Emails show Lois Lerner will testify before Congress... even as her lawyer denies


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
BTW, emails show that Lerner's lawyer said she WOULD testify before Congress... right before the lawyer said she wouldn't.

That makes things clearer. :cuckoo:


Emails Show Lois Lerner's Attorney Agreed She Would Give Testimony to House Oversight Committee - Katie Pavlich

Emails Show Lois Lerner's Attorney Agreed She Would Give Testimony to House Oversight Committee

by Katie Pavlich
Mar 03, 2014

Yesterday on Fox News Sunday House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa announced Lois Lerner, former head of tax exempt groups at the IRS, would be back in front of Congress this week to testify about the inappropriate targeting of conservative, tea party and patriot groups. Issa cited Lerner's attorney, William Taylor, as the source of confirmation of her agreement to testify on Wednesday, March 5.

Shortly after that appearance, Taylor told POLITICO an agreement Lerner would testify was not made, that he didn't know where Issa was coming from and that Lerner would continue to plead the Fifth.

“As of now, she intends to continue to assert her Fifth Amendment rights,” Taylor said. “I do not know why Issa said what he said.”

Emails show otherwise and indicate a willingness by Lerner to wave her Fifth Amendment rights. In an email dated Saturday March 1 at 3:10 p.m., less than 24 hours before Issa's announcement on Fox News, Taylor confirmed Lerner would be willing to testify, but wanted a one week delay. The emails also show an agreement to testify came without a guarantee of immunity. What isn't clear in the email exchange is whether Taylor agreed Lerner would testify in front of a public hearing or to the Committee behind closed doors as part of a deposition.

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