Elon Wants To Cut Workforce by 10% While Taking Home 23 Billion -- Libs Totally Triggered, LOL

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to slash jobs at the electric carmaker based on a "super bad feeling" he has about the economy, Reuters reported Friday. Musk said he needs to cut about 10% of his workforce in an email sent to company executives, according to the Reuters report. Tesla's stock has lost nearly one-third of its value since early April, shortly after Musk first suggested that he wanted to buy Twitter. Also Friday, government regulators reported that more than 750 Tesla owners have complained that cars have suddenly stopped on roadways for no apparent reason. The memo, titled "pause all hiring worldwide," said employees who don't return to their assigned offices should look for jobs elsewhere. "If you don't show up, we will assume you have resigned," he said in a follow-up email to the company's workers."

Lol, can you imagine how triggered libs will be if Elon cuts 10,000 workers and says it's because of Biden's disastrous policies?? No doubt, Elon knows the economy is collapsing and so considering cutting staff by 10% is why he is considered one of the most brilliant minds in world history.....and in a stroke of genius, if he can manage to make it to where most of these workers resigned; he is off the hook for paying any unemployment claims or any lay-off packages. The best part is, he is set to rake in 25 billion just for himself this year -- so despite the fact that Biden's economy is in shambles, at least Elon was able to muster at least a little bit of extra income to weather the storm...this will also help him to purchase Twitter sooner, which is just extra insult to the Dems...can you imagine how much lower inflation will be once Elon owns Twitter??

However, I don't understand why other EV car manufactures like Ford, GM and Hyundai are making the dumb decisions they are making -- are they insane?? They would be wise to cut workforce too and hold back on investment until a real President is back in control....Ford is investing nearly 4 billion in production and hiring 6000 people?? Why do this now?? Why not wait until the economy is in better hands?? GM is increasing it's hiring by 20 percent over last year..what kind of economy do they think we have?? Hyundai is planning to add 46,000 US jobs in the next 3 years?? Do you know who is president over most of that time?? What are you guys thinking?

Even companies whom we thought would know better, companies like Intel are increasing investment by 100 billion and are increasing wages by 3 billion....I thought Intel was smart enough to know better than to do something like this -- hopefully nobody knows about all of these investments and pays attention to what Elon is telling us..because he knows far more than they do...
Fake Libs and Conservatives are always triggered, the schtick gets old but that is where we are in America today.

As far as Musk is concerned he is a rich guy who cares about himself and the Libs loved the guy and his money until he started to turn conservative, now the left is all upset and the left wing media run hatchet stories about him.

The turning from D to R now has people like yourself all in a tizzy.
So in the span of a few months -- he suddenly realized he didn't need 10,000 workers??

What happened?? Did demand for his product go down -- or did he not really need those 10,000 workers to begin with?? That would mean he stupidly overstaffed....

CONVERSELY, in that same economy....a company like Ford is increasing investment in production and workers...shouldn't they be firing workers too??

Perhaps Ford will take on the cast-offs......I mean what, do you think feel that a employer is obligated to a employee for life or some shit?

The simple fact of the matter is this, if Ford hired them and then no longer needed them they would likely just close down the plant and move it to Mexico....That's how they roll, at least according to the union weenies.

Ford plans to move new project from Avon Lake plant to Mexico

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to slash jobs at the electric carmaker based on a "super bad feeling" he has about the economy, Reuters reported Friday. Musk said he needs to cut about 10% of his workforce in an email sent to company executives, according to the Reuters report. Tesla's stock has lost nearly one-third of its value since early April, shortly after Musk first suggested that he wanted to buy Twitter. Also Friday, government regulators reported that more than 750 Tesla owners have complained that cars have suddenly stopped on roadways for no apparent reason. The memo, titled "pause all hiring worldwide," said employees who don't return to their assigned offices should look for jobs elsewhere. "If you don't show up, we will assume you have resigned," he said in a follow-up email to the company's workers."

