Zone1 Elon Musks questions the Media's racial bias


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Twitter CEO Elon Musk questioned on Saturday why the establishment media misrepresents interracial crime statistics “to such an extreme degree.”



Oh, they are going to brand Musk a racist for pointing this out.
But he is right.
The Media fans the flames of Left-Wing racial hatred on purpose.
The Left-Wing Media has a totally lopsided coverage of interracial violence.
The Left's narrative is that White people are never the victims of racial violence, but it's just not true.
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When a nation doesn't speak the truth it makes change nearly impossible. I can speak the truth about how poverty contributes to crime. Broken homes, poor role models, dishonest agent provocateurs and other parasites profitting from crime contribute to it.. All the facts must be on the table. Be they cop or criminal, if you hide from reality all of society suffers. Hurt feelings does not compare to a hurt body.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk questioned on Saturday why the establishment media misrepresents interracial crime statistics “to such an extreme degree.”

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Oh, they are going to brand Musk a racist for pointing this out.
But he is right.
The Media fans the flames of Left-Wing racial hatred on purpose.
The Left-Wing Media has a totally lopsided coverage of interracial violence.
The Left's narrative is that White people are never the victims of racial violence, but it's just not true.
Racism is big business to race hustlers, those who profit from exploiting black people and politicians who use racism to their advantage. It's the most common accusation they come up with to attack or discredit a political opponent and the one they dust off again when nothing else is working.

The reason race is even a significant issue in this country is because leftist race hustlers and politicians need it to be.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk questioned on Saturday why the establishment media misrepresents interracial crime statistics “to such an extreme degree.”

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Oh, they are going to brand Musk a racist for pointing this out.
But he is right.
The Media fans the flames of Left-Wing racial hatred on purpose.
The Left-Wing Media has a totally lopsided coverage of interracial violence.
The Left's narrative is that White people are never the victims of racial violence, but it's just not true.
Awesome. Seems like he's starting to truly wake up and see the light.
When a nation doesn't speak the truth it makes change nearly impossible. I can speak the truth about how poverty contributes to crime. Broken homes, poor role models, dishonest agent provocateurs and other parasites profitting from crime contribute to it.. All the facts must be on the table. Be they cop or criminal, if you hide from reality all of society suffers. Hurt feelings does not compare to a hurt body.
….or not just not SPEAK the truth, but silence those who do. I, for example, have been forbidden from debating or arguing any Democrat point my extended family members make. I have been told to be quiet.
"Because Elon is a white South African racist POS".

That's why he's such a racist loser, and why the other racists lap it up.
Alot of people from S.Africa are racist but there shouldn't be any concience suppressing of facts. Just as they were often hesitant to refer to Islamic radical terrorists for what they were. Who does that reality? Whether a white or black supremist, a radical religious terrorists.etc, just call it for what it is. If light were shined on abuses and crime, regardless of source, I would not have had my life destroyed and I would probably be much healthier too.
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….or not just not SPEAK the truth, but silence those who do. I, for example, have been forbidden from debating or arguing any Democrat point my extended family members make. I have been told to be quiet.
That's the goal of the race hustlers too and all those pushing the really destructive policies of the left, especially the Marxist left. By suppressing what their surrogate MSM informs us of and encouraging the media to keep pushing their assigned fake information, they also use their surrogate social media or whatever to silence us as much as possible.

And any who manage to get any traction with accurate information or might possibly be elected or appointed to a position with authority or power will be immediately accused of racism and/or sexual improprieties and/or unethical conduct or whatever they think might work to smear, discredit, silence those people.

Racism is usually their first go to weapon though. They've already accused Tucker Carlson of it.
That's the goal of the race hustlers too and all those pushing the really destructive policies of the left, especially the Marxist left. By suppressing what their surrogate MSM informs us of and encouraging the media to keep pushing their assigned fake information, they also use their surrogate social media or whatever to silence us as much as possible.

And any who manage to get any traction with accurate information or might possibly be elected or appointed to a position with authority or power will be immediately accused of racism and/or sexual improprieties and/or unethical conduct or whatever they think might work to smear, discredit, silence those people.

Racism is usually their first go to weapon though. They've already accused Tucker Carlson of it.
My hope is that the current investigation into Biden’s decades-long corruption, with a dozen family members sharing in millions of dollars of payments from our Communist enemies, will open enough eyes to the evil behind the Democrat Regime - and that they will start to demand the truth.

