
Yup, the far righty tards are embarassing themselves as you. Can't handle the OP. Can't handle the discussion. So they attack personality. Poor little cuties.
Your denial of facts leave no room for discussion. Continue to worship at the feet of your leader and cling to your own version of realty. It's what Libtards do.
I am voting for Kasich, and I am thrilled the contrad candidates simply do not have the money, organization, or skills do be anything other than laughable.
He can call for it; he will not get it, because the American people will not let him.
Isis uses clips from Fox News FAR more than any other American media outlet in their recruitment videos because Faux News is constantly bad-talking America and our military.

Faux News ignores things like the WW2 slogan, "loose lips sink ships". They give fresh recruiting material to Isis on a daily basis.
Isis uses clips from Fox News FAR more than any other American media outlet in their recruitment videos because Faux News is constantly bad-talking America and our military.

Faux News ignores things like the WW2 slogan, "loose lips sink ships". They give fresh recruiting material to Isis on a daily basis.
Fox News is the enemy of the United States.

Isis uses video and audio clips for their recruitment far more from Fox News than any other media source. They use every chance they get to bad mouth America and our allies.

Its proven fact. Sorry, cons, your anti-America propaganda is directly helping the enemy.
Missouri Mike, stop the fucking melt down and grow up.

I said truthfully Bush failed to get a SOFA. That is not blaming him for everything, so stop your unbalanced hissy fit.

Vacation trips? The Obama have spent far less vacation time than Bush. What is wrong with you.
So you still blame Bush who actually had a SOFA in place before it was up to obie to extend it. Obie failed. But you still blame Bush. And call that a hissy fit. Any other retarded points you want to make?

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