Emmy Award Ass Clowns Don't Know How Irrelevant They Are

Actually, you can do more:

1. Watch their shows.
2. Take note of their sponsors.
3. Boycott the products of those sponsors.
4. Tell your friends about those sponsors.
That's what I intend to do, but I will contact those sponsor directly. Hope you all do the same.
Elected by the majority of the American people? You're nuts.
Our President was elected by a majority of what really counts: the Electoral College. Stops mob rule in it's tracks. If your fucking professors would teach you the Truth, you'd already know that.
Great idea. Go for it. I'm sure you could get every racist and misogynist in the country to watch. Alex Jones could be the show's host, and Hannity and Steve Bannon could be the presenters. You could probably even get Ted Nugent to crap his pants on stage,and Kid Rock to show his sex tape. Those acts, and the KKK Choir could round out the entertainment.
. ^^^Bigoted moron.

I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.

What about the draft dodging leftists that went to Canada to avoid fighting in LBJ's war???? All wars are bankers wars that are always started by false flag events going all the way back to the Spanish -American War with the battle cry of "Remember The Maine" which was a load of b.s. The Vietnam War? The "Gulf Of Tonkin" Resolution for an attack that never happened......get the picture?

I could respect someone who fled to Canada, or even crapped his pants to get out of the draft until they become rabid pro war jerks willing to send someone else's son to fight and possibly die when they didn't have the balls to do it themselves.

After Viet Nam, all the wars were fought by VOLUNTEER troops.

So, no one sent someone else's kids to die in their place.

When the Guillotine Rests, Freedom Rusts

The "volunteer" army is an economic draft, just like all others. It is a forced choice, as is true all over your fake free market. People are wising up to plutocratic propaganda.

Richkids better start volunteering and learn how to fight, because the next war will be against them.
Elected by the majority of the American people? You're nuts.
Our President was elected by a majority of what really counts: the Electoral College. Stops mob rule in it's **its** tracks. If your fucking professors would teach you the Truth, you'd already know that.
A Plague on Both Your Houses

Stop discrediting democracy; that's treason. Whatever your own snob professors told you, the truth is that democracy is rule by the majority against an elitist mob. The majority wanted the electoral college, because they wanted to have the option of moving to the less densely populated states without losing political power.

This is the usual partisan hypocrisy. If hillary had won the electoral college but not the popular vote, your talk-show nannies would be lip-syncing a different lullaby.
Elected by the majority of the American people? You're nuts.
Our President was elected by a majority of what really counts: the Electoral College. Stops mob rule in it's **its** tracks. If your fucking professors would teach you the Truth, you'd already know that.
A Plague on Both Your Houses

Stop discrediting democracy; that's treason. Whatever your own snob professors told you, the truth is that democracy is rule by the majority against an elitist mob. The majority wanted the electoral college, because they wanted to have the option of moving to the less densely populated states without losing political power.

This is the usual partisan hypocrisy. If hillary had won the electoral college but not the popular vote, your talk-show nannies would be lip-syncing a different lullaby.

No. The electoral college was set up because people couldn't all get out to vote on the same day. They had to walk or ride a horse, sometimes for days, to get to the polling place. The electoral college, a much smaller group that represented their state as well as was possible in a time without much communication ability, were selected to go vote for the whole state. It was the best way possible to represent as many as possible at the time. Now, we have the technology to count every vote. Something not possible back them.
He was not elected by a majority of the American people. He was elected by a majority of the Electoral College. A majority of the American people in fact cast 3 million more votes for someone else.
FALSE! He was elected by BOTH a majority of the American people AND a majority of the Electoral College. The millions of illegal aliens Democrats pepper our elections with, don't count. They are non-citizens and not "Americans" :biggrin:
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

Regardless, the candidates on the Right got more votes than hillary and Jillary. Just because the narrow-minded and bribed yackers and scribblers we are told are intelligent and sincere never mention it is the very reason it is probably the best answer. We need an automatic runoff, where voters for a third-place candidate will have their second choice count for one of the two leading candidates. It's moronic for the ruling class to impose a system where the side that better represents the will of the electorate loses because its votes are split on the first round.
If you don't like being called goofy, then quit being so goofy.
I like being called "goofy" - by goofy liberals (who sadly have no idea how goofy they are)
it disgusts me. Originality is the only cr
If you don't like being called goofy, then quit being so goofy.
I like being called "goofy" - by goofy liberals (who sadly have no idea how goofy they are)
Gofers Say "Goofy"

I do not llike it; it disgusts me. Originality is the only crime on the WhirledWadofWub. Wubbybots metallically bleat, "I've never heard that idea before, not even from the other side. So it must be goofy."