Lol, can you imagine how triggered libs will be if Elon cuts 10,000 workers and says it's because of Biden's disastrous policies?? No doubt, Elon knows the economy is collapsing and so considering cutting staff by 10% is why he is considered one of the most brilliant minds in world history.....and in a stroke of genius, if he can manage to make it to where most of these workers resigned; he is off the hook for paying any unemployment claims or any lay-off packages. The best part is, he is set to rake in 25 billion just for himself this year -- so despite the fact that Biden's economy is in shambles, at least Elon was able to muster at least a little bit of extra income to weather the storm...this will also help him to purchase Twitter sooner, which is just extra insult to the Dems...can you imagine how much lower inflation will be once Elon owns Twitter??

However, I don't understand why other EV car manufactures like Ford, GM and Hyundai are making the dumb decisions they are making -- are they insane?? They would be wise to cut workforce too and hold back on investment until a real President is back in control....Ford is investing nearly 4 billion in production and hiring 6000 people?? Why do this now?? Why not wait until the economy is in better hands?? GM is increasing it's hiring by 20 percent over last year..what kind of economy do they think we have?? Hyundai is planning to add 46,000 US jobs in the next 3 years?? Do you know who is president over most of that time?? What are you guys thinking?

Even companies whom we thought would know better, companies like Intel are increasing investment by 100 billion and are increasing wages by 3 billion....I thought Intel was smart enough to know better than to do something like this -- hopefully nobody knows about all of these investments and pays attention to what Elon is telling us..because he knows far more than they do...

A few hummers from KamalaToe could not hurt.
Axe Willy Brown.
Perhaps Ford will take on the cast-offs......I mean what, do you think feel that a employer is obligated to a employee for life or some shit?

The simple fact of the matter is this, if Ford hired them and then no longer needed them they would likely just close down the plant and move it to Mexico....That's how they roll, at least according to the union weenies.

Ford plans to move new project from Avon Lake plant to Mexico
Why did Elon overstaff 10,000 workers if it just took him months to realize he is overstaffed?

Why didn't he do a better job of planning and forecasting like others did?

Or maybe Elon did what most of the corporate execs do which is cut workers in pursuit of greed

Thanks for fist-pumping the idea of "working class people" getting the short end of the stick again...I am sure you will convince them to blame it on someone else.....like illegal aliens or something...
No, not Joe Biden....Elon himself....

Biden didn't force Elon to try to buy Twitter

Biden didn't force hundreds of customers to file complaints about Tesla's malfunctioning braking system

That is the free market at work

Free speech is what you Nazis fear above all else. Censoring the public square is vital to controlling the narrative.
Why did Elon overstaff 10,000 workers if it just took him months to realize he is overstaffed?

Why didn't he do a better job of planning and forecasting like others did?

Or maybe Elon did what most of the corporate execs do which is cut workers in pursuit of greed

Thanks for fist-pumping the idea of "working class people" getting the short end of the stick again...I am sure you will convince them to blame it on someone else.....like illegal aliens or something...
Meh, not my monkey, not my circus.
I know that Elon received quite a bit of that DC money too....from Obama, remember??

But I guess that is different because you think Elon hates the same people you hate now
Two different subjects altogether.
All I am saying is that your analysis of the business decisions being made is good one....it doesn't look like a smart decision on their part.... and that we are probably not privy to what they are privy to as far as Government having their backs in the EV business. I have no in depth knowledge of Musk's relationship or lack therof with the White house either now or before now.
Two different subjects altogether.
All I am saying is that your analysis of the business decisions being made is good one....it doesn't look like a smart decision on their part.... and that we are probably not privy to what they are privy to as far as Government having their backs in the EV business.
_00-rea-008 (19).jpg

For someone who isn't privy to shit -- you sure talk a lot of shit like you were privy to it.....
Guess all of that pulling crap out of your ass only gets you so far in a conversation
You do understand that Elon wants to cut emissions and fossil fuel consumption right??

