DNA test for nationality, only those who pay for ancestry.com. now. If she proved she was part native American, they would say it was fake anyway. I bet we'd all be surprised of what we really all are. Personally I do not think it matters, what matters is Trump demeaning her and frankly Pocahontas.

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