But I don't blame the sheep; that's anti-democratic. It's the shepherds who need to be fleeced and butchered.
Sorry! We can't accept this post. DD is wearing a Navy uniform, and we all know liberals know nothing about the military. Or law enforcement....or guns......or a lot of things
But...but their professors told them all about them things. And...and them professors are smarter than you! Cuz..cuz---well, they just are. So there!
My sister and I love to watch Investigation Id, Detective Joe Kenda rules! Murder and mayhem stories are interesting.
If you don't like being called goofy, then quit being so goofy.
I like being called "goofy" - by goofy liberals (who sadly have no idea how goofy they are)
it disgusts me. Originality is the only cr
If you don't like being called goofy, then quit being so goofy.
I like being called "goofy" - by goofy liberals (who sadly have no idea how goofy they are)
Gofers Say "Goofy"

I do not llike it; it disgusts me. Originality is the only crime on the WhirledWadofWub. Wubbybots metallically bleat, "I've never heard that idea before, not even from the other side. So it must be goofy."

But I don't blame the sheep; that's anti-democratic. It's the shepherds who need to be fleeced and butchered.

Protectionist said Affirmative Action is the #1 largest racist discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of people, over the last 50 years

That's just GOOFY
Sorry! We can't accept this post. DD is wearing a Navy uniform, and we all know liberals know nothing about the military. Or law enforcement....or guns......or a lot of things
But...but their professors told them all about them things. And...and them professors are smarter than you! Cuz..cuz---well, they just are. So there!

Professors have nothing to do with this, dummy. Why are you so afraid of education? Your ignorance is not just as valid as my education.
You have to wrap yourself in myth to believe that voter fraud counts for 3 million votes. But, if that's what it takes to make yourself feel better, it causes no harm, go with God. A salute.

Just don't expect anyone else with any real world knowledge to buy into it.
You have to wrap yourself in myth to believe that voter fraud DOES NOT count for AT LEAST 3 million votes.

It's probably more like TWENTY 3 million,, with 27 million illegal aliens in the country.- all worried about being deported, all having no compunctions about doing things illegally, and virtually nothing whatsoever to stop them from voting.

Immigration Counters.com - Live Counters, News, Resources

Only a total moron would claim this isn't happening.
Professors have nothing to do with this, dummy. Why are you so afraid of education? Your ignorance is not just as valid as my education.
Education in America today (the social science part) is MISeducation.

Your "education" is about as INvalid as anything could ever be.
You have to wrap yourself in myth to believe that voter fraud counts for 3 million votes. But, if that's what it takes to make yourself feel better, it causes no harm, go with God. A salute.

Just don't expect anyone else with any real world knowledge to buy into it.
You have to wrap yourself in myth to believe that voter fraud DOES NOT count for AT LEAST 3 million votes.

It's probably more like TWENTY 3 million,, with 27 million illegal aliens in the country.- all worried about being deported, all having no compunctions about doing things illegally, and virtually nothing whatsoever to stop them from voting.

Immigration Counters.com - Live Counters, News, Resources

Only a total moron would claim this isn't happening.

I will admit total morons are involved in the discussion.
If you don't like being called goofy, then quit being so goofy.
I like being called "goofy" - by goofy liberals (who sadly have no idea how goofy they are)
it disgusts me. Originality is the only cr
If you don't like being called goofy, then quit being so goofy.
I like being called "goofy" - by goofy liberals (who sadly have no idea how goofy they are)
Gofers Say "Goofy"

I do not llike it; it disgusts me. Originality is the only crime on the WhirledWadofWub. Wubbybots metallically bleat, "I've never heard that idea before, not even from the other side. So it must be goofy."

But I don't blame the sheep; that's anti-democratic. It's the shepherds who need to be fleeced and butchered.

Protectionist said Affirmative Action is the #1 largest racist discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of people, over the last 50 years

That's just GOOFY
Interesting that he says AA is racist when the majority who take advantage of it are WHITE Women.
Protectionist said Affirmative Action is the #1 largest racist discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of people, over the last 50 years

That's just GOOFY
In your liberal, detached from reality, programmed mind, it's "goofy".. Let's see you try to refute it.
I will admit total morons are involved in the discussion.
I see them here all the time. Especially moronic since even after being deprogrammed, they (you) still remain programmed (to liberal, GOOFY lunacy)

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