Ellen DeGeneres and George Bush sitting next to each other isn't your everyday NFL game sighting

I saw a video of Ellen addressing (with class) the outrage she received via twitter from her fans for sitting with Bush.

I note I have not seen any such reaction towards Bush for sitting with Ellen.

So, tell me which side is intolerant.

Progressives are intolerant...
a big nothing burger--this is a prime example of how the MSM has people brainwashed
...it's the same old shit = intolerant jackasses making a big deal out of it
It's not about Bush but about Degeneres . If there's a noticeable move of distain towards the left radicals coming from some big names on their side ,who knows how many are really getting fed up with the Marxist attitudes . We're going to win their souls either with common sense or with lead . But we will win .
I saw a video of Ellen addressing (with class) the outrage she received via twitter from her fans for sitting with Bush.

I note I have not seen any such reaction towards Bush for sitting with Ellen.

So, tell me which side is intolerant.

Progressives are intolerant...
They are over the top rabid and intolerant, I always remember Carvelle and Marilyn one a liberal working for Clinton one a conservative die hard conservative. They were married and made it work.
Ellen DeGeneres defends friendship with George W. Bush - CNN Video

Respect given where respect is due and she gets 5/5 stars for this move.

Actually, that's the way people were many years ago. Sure, you had political differences, but no hatred involved.

Half of the family on my fathers side leans left, some very left, and the other leans right, some very right like myself. We bicker about politics at times, but at the end of the night, it's hand shakes and hugs.

The left promotes hatred based on politics, whether it's anti-fa, attacking people for wearing political attire, keying cars because they have a political bumper sticker, or going to opponents rallies only to start trouble.

The problem is today, we take politics too personal. I can go to a bar and have differences with people on favorite baseball team, favorite football team, favorite band, or favorite movie without hatred or violence being involved. Why can't we do the same with politics?
The Libosphere exploded with contempt for Ellen Degeneres as she was "caught" on camera sitting next to George W Bush :ack-1:on
at the Cowboys Packer game. Skip to the last minute of the video if you want to just see her very poignant statement on where we are as a country and maybe where we should be instead.

Neither Ellen nor W are favorites of mine, but when she's right she's right.

Ellen DeGeneres on Twitter
I’m no liberal but I find Ellen’s actions and comments appalling. Just goes to show the wealthy always stick together no matter what.

W is a war criminal. He should be in prison. Who wants to be friends with that?

Besides W tried to prevent gay marriage, by amending the constitution to forbid it. Yet the dumb lesbian Ellen acts like she’s so great and open minded for being friends with that asshole. She’s a total dumbass and a fraud.
In case you missed it, and I don't know how you could have, it's all over web, Ellen was caught red-handed watching a football game with George Bush.

Course the think-police got their panties in a collective bunch. "Progress"ives built this and can't defend it.
GW can eat a bag of rotten dicks, along with Ellen.
Bush is a globalist, just like Xi loving Dems are.

Jeb did his part and tried to become the nominee so he could let Hillary roll over him. So the Bushes get their “props” from the elites.
In case you missed it, and I don't know how you could have, it's all over web, Ellen was caught red-handed watching a football game with George Bush.

Course the think-police got their panties in a collective bunch. "Progress"ives built this and can't defend it.
Just get Greta Thornberg to dramatically proclaim "How DARE you!".... lol

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In case you missed it, and I don't know how you could have, it's all over web, Ellen was caught red-handed watching a football game with George Bush.

Course the think-police got their panties in a collective bunch. "Progress"ives built this and can't defend it.
Yeah.....how dare people learn to get along.
This kind of terrible stuff shouldn't be going on.
Republicans should be driven from America. Until then nobody should serve them at restaurants and nobody should invite them to parties.
I know....it should be open-season on Republicans.
Republicans are the new Blacks of America.
People with differing political viewpoints should not be permitted to be civil or friendly to each other. Trump reaches hate and we, as good citizens should always express hate when the opportunity arises.

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