Ellen DeGeneres and George Bush sitting next to each other isn't your everyday NFL game sighting

RWNJs already disowned Bush several years ago. When he decided common sense and unity weren't bad things, he became dead to them.
You assholes loathed him for 16 years. He was the hitler of the time the years he was in the WH, even though he gave you pieces of shit everything you wanted except unconditional surrender to jihad, then he was your scapegoat for the 8 years of stagnation and malaise caused by the meat puppet faggot messiah you parasites continue to worship.

Now you like him because we're pissed that he did nothing to roll back your regressive agenda for 8 years?

Eat a giant box of rotten dicks you gaping diseased vagina.


But you forgot them when sr. Was dying or the media was in love with the bushes

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