Emmy Award Ass Clowns Don't Know How Irrelevant They Are

Interesting that he says AA is racist when the majority who take advantage of it are WHITE Women.
FALSE! How lame. This dopey line has been refuted thousands of times for decades. We're seeing another example of liberal information-deprivation, caused by watching only liberal OMISSION media.

This dumb talking point continues to be used by affirmative action defenders, despite its obvious falsehood. For every 1 woman helped by AA, 100 are damaged by it (wives, daughters, mothers, etc of discriminated-against white men). That's been known for years. :rolleyes:
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Not their Yellow Submarine shit.
They did have some silly novelty songs - but that doesn't take away from their many great songs, with beautifically crafted chord progressions, melodies, and harmonic interplay.
Protectionist said Affirmative Action is the #1 largest racist discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of people, over the last 50 years

That's just GOOFY
In your liberal, detached from reality, programmed mind, it's "goofy".. Let's see you try to refute it.

No need. It's obvious to anyone attuned to reality, and nothing will ever change a hard core nut job's closed mind, like yours anyway.
No. The electoral college was set up because people couldn't all get out to vote on the same day. They had to walk or ride a horse, sometimes for days, to get to the polling place. The electoral college, a much smaller group that represented their state as well as was possible in a time without much communication ability, were selected to go vote for the whole state. It was the best way possible to represent as many as possible at the time. Now, we have the technology to count every vote. Something not possible back them.
FALSE! The electoral college was invented to prevent exactly what Democrats are trying to do today. That is to stack a few key states (ex. California, Oregon, New Mexico, Colorado, New York) with voters for them (currently illegal aliens), and then win by popular vote.

The electoral college is to spread the voting POWER to ALL of America, not have it monopolized in certain states.
No need. It's obvious to anyone attuned to reality, and nothing will ever change a hard core nut job's closed mind, like yours anyway.
You ALWAYS need to back up your statements. When you don't (like now), it shows you're just just spouting meaningless, hot air.

Why am I not surprised you chickened out ?

And what is "Obvious" is that AA has discriminated against hundreds of millions of white Americans, for 50 + years. No other racial discrimination in America, even comes close to that. Ho hum. Yawn ***
No need. It's obvious to anyone attuned to reality, and nothing will ever change a hard core nut job's closed mind, like yours anyway.
You ALWAYS need to back up your statements. When you don't (like now), it shows you're just just spouting meaningless, hot air.

Why am I not surprised you chickened out ?

And what is "Obvious" is that AA has discriminated against hundreds of millions of white Americans, for 50 + years. No other racial discrimination in America, even comes close to that. Ho hum. Yawn ***

Since affirmative action helps white women more than anyone else, your claim has to be false.
#161 didn't refute anything. It only gave your opinion. A credible link might help you here if you have one.
Typical liberal response. Hide behind some liberal study (more like whitewash) and pretend that is the only authentic evidence. And I know that I don't fall for the liberal ruse of expecting everyone to consult liberal sources, when no sources are needed at all. Often, simple intelligence & common sense is enough. That's how we conservatives define proof.

You have "proof" that fish can swim ? Well do you ?

I can prove it - and completely without any "credible link " :biggrin:
I saw Fox talking about the Emmys. They're like little kids, calling names.
The Emmys had the biggest audience ever.
#161 didn't refute anything. It only gave your opinion. A credible link might help you here if you have one.
Typical liberal response. Hide behind some liberal study (more like whitewash) and pretend that is the only authentic evidence. And I know that I don't fall for the liberal ruse of expecting everyone to consult liberal sources, when no sources are needed at all. Often, simple intelligence & common sense is enough. That's how we conservatives define proof.

You have "proof" that fish can swim ? Well do you ?

I can prove it - and completely without any "credible link " :biggrin:

Again. Your opinion is not credible proof.
#161 didn't refute anything. It only gave your opinion. A credible link might help you here if you have one.
Typical liberal response. Hide behind some liberal study (more like whitewash) and pretend that is the only authentic evidence. And I know that I don't fall for the liberal ruse of expecting everyone to consult liberal sources, when no sources are needed at all. Often, simple intelligence & common sense is enough. That's how we conservatives define proof.

You have "proof" that fish can swim ? Well do you ?

I can prove it - and completely without any "credible link " :biggrin:

billy in the lowground-mandolin - Bing video

Again. Your opinion is not credible proof.
Not "credible proof" BY LIBERAL DEFINITIONS :laugh:

To show I harbor no ill will, I invite you also to see (and hear) one of the significant pieces of music in European history >>

I'm having a slight computer problem right now >> Put in search box Billy in the Lowground under my name.

billy in the lowground-mandolin - Bing video
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