Or was that back before he realized he can con morons like you into worshipping him because he trolls the same people you hate on Twitter??

No wonder so many people decide to claim they are "Republicans" in order to grift from Trumpers....because its easy...
In that respect he is a clueless dreamer like all the rest. We will have no idea what the total algebraic sum of all the new pollutant processes produces in the end until well after we have totally comitted to that direction. You want to have " Flip a switch " convenience? It's probably going to pollute something to get you there.

Elon supports free speech.

The fascists are dedicated to destroying him.
Twitter is being taken out of the next election cycle for them.....they see it as a vital organ of hate to gain their propaganda advantage and now the playing field has been leveled. Lefty hates a level playing field and hates the man who made that level playing field possible. Speaking of which I wonder when the new DHS ministry of truth will attack 2000 mules? That movie is getting lots of air time all over the nation and I hear they are going to do a blitz showing in the last two weeks of OCTOBER for free admissions.....lol.....you know damn well that the left is going to try to stop that.

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Elon supports free speech.

The fascists are dedicated to destroying him.
I'd not place too much faith in what Musk says.

Truth be told I think he's on the brilliant side of the autistic spectrum to a degree....He could change his mind tomorrow.
Elon Musk is a master manipulator of his own image, and a genius at raising the stock price and funds for the companies he builds. Now the richest man in the world, he is a brilliant businessman, but he shares — indeed exemplifies — all the arrogance of American capitalist elites. Still, he has now managed to pose as a populist defender of “free speech” rights.

As far as I’m concerned, Musk revealed that his supposed commitment to democratic rights goes only so far as his own class interests.

He did this when he arrogantly blurted out his support for the (U.S. government supported) coup against the democratically elected government of Bolivia in 2019. He said “We will coup whoever we want. Deal with it!”

In truth, he (and the U.S. under Trump with bipartisan support) was supporting in South America what Trump later tried unsuccessfully to do in 2020 — stop and reverse a legitimate election result that he and they opposed.

Bolivian society did “deal with it” when they democratically voted out the coup organizers — even despite U.S. and local military pressure.

This may seem like a small thing to Americans, but it says a lot about this businessman and his real values.

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Is Biden the same guy you morons think controls gas prices?? Why do you "fools" prefer the government to control gas prices instead of "the free market" ???

Kinda makes me think you Trumpers are just full of shit...

By the way.....maybe GM Ford and Intel are boosting investment because they didn't lose 10 to 20 percent of their value in the span of months...like your Jr. Cult leader, Plugs McGee did
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Elon Musk and Trevor Noah both from South Africa. One is a Visionary the other from the Village. Both are left leaning. One not far enough.
Elon Musk is a master manipulator of his own image, and a genius at raising the stock price and funds for the companies he builds. Now the richest man in the world, he is a brilliant businessman, but he shares — indeed exemplifies — all the arrogance of American capitalist elites. Still, he has now managed to pose as a populist defender of “free speech” rights.

As far as I’m concerned, Musk revealed that his supposed commitment to democratic rights goes only so far as his own class interests.

He did this when he arrogantly blurted out his support for the (U.S. government supported) coup against the democratically elected government of Bolivia in 2019. He said “We will coup whoever we want. Deal with it!”

In truth, he (and the U.S. under Trump with bipartisan support) was supporting in South America what Trump later tried unsuccessfully to do in 2020 — stop and reverse a legitimate election result that he and they opposed.

Bolivian society did “deal with it” when they democratically voted out the coup organizers — even despite U.S. and local military pressure.

This may seem like a small thing to Americans, but it says a lot about this businessman and his real values.

Still, he has now managed to pose as a populist defender of “free speech” rights.

That wasn't hard at all... Twitter was ripe for the picking....they were ( as we know now ) inflating their own value with up to 20% bots and I expect the SEC will be wanting to talk to them soon.
If Musk spotted an opportunity it is only because the incestuous process of self regulating with no balance of outside pragmatic input caused twitter to blossom into the very pinnacle of social and ethical arrogance.
Any time you have that much stored up energy .......think Boulder on the precipice of a 1,000 foot drop.....somebody is going to figure out how to push it over the edge.

