Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Minnesotan with quadriplegia

I have to agree with an earlier post ...... the argument for ESC is not good, and any promise of hope has been the result of adult stem cell/cord blood research. Based on the article, if adult stem cell/cord blood has been successful; albeit, at a minimal level, but DOES hold promise, and ESC has all the inherent defects as listed, why the smoke and mirrors to sell us the latter when the former holds the most promise?

And WHAT exactly have we learned from space? We can recreate the environment of space right here, and save ourselves a lot of money in the process. Oh, but then, we DID beat the Russians to the Moon.:rolleyes:

Seems to me most people in this argument lean heavily on emotion and not very much on the facts.

Do both, ASC and ESC.

What have we learned from space? You're not serious. It’s not what we’ve learned from “space” necessarily, it’s what has been discovered along the way in the space program that has been of benefit.
Do both, ASC and ESC.

ESR promises nothing. No point to it. And I DO have a problem with creating human life for the purpose of destroying it through experimentation.
What have we learned from space? You're not serious. It’s not what we’ve learned from “space” necessarily, it’s what has been discovered along the way in the space program that has been of benefit.

Like "Tang"?:laugh:
i think it is about people wanting to stop stem cell research because it has not cured anything yet.....i think they want to stop it because it kills human embryos...

last i checked, and as i said, stem cell research is leagal and the embryos would be disposed of if they were not used for research....

We're on the same page.
It must suck for me to be right all the time.

Actually, you're still not right. Just because the YMCA was a Christian-based organization and shared a common individual with the Red Cross does not mean the Red Cross was Christian-based.

And even if you had been right here, still would have been one post out of how many? lol....
Actually, you're still not right. Just because the YMCA was a Christian-based organization and shared a common individual with the Red Cross does not mean the Red Cross was Christian-based.

And even if you had been right here, still would have been one post out of how many? lol....

But isn't it the librull mantra that if an organization has ANY link to either a Christian organization OR to any Christian ideals that it is a Christian organization itself and should not receive any federal funding? I mean, that DOES seem to be the standard here in the USA. Does the standard change simply by crossing an international border?
I would add only that the only veto exercised during his entire presidency was against doing life-saving research. The bridge to nowhere... no problem. :dunno:
why are liberals SO dense? He vetoed FEDERAL FUNDING of the research. He didn't veto the actual research, which yes, he is against, but he is not stopping it.

If you feel it is more promising than adult or cordblood research, then you have the full ability (as well as the other ESC stumpers) to put your money where your mouth is. If you guys turn out to be right, then your investment would be returned knowing you have helped cure some disease or save a life. No one is stopping you from funding it yourselves.
Actually, you're still not right. Just because the YMCA was a Christian-based organization and shared a common individual with the Red Cross does not mean the Red Cross was Christian-based.

And even if you had been right here, still would have been one post out of how many? lol....

You still can't admit that I'm right and you still can't apologize. Just as I suspected: no sense of honor.

Jean Henry Dunant, known as the father of the Red Cross...... The atmosphere of Calvinist Geneva also influenced his growth and development. He early developed deep religious convictions and high moral principles.

In the first years of his maturity he found outlet for his energies by allying himself with various movements or causes and by engaging in charitable and religious activities. For a time he was active in a movement -then quite strong in many parts of Europe-for the union of Christians and Jews.
why are liberals SO dense? He vetoed FEDERAL FUNDING of the research. He didn't veto the actual research, which yes, he is against, but he is not stopping it.


For libs, it's not about saving lives- its about gaining political power.
Ok, lemme run the numbers for you people who want federal funding of ESC. If government money goes into it, half of it will be wasted on beauracracy. All of it will come straight from everyone's pockets, anyway. It will not be given to those with the best science, but those with the prettiest presentation.

On the other hand, if you let private investors do their jobs, the whole thing will go much faster, and if you invest in it yourself, then you'll actually get a monetary return, unlike with your taxes. If you were to invest $5 in ESC research today, then I'd be willing to bet that if ESC can eventually be used to cure just one disease that the proponents claim, you'd get $100+ back on your investment.
I figgered you needed a little help, analogous to getting your ass dragged to an AA meeting.:beer:

Hey, dimbulb.... do me a favor...... most of us know you're a psycho little troll, but do refrain from editing other members' comments. You really need to have an IQ that touches on double digits before you get to do stuff like that.
Hey, dimbulb.... do me a favor...... most of us know you're a psycho little troll, but do refrain from editing other members' comments. You really need to have an IQ that touches on double digits before you get to do stuff like that.

Finally, showing your true self I see. Very ugly and elitist.

Since you bring up the subject of IQ, I've asked you before with no response, what's yours?
well I have serious reservations on this whole stem cell bit. It is one thing to claim the medical advantages of being able to do this and it is another thing to just slip into cloning and justify it as a medical advantage. I hope it won't happen.
well I have serious reservations on this whole stem cell bit. It is one thing to claim the medical advantages of being able to do this and it is another thing to just slip into cloning and justify it as a medical advantage. I hope it won't happen.

Stephanopoulos: In the ad now running in Missouri, Jim Caviezel speaks in Aramaic. It means, "You betray me with a kiss." And his position, his point, is that actually even though down in Missouri they say the initiative is against cloning, it's actually going to allow human cloning.

Fox: Well, I don't think that's true. You know, I campaigned for Claire McCaskill. And so I have to qualify it by saying I'm not qualified to speak on the page-to-page content of the initiative. Although, I am quite sure that I'll agree with it in spirit, I don't know, I— On full disclosure, I haven't read it, and that's why I didn't put myself up for it distinctly. http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/story?id=2613377&page=2

It's cloning.
Please do a search for:

Open Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research - The Petition Site & Sign!!!!

Less than 3,000 needed still to reach goal.

Sorry this site will not let me post direct link yet

Thank You!

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