Emmy Award Ass Clowns Don't Know How Irrelevant They Are

I could respect someone who fled to Canada, or even crapped his pants to get out of the draft until they become rabid pro war jerks willing to send someone else's son to fight and possibly die when they didn't have the balls to do it themselves.
Big difference between fighting a war that was wrong (Vietnam), and one that is right (the international jihad vs the sane world) You never noticed ?
Name me one war that has been necessary since the Revolutionary War and BTW, I am not so sure that America won that one when it was all said and done.

The Civil War was financed and fomented by the Rothschilds, one son in France, one in England along with the Jesuits and Rome.

WWI? I STILL haven't figured out how America allowed themselves to get pulled into that. I know how it happened and how the Balfour Declaration played a huge part in it....but how were the American people convinced to go fight it? The Bolshevik Revolution couldn't have happened without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs that had a grudge against the Tsar because he refused to allow a central bank into his country.

Hitler? Financed by the REAL nazis and fascist in this country that tried a fascist coup d'etat using Smedley Butler that then financed Hitler and then brought over the leading nazis by using the Vatican ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds and put them in places of power within the intelligence agency that became the CIA and other spots within the military industrial complex. Korea was a U.N litmus test to see if countries would join together to fight the very communist menace that they financed. Vietnam? We covered that already. The first Gulf War? Permission was granted to Saddam to invade Kuwait that was slant drilling and then used the U.N to beat him back. BTW, it wasn't Saddam that set fires to those oil wells, that was done by mercenaries paid for by the CIA and Saudi intel to jack up the price of gas.

The War on Terror? That plan was written by the neocons and the think tank group PNAC (Progress for a New American Century) and in it they basically stated that the middle east would need to be in their control in order for America to have full spectrum dominance over oil production along with Eurasia. They also stated that this could be a daunting task that could take years lest we have a "Pearl Harbor" like event which happened with the false flag event that was 9/11/01. Al qaeda is and has always been a CIA/MI5/MI6/Saudi Intel/Mossad asset and that has been proven many times over.
Al Qaeda is but one part of the international jihad. The mindless Koranic lunacy is international (Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, PIJ, Al Shabbab, Boko Haram, ISIS, etc)

But then we're straying off topic.
You haven't been railing against draft dodgers, your bigotry is directed at 63 million people calling us fascist because we voted for someone who wasn't a criminal putting this country in danger for her own selfish reasons.

Your mindless hate toward a group of people who've done you no harm is morally no different than supremacists who mindlessly hates everyone not of their race. You're a bigot. Nothing to be proud of.
"Bigot" ? Hmmm. Ask him/her if he/she supports Affirmative Action. OK. Let's let this post be the question. Well, Bulldog ?
The powerless idiots who used the Emmy Awards last night to stage a barrage of verbal abuse at President Trump appear to be oblivious to their own immense UNimportance.

For their (and anyone else) benefit, here are my top 10 favorite TV shows, that I watch in 2017 >>

1. Gunsmoke.

2. The Untouchables

3. Twilight Zone.

4. 24

5. The Honeymooners

6. Hawaii 5-0 (the old one)

7. Perry Mason

8. Alfred Hitchcock

9. Bonanza

10. Wagon Train

Seven of these 10 are in black & white, and all but one (24) are from the 1950s and 60s.

We need these current TV "stars" and their crappy shows, like we need the flu.

I would like to know how many people started watching the Emmy's and then changed the channel when it turned into a Dump Trump forum.
Query: How many posts does it take for the OP to convince us that the Emmys were irrelevant and no one cares?
Query: How many posts does it take for the OP to convince us that the Emmys were irrelevant and no one cares?
If no one cared, we wouldn't be at post # 134, with 23 posters having cared enough to post. (that includes bodecea)
I always suspected Comservatives hankered for the old days, but that's ridiculous. I suppose some will be calling for the return of rotary phones, Swanson,TV dinners and 78 rpm records.

Where's Sing Along with Mitch on your list? Still think the Beatles need a haircut? Still pissed about Captain Kirk kissing Lt. Ohuru? Want to bring back stockon the town green?

The Beatles killed rock'n roll.

Hair cut? Lobotomy is more like it.
There has never been a more influential band than The Beatles.


That is like saying nobody is more influential for air travel than Al Quada.
While your analogy falls flat on its face, the fact remains The Beatles made rock and roll more popular and advanced the art form further than any other single band in history.

Consider this: The Beatles came to America in 1964 and disbanded in 1970. In six years they made a greater impact than groups that have been performing for greater than fifty years!

In six years they worn out their welcome and outlived their usefulness.
You're emotional status is the concern. You have to lie to yourself.
Not hardly. I see no lies from me. Neither do you.
You have to wrap yourself in myth to believe that voter fraud counts for 3 million votes. But, if that's what it takes to make yourself feel better, it causes no harm, go with God. A salute.

Just don't expect anyone else with any real world knowledge to buy into it.
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I always suspected Comservatives hankered for the old days, but that's ridiculous. I suppose some will be calling for the return of rotary phones, Swanson,TV dinners and 78 rpm records.

Where's Sing Along with Mitch on your list? Still think the Beatles need a haircut? Still pissed about Captain Kirk kissing Lt. Ohuru? Want to bring back stockon the town green?

The Beatles killed rock'n roll.

Hair cut? Lobotomy is more like it.
There has never been a more influential band than The Beatles.


That is like saying nobody is more influential for air travel than Al Quada.
While your analogy falls flat on its face, the fact remains The Beatles made rock and roll more popular and advanced the art form further than any other single band in history.

Consider this: The Beatles came to America in 1964 and disbanded in 1970. In six years they made a greater impact than groups that have been performing for greater than fifty years!

In six years they worn out their welcome and outlived their usefulness.
From A Hard Day's Night through Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band to Let It Be, The Beatles crafted popular song, particularly Rock and Roll from novelty songs like Elvis Presley's Hound Dog to works of majestic poetry. Melodies moved from simple three chord blues riffs to soaring symphonies and brilliant ballads. All genres of Rock and Roll were plumbed and a few invented.

Fifty years hence and today The Beatles are held in the same regard as Gershwin, Porter and Ellington.

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