In short...you can thank Twitter for supplying Musk with all of the energy he needed to pull this absolutely Chess Master-brilliant move on them. Hell Hitler could have bought Twitter and been seen the very same way.....that is how far the twitter hellgrammite's pantaloons had fallen around their ankles without them even feeling so much as a summer breeze.

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"Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to slash jobs at the electric carmaker based on a "super bad feeling" he has about the economy, Reuters reported Friday. Musk said he needs to cut about 10% of his workforce in an email sent to company executives, according to the Reuters report. Tesla's stock has lost nearly one-third of its value since early April, shortly after Musk first suggested that he wanted to buy Twitter. Also Friday, government regulators reported that more than 750 Tesla owners have complained that cars have suddenly stopped on roadways for no apparent reason. The memo, titled "pause all hiring worldwide," said employees who don't return to their assigned offices should look for jobs elsewhere. "If you don't show up, we will assume you have resigned," he said in a follow-up email to the company's workers."

Lol, can you imagine how triggered libs will be if Elon cuts 10,000 workers and says it's because of Biden's disastrous policies?? No doubt, Elon knows the economy is collapsing and so considering cutting staff by 10% is why he is considered one of the most brilliant minds in world history.....and in a stroke of genius, if he can manage to make it to where most of these workers resigned; he is off the hook for paying any unemployment claims or any lay-off packages. The best part is, he is set to rake in 25 billion just for himself this year -- so despite the fact that Biden's economy is in shambles, at least Elon was able to muster at least a little bit of extra income to weather the storm...this will also help him to purchase Twitter sooner, which is just extra insult to the Dems...can you imagine how much lower inflation will be once Elon owns Twitter??

However, I don't understand why other EV car manufactures like Ford, GM and Hyundai are making the dumb decisions they are making -- are they insane?? They would be wise to cut workforce too and hold back on investment until a real President is back in control....Ford is investing nearly 4 billion in production and hiring 6000 people?? Why do this now?? Why not wait until the economy is in better hands?? GM is increasing it's hiring by 20 percent over last year..what kind of economy do they think we have?? Hyundai is planning to add 46,000 US jobs in the next 3 years?? Do you know who is president over most of that time?? What are you guys thinking?

Even companies whom we thought would know better, companies like Intel are increasing investment by 100 billion and are increasing wages by 3 billion....I thought Intel was smart enough to know better than to do something like this -- hopefully nobody knows about all of these investments and pays attention to what Elon is telling us..because he knows far more than they do...

Wait until he cleans house at Twitter. Your head's going to explode.
Is Biden the same guy you morons think controls gas prices?? Why do you "fools" prefer the government to control gas prices instead of "the free market" ???

Kinda makes me think you Trumpers are just full of shit...

By the way.....maybe GM Ford and Intel are boosting investment because they didn't lose 10 to 20 percent of their value in the span of months...like your Jr. Cult leader, Plugs McGee did
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Is Biden the same guy you morons think controls gas prices?? Why do you "fools" prefer the government to control gas prices instead of "the free market" ???

Kinda makes me think you Trumpers are just full of shit...

By the way.....maybe GM Ford and Intel are boosting investment because they didn't lose 10 to 20 percent of their value in the span of months...like your Jr. Cult leader, Plugs McGee did
View attachment 654533
What does your response have to do with my comment regarding the way Musk handles his business? To address your deflection, I will admit that Biden does not control the price of oil but he has done nothing, absolutely nothing to reduce the cost here in the US. His latest strategy has him dropping his chit-stained pants, in an effort to get several 3rd worlds oil producers to do his job. They won't even speak to the fool. If you so choose to respond at all please explain his shutting down the pipeline here and then giving the OK to Putin's pipeline as a positive move. Your lame brain Biden is a disaster.

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