We won’t make any headway with the radical leftists, such as we’ve seen on this forum, but the election will be decided by the independents.

And we also have to concentrate on early voting in the swing states, as the Dems have for years.
My hope is that the current investigation into Biden’s decades-long corruption, with a dozen family members sharing in millions of dollars of payments from our Communist enemies, will open enough eyes to the evil behind the Democrat Regime - and that they will start to demand the truth.

We won’t make any headway with the radical leftists, such as we’ve seen on this forum, but the election will be decided by the independents.

And we also have to concentrate on early voting in the swing states, as the Dems have for years.
Hope is a good thing. I don't hold out much of it anymore though. So many times we thought the evidence 'this time' is so overwhelming it has to happen and then nothing.

The Democrat surrogate MSM is covering none of what Fox News and News Max are covering and those news orgs have too few viewers to make much difference. We have so many Soros bought and paid for DAs now that it's hard to find honest law enforcement anywhere and for sure Biden's DOJ is going to deny they have any information and won't do anything.

I wish I wasn't so jaded about it, but decades of experience will do that to a person.
Hope is a good thing. I don't hold out much of it anymore though. So many times we thought the evidence 'this time' is so overwhelming it has to happen and then nothing.

The Democrat surrogate MSM is covering none of what Fox News and News Max are covering and those news orgs have too few viewers to make much difference. We have so many Soros bought and paid for DAs now that it's hard to find honest law enforcement anywhere and for sure Biden's DOJ is going to deny they have any information and won't do anything.

I wish I wasn't so jaded about it, but decades of experience will do that to a person.
Hope keeps me sane. Otherwise, the thought that the Marxist Democrats will succeed in destroying this country would make me sicker than I already am.

But you’re right. The MSM isn’t covering it, and the leftists are shutting down those of us who would reveal it via debates and discussions. The entire thing is quite scary.
"Racists get very upset about being identified as racists. FiIm at 11."

Sucks to be you, racists. No one cares if you cry. Quite the contrary. If you're crying like this, we know we done good.
When a nation doesn't speak the truth it makes change nearly impossible. I can speak the truth about how poverty contributes to crime. Broken homes, poor role models, dishonest agent provocateurs and other parasites profitting from crime contribute to it.. All the facts must be on the table. Be they cop or criminal, if you hide from reality all of society suffers. Hurt feelings does not compare to a hurt body.
The root cause of the problem blacks face is white racism. When a nation doesn't speak the truth it makes change nearly impossible. And that's the problem with right wing whites. They post bs like this quote having never lived as a person of color, nor in a community of color to see the obstacles placed in front of them. The opinion comes from sitting in Pleasantville.

This guy wants to talk about placing all the facts on the table, but he can't face all the facts. He only wants to use the information that makes him feel comfortable and that's not facing the truth.
My hope is that the current investigation into Biden’s decades-long corruption, with a dozen family members sharing in millions of dollars of payments from our Communist enemies, will open enough eyes to the evil behind the Democrat Regime - and that they will start to demand the truth.

We won’t make any headway with the radical leftists, such as we’ve seen on this forum, but the election will be decided by the independents.

And we also have to concentrate on early voting in the swing states, as the Dems have for years.
Stop trying to hijack this thread. The thread is about the media's coverup of black crime. It is not about a man I like, voted for, and will vote for again.
The root cause of the problem blacks face is white racism.
The root cause of white racism is black social pathology. Blacks are characterized by low average intelligence and high rates of crime and illegitimacy everywhere they live, even in black majority countries they run.
Ellon Musk is the race hustler here. But that's to be expected from the Afrikaner.
In South Africa Ellon Musk had a lot of contact with blacks. People with that experience rarely have a positive attitude toward blacks.

If proximity to blacks dispelled prejudice against them Southern whites would be the least prejudiced whites in the United States.
Hope keeps me sane. Otherwise, the thought that the Marxist Democrats will succeed in destroying this country would make me sicker than I already am.

But you’re right. The MSM isn’t covering it, and the leftists are shutting down those of us who would reveal it via debates and discussions. The entire thing is quite scary.
Very few Democrats are Marxists. Many Democrats, like me, think Karl Marx had valid insights. We also think he made critical mistakes.

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