Ellen Page blames Mike Pence for Jussie Smollett attack: 'He has hurt LGBTQ people'

Those of us who desperately want to be rid of the vile post magat in the White House ... We need to be careful what we wish for. And, those of you who are thrilled to have your kkk, nazi, alt right fascist in the WH should also be careful what you wish for.

The magat cares only about enriching himself and his 1% owners.

But Pence is one sick twitch. If he had his way, we would all have video cameras in our bedrooms.
Um, it's "maggot", not magat. Deranged jackal.
The liberal mantra.
if you are in a position of power and you hate folks, and you want to cause suffering to folks, you go through the trouble to cause suffering. then kids get abused and kill themselves, and folks get beaten on the street...this needs to fucking stop!
Ellen page is one of the nicest women I have ever had the pleasure to meet and work with. Pence just the look on his face I wouldnt be comfortable around him...he looks evil and being a sub to a racist bigot...fuck him I say.
Pence has taken a lot of crap and has been silent. For you to promote wha tyou believe in, you had to destroy hetero marriage.
Sorry to hear that hetero marriage has been destroyed.
Surely the left can find one alley dweller that they can pay to accuse Mike Pence of sexual assault. Maybe a whore in a Thai prison would do it.
Those of us who desperately want to be rid of the vile post magat in the White House ... We need to be careful what we wish for. And, those of you who are thrilled to have your kkk, nazi, alt right fascist in the WH should also be careful what you wish for.

The magat cares only about enriching himself and his 1% owners.

But Pence is one sick twitch. If he had his way, we would all have video cameras in our bedrooms.

Surely the left can find one alley dweller that they can pay to accuse Mike Pence of sexual assault. Maybe a whore in a Thai prison would do it.

Oh, believe me, if anything happens to Trump, they'll be absolutely hysterical. They'll just make it up if they have to and their true believers will desperately latch onto it.
Holy fk, the left are reeling more. Murder babies go black face now make shit up. Oh wait, that’s normal
Don’t know who this Ellen person is but she doesn’t impress me much. Never been big with hating people for no reason
I looked up Ellen Page's bio she is a pro-choice feminist and a vegan.

That means she won't eat honey because that's "bee slavery" but she has no problem with killing human beings for convenience.

That’s just messed up
Those of us who desperately want to be rid of the vile post magat in the White House ... We need to be careful what we wish for. And, those of you who are thrilled to have your kkk, nazi, alt right fascist in the WH should also be careful what you wish for.

The magat cares only about enriching himself and his 1% owners.

But Pence is one sick twitch. If he had his way, we would all have video cameras in our bedrooms.

Can you provide any evidence that he has ever suggested such a thing?
if you are in a position of power and you hate folks, and you want to cause suffering to folks, you go through the trouble to cause suffering. then kids get abused and kill themselves, and folks get beaten on the street...this needs to fucking stop!

So you’re saying all Democrats should resign?
The liberal definition of "discrimination" is a curious thing. If liberals harass a conservative public figure and his/her family/friends in a restaurant so badly that they feel compelled to leave, or if a liberal film studio fires an actor or actress because they're conservative, or if a state foster care agency won't place children with a Christian couple for fear they will teach the children Christian values--well, none of these cases are discrimination, according to liberals. But if a private Christian school has a moral code that prohibits homosexual conduct, well, now, uh, that's "discrimination"! If a gay couple drive miles out of town to ask a Christian-owned bistro to host their gay wedding, and if the Christian owners decline but offer to provide free flowers or a free food, well, now, uh, that's "discrimination," even if the gay couple has plenty of other options, closer to their home, for hosting their wedding!

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