Emergency meeting in Germany to address threat to peace from....right wing anti-migrant groups???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
German minister 'calls for special conference to address rising far-Right violence'

German officials are meeting for an emergency....err...."special"....conference to address the "threats to peace" posed by.....wait for it......wait for it......xenophobic right wing groups who oppose the influx of 1.1 million Muslim herd.

Yes. You read correctly. The concern of the German officials is the GERMAN people who don't want 1,100,000 unvetted Muslims from Syria flooding GERMANY. The "threat to peace" isn't the influx of 1.1 million Muslims from a war zone of jihad into a civilized Western nation. No. It's the citizens of that country who don't want that influx who are the problem.

Now....I may be wrong. I'm not from Germany. I don't visit.

But hasn't Germany been peaceful for....oh....several decades? And now they're worried?

Hmmmm. WHAT changed? It isn't the 1.1 million rapist Muslims they allowed in is it? NO NO NO NO.....that's not it. It's the racist right wingers who won't tolerate their nation being overrun with Muslim rapists....THAT IS the real worry according to leftist German leadership.

And libs be like....

Germany (a place where I lived for the better part of 6 years) is so encumbered by their past that they refuse to do what is right to protect their country. Trump is absolutely correct. We SHOULD TEMPORARILY ban ALL refugees until they can be properly vetted. Hell, watch the numerous videos - 90% of those crashing the borders are young men of fighting age.
How dare those Germans want to keep Germany German? Don't they know their betters know what's best for them?

I do think it's incredibly ironic that Germany is the poster child for what happens when Nationalism gets going, and yet these new Liberal policies of "just let them all in!" is ushering in a new wave of German Nationalism. Talk about your unintended consequences.
How dare those Germans want to keep Germany German? Don't they know their betters know what's best for them?

I do think it's incredibly ironic that Germany is the poster child for what happens when Nationalism gets going, and yet these new Liberal policies of "just let them all in!" is ushering in a new wave of German Nationalism. Talk about your unintended consequences.

The leftist German officials in the link actually said....quote...."We can't have random Pakistani citizens being beaten up by vigilantes. We cannot have that."

The irony of that statement.....2 weeks after HUNDREDS of "random German citizens" were sexually assaulted by Muslim Vigilante INVADERS.....it's just mind blowing honestly.

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