Ellen DeGeneres and George Bush sitting next to each other isn't your everyday NFL game sighting

Yeah, posts about her sitting with GWB, but now the backlash has begun from the peaceful tolerant open minded left. No more Hollywood party invites.

The woke scolds are now seriously targetting comedy talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres because she dared to say that people should be kind and respectful toward those with whom they disagree.

In a scathing op-ed for Vanity Fair, Laura Bradley argues that Ellen DeGeneres somewhat betrayed her LGBT allies by publicly displaying friendliness with George W. Bush at a football game and then using the moment to deliver a message about unity.

Vanity Fair Scolds Ellen DeGeneres For Friendliness With George W. Bush
It will blow over soon enough. She is too gay for the SJWs to be upset with her for very long.
Yeah, posts about her sitting with GWB, but now the backlash has begun from the peaceful tolerant open minded left. No more Hollywood party invites.

The woke scolds are now seriously targetting comedy talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres because she dared to say that people should be kind and respectful toward those with whom they disagree.

In a scathing op-ed for Vanity Fair, Laura Bradley argues that Ellen DeGeneres somewhat betrayed her LGBT allies by publicly displaying friendliness with George W. Bush at a football game and then using the moment to deliver a message about unity.

Vanity Fair Scolds Ellen DeGeneres For Friendliness With George W. Bush
I really hope you see the irony of this post
Meanwhile, republicans went from nominating McCain for president and worshiping him to calling him a fake war hero, a traitor and praising his death....

Meanwhile, republicans went from nominating Romney for president and praising how he being a successful businessman means he would be a great president -- now they are also calling him a traitor and if he died today -- they would also be praising his death...

But you got your panties in a bunch because some progressives don't believe in playing kissy face with the guy responsible for the war in Iraq, patriot act and warrantless surveillance??
I wonder how many of these fake ass Trumpers were saying how great of a woman Michelle was to be so buddy buddy with Bush??? I wonder how many Trumpers said "Michelle can't be racist, she is hugging a white guy" -- I swear trumpers are a bunch of clowns.....
Yeah, posts about her sitting with GWB, but now the backlash has begun from the peaceful tolerant open minded left. No more Hollywood party invites.

The woke scolds are now seriously targetting comedy talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres because she dared to say that people should be kind and respectful toward those with whom they disagree.

In a scathing op-ed for Vanity Fair, Laura Bradley argues that Ellen DeGeneres somewhat betrayed her LGBT allies by publicly displaying friendliness with George W. Bush at a football game and then using the moment to deliver a message about unity.

Vanity Fair Scolds Ellen DeGeneres For Friendliness With George W. Bush
The left is determined to start a civil war -- a war they will not win!
The woke scolds are now seriously targetting comedy talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres because she dared to say that people should be kind and respectful toward those with whom they disagree.
Ellen didn't create the hatred and insanity of the left, she exposed it.
Which is why she is now a hated person.

God bless you and her always!!!

Meanwhile, republicans went from nominating McCain for president and worshiping him to calling him a fake war hero, a traitor and praising his death....

Meanwhile, republicans went from nominating Romney for president and praising how he being a successful businessman means he would be a great president -- now they are also calling him a traitor and if he died today -- they would also be praising his death...

But you got your panties in a bunch because some progressives don't believe in playing kissy face with the guy responsible for the war in Iraq, patriot act and warrantless surveillance??
It’s Romney and McCain who are (were) two-faced.
remember she wouldn`t let Mr. Trump on her show because he thought different from her
Yup.....the big secret is out.....Ellen DeGeneres likes Bush. Liberals have lashed out at her because she has shown her true colors and was seen in public at an NFL game with the former president. Ellen used her show to try to calm down all of her critics and said that we should be kind to everyone. Nevermind the fact that Ellen refused to allow Republicans or anyone on her show in the past who said anything anti-gay. Now that it effects her personally, she feels wronged. Turns out Bush isn't racist after all. Could it be that Ellen like millions of Americans has been snookered by Democrats???? I think this is a very real possibility. This is how the left attacks their opposition. They're always stupid, rich, homophopic, and racist. Democrats can be all of the above yet be excused because they vote for the Democrat Party.

But this is a perfect illustration of exactly how far this country has sunk....where you're not allowed to like what you like and associate with people that liberals feel are undesirables or targets for attack.

Now I know that some folks feel that the backlash is well deserved because many of the old fuckers that are dying every day aren't running things anymore. In their hayday they were the ones looking down their noses at gays and whatever.....but does that make it right? Hell no it doesn't. Turns out that now that the shoe is finally on the other foot....all of the oppressed are turning out to be more vicious than their evil predecessors.Liberals feel empowered and that they have the full support of American society. They feel they can be as nasty as is humanly possible without facing repercussions for it. This reminds me of the time before Civil Rights became law.

Why Ellen DeGeneres’ friendship with George W. Bush is so controversial
By Francesca Bacardi

October 11, 2019 | 9:35am

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Ellen DeGeneres (center) has feuded with the likes of Sherri Shepherd and Kathy Griffin. Getty Images
In response to being photographed with “friend” George W. Bush at a recent Dallas Cowboys game, Ellen DeGeneres preached that everyone should “be kind” to each other — even if they hold different beliefs.

With regard to LGBTQ rights, Bush in 2004 called for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage (although he supported civil unions). But DeGeneres, who is married to actress Portia de Rossi and famously came out in 1997, seemingly looked past it.

It was a touching sentiment of tolerance, but the daytime talk show host has proven time and time again that she doesn’t practice what she preaches. DeGeneres, 61, has banned numerous celebrities from appearing on her show when they have expressed views that contradict her own, including those who have vocalized their anti-gay marriage views.

Reps for DeGeneres didn’t return Page Six’s request for comment.

FOX News reports:

"Elton John is supporting Ellen DeGeneres after the comedian endured serious backlash on social media for her friendship with George W. Bush. The British singer, 72, said Monday that he admired the talk show host, 61, for “very eloquently” standing by her friendship with the former president, 73, despite their political differences."

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