empathy is eroding in the burgeoning cultural estrangement we call "Tribalism"

empathy is the most distinctive of human traits. we shouldn't let it get away. but we are!
It is being FORCED away by the left. I used to give to the poor shmucks on the street, because I thought they shouldn't be destitute. But then after Obama who tried to fundamentally transform the United States, into a 3rd world shithole by taxing me more, I would tell the poor fucks, that they should go to the white house and get the money from Obama. If you vote for someone who wants to take more of my money, then I wont support shitfucks like you anymore. The liberals dumbasses vote for the very people who keep them poor, they need to suffer for their actions...
in our foreign policy, for at least half a century, we have been spectacularly blind to the power of tribal politics. we tend to view the world in terms of territorial nation-states engaged in great ideological battles (capitalism v communism, democracy v authoritarian, the free world v axis of evil), blinded by our own ideological prisms, we have repeatedly ignored primal group identities, which for billions are the most powerful and meaningful, and which drive political upheaval all over the world. this blindness has been the achilles heel of US foreign policy.

in the vietnam war, it's now well known that we underestimated the extent to which the Vietnamese people were fighting for national independence, as opposed to Cold War Marxism.
"Why can't our Babel-esque mishmash of mutually incompatible and competing tribes provide all the same social goods as a small, ethnically homogeneous Nordic country?" asks confused old man.


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