Elon Musk: If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory

DT has no chance of winning a national election as long as the UNiparty fraud machine is still in place.
It doesn't matter what they do to him, he cannot overcome the millions of fake votes they will produce for days/weeks after the election.
If 2020 & 2022 haven't taught the sheeple this lesson yet then real elections are over in our post-truth banana republic
sad but mostly true. the dem vote cheat machine is running in full force.

The Demonicreeps have done more evil, villainy, corruption, and out right thievery in the past two years, than Trump has done in his entire life.


The Dementocreeps don't have shit on Trump. It's been 6 years they've been fishing for something that hasn't blown up in their faces.


The more that the DemonicRats do to Trump, the more Trump gains power and prestige. The more people leave, drop, or walk away from the DemonicRats party.


Arresting an innocent person is an illegal act in itself. Resulting in hefty fines, citations, and even jail/prison time.


The Demonicquacks have pretty much created Trump as an icon and martyr for the people. Is it a wonder he feels like he's a superman?
The MORE lies, deceit, and scams they create against Trump, the more popular he gets, the more voters he gets, the more power he gains.
Arresting him will be the cherry on the sundae, the sprinkles on the cupcake............the Dementoshats will have essentially given him all the super powers he needs.


I want to personally thank each and every Dementocreep out there, constantly working tirelessly, creating a super hero FOR the people of the United States of America!!!!

The whole POINT of an "Arrest" is to ensure Trumpettes are mad as hell and do EXACTLY as the Establishment desires....vote for Trump. Fools have yet to figure out Trump is part of the Swamp. It's an illusion. You've been duped (again)

Voting Trump will guarantee the Right loses.
The Left is so far ahead of and more clever than the Right it's pathetic.

The Demonicreeps have done more evil, villainy, corruption, and out right thievery in the past two years, than Trump has done in his entire life.


The Dementocreeps don't have shit on Trump. It's been 6 years they've been fishing for something that hasn't blown up in their faces.


The more that the DemonicRats do to Trump, the more Trump gains power and prestige. The more people leave, drop, or walk away from the DemonicRats party.


Arresting an innocent person is an illegal act in itself. Resulting in hefty fines, citations, and even jail/prison time.


The Demonicquacks have pretty much created Trump as an icon and martyr for the people. Is it a wonder he feels like he's a superman?
The MORE lies, deciet, and scams they create against Trump, the more popular he gets, the more voters he gets, the more power he gains.
Arresting him will be the cherry on the sundae, the sprinkles on the cupcake............the Dementoshats will have essentially given him all the super powers he needs.


I want to personally thank each and every Dementocreep out there, constantly working tirelessly, creating a super hero FOR the people of the United States of America!!!!

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oh fuk. The Right is doomed.

Time and time again the establishment / Left pulls some last minute crap to whip the Right into a frenzy and get them all in a wad to herd them into the desired action like sheep.. And EVERY TIME they fall for the SAME TRICK. WTF ???
oh fuk. The Right is doomed.
View attachment 766882

Time and time again the establishment / Left pulls some last minute crap to whip the Right into a frenzy and get them all in a wad to herd them into the desired action like sheep.. And EVERY TIME they fall for the SAME TRICK. WTF ???

Seems like YOU are the one in a frenzy.

I'm just stating publicly known and proven facts.

And refuting facts is one of the things the leftoid lunatics do best.
More idle threats from Republicans

If you hold us responsible for what we do…….You will be sorry
Elon is wrong. If "this happens" it is because Rudy flipped on him to save himself, and this is just the tip of the iceberg of what Rudy likely knows. I seriously doubt trump goes to prison over stormy daniels, but when he goes to war with Rudy, there will be a lot more to come out.
You're dreaming. Rudy has no reason to flip.
Note to Elon Musk

Trumps base is not growing. Doing things that enrage his base does nothing to increase his chances of someday being re-elected
Biden is restoring some of Trump's border policies. That indicates fear of Trump in 2024.
The whole POINT of an "Arrest" is to ensure Trumpettes are mad as hell and do EXACTLY as the Establishment desires....vote for Trump. Fools have yet to figure out Trump is part of the Swamp. It's an illusion. You've been duped (again)

Voting Trump will guarantee the Right loses.
The Left is so far ahead of and more clever than the Right it's pathetic.

Talk about DELLUSIONAL. Geez.
You give a whole new level to the word!!!

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