Empire In Retreat: Under Trump, we’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time

we are an imperial nation engaged in the exercise of power for its own sake, filling every vacuum to the limit of our capacity.

as with great empires of the past, as the power grows, it becomes an end itself, power without purpose.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.

You need to stop posting until your next doctor's appointment. You need to get back on your meds as soon as possible.
'the fall of the empire of America...'

Can butt-hurt, demented snowflakes get anymore over-dramatic?


Best economy in decades
More Jobs
Lowest Unemployment in decades
Lowest # of welfare enrollees in decades
Lowest # of food stamp enrollees in decades
Lowest # of unemployment enrollees in decades
High home values
Record stock market
No wars started
Historic peace talks
Higher approval ratings than Reagan & Obama
Elimination of Un-Constitutional edicts / policy
An end of terrorist pandering / support

....oh, the HORROR!


Nothing Trump has done made these things happen. His approval ratings are not higher that Obama or Reagan. He kissed the Saudis asses and they are the ones who were responsible for 9-11.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.
America was once what Reagan called the shining city on the hill

What the rest of the world aspired to be. Now we are feared and ridiculed by the rest of the world. Trump is not trusted or respected in the Global Community and has surrendered the role of Leader of the Free World
Reagan was a globalist fuck bag.

Wow! I am amazed at the eloquence of your comment.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.
America was once what Reagan called the shining city on the hill

What the rest of the world aspired to be. Now we are feared and ridiculed by the rest of the world. Trump is not trusted or respected in the Global Community and has surrendered the role of Leader of the Free World
Reagan was a globalist fuck bag.

Wow! I am amazed at the eloquence of your comment.

I'm not so much into complaining about globalism, but Reagan was a fuck bag.
'the fall of the empire of America...'

Can butt-hurt, demented snowflakes get anymore over-dramatic?


Best economy in decades
More Jobs
Lowest Unemployment in decades
Lowest # of welfare enrollees in decades
Lowest # of food stamp enrollees in decades
Lowest # of unemployment enrollees in decades
High home values
Record stock market
No wars started
Historic peace talks
Higher approval ratings than Reagan & Obama
Elimination of Un-Constitutional edicts / policy
An end of terrorist pandering / support

....oh, the HORROR!


Nothing Trump has done made these things happen. His approval ratings are not higher that Obama or Reagan. He kissed the Saudis asses and they are the ones who were responsible for 9-11.
LOL...keep it up and the Race Pimps might invite you into their club.
'the fall of the empire of America...'

Can butt-hurt, demented snowflakes get anymore over-dramatic?


Best economy in decades
More Jobs
Lowest Unemployment in decades
Lowest # of welfare enrollees in decades
Lowest # of food stamp enrollees in decades
Lowest # of unemployment enrollees in decades
High home values
Record stock market
No wars started
Historic peace talks
Higher approval ratings than Reagan & Obama
Elimination of Un-Constitutional edicts / policy
An end of terrorist pandering / support

....oh, the HORROR!


Nothing Trump has done made these things happen. His approval ratings are not higher that Obama or Reagan. He kissed the Saudis asses and they are the ones who were responsible for 9-11.
LOL...keep it up and the Race Pimps might invite you into their club.

I don't want to be a dittohead. Now this issue has nothing to do with race, s why are you so obsessed with race that your bring it up pertaining to a matter of politics? Is everything about race to you?
Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?

When Republicans in Congress passed a big, fat tax break bill in December, they insisted it meant American workers would be singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” all the way to the bank.

The payoff from the tax cut would be raises totaling $4,000 to $9,000, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors assured workers.

But something bad happened to workers on their way to the repository. They never got that money.

In fact, their real wages declined because of higher inflation. At the same time, the amount workers had to pay in interest on loans for cars and credit cards increased. And, to top it off, Republicans threatened to make workers pay for the tax break with cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

So now, workers across America are wondering, “Where’s that raise?”

It’s nowhere to be found.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics reported this week that wages for production and nonsupervisory workers decreased by 0.1 percent from May 2017 to May 2018 when inflation is factored in. The compensation for all workers together, including supervisors, rose an underwhelming 0.1 percent from April 2018 to May 2018.

That’s not what Congressional Republicans promised workers. They said corporations, which got the biggest, fattest tax cuts of all, would use that extra money to increase wages.

Some workers got one-time bonuses and an even smaller number received raises. But not many. The group, Americans for Tax Fairness, estimates it’s 4.3 percent of all U.S. workers.

Most of the money went to stock buybacks, which enrich corporate executives and wealthy stock holders because they have the effect of raising stock values. Corporations set an all-time record for buybacks in the first quarter of this year. They bought $178 billion of their own shares, up by more than 42 percent from the first quarter in 2017.

The New York Times story about this record breaker describes the phenomena way: “Companies buy back their shares when they believe they have nothing better to do with their money than to return capital to shareholders.” So despite promises from the GOP and the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, corporations believed further enriching their own executives and shareholders was a much better way to use the money than increasing workers’ wages – wages that have been stagnant for decades.

Form 1945 until 1982, worker pay rose in tandem with productivity. At that time, buybacks were rare, primarily because they were deemed a forbidden manipulation of stock prices. In 1981, S&P 500 companies spent about 2 percent of profits on buybacks.

But after 1982, when the Reagan administration legalized stock buybacks, the connection between wages and productivity broke wide apart as corporate executives focused all of their efforts on increasing share value. Last year, the S&P 500 companies spent 50 percent of profits on buybacks and 41 percent on dividends to stock holders. That left a pittance – 9 percent. Corporations socked away some or all of that in overseas tax havens. Their workers, whose labor produced that profit, got virtually nothing.

CEOs self-centered focus on stock buybacks is a big part of the reason Republicans’ promised raise is illusory. But it’s not just the raise. The tax cut itself is a sham.

Workers can be excused for not noticing that big, fat tax cut in their paychecks. Those who earn less than $25,000 a year, that is those in the lowest fifth of income brackets, will get a tax cut this year totaling $60. That’s just about a dollar a week.

For those in the middle income quintile earning between $49,000 and $86,000 a year, the average tax cut is $900. That’s $17 a week. The cost of a large pizza and a Coke. Hardly earth shattering.

By contrast, the top 1 percent of taxpayers, those with incomes above $733,000 a year, will get a tax cut averaging $51,000. That’s $980 a week. So every week this year, Uncle Sam will hand the nation’s richest a tax benefit that is $80 more than the entire amount that the middle-income worker will get in a year.

Workers across America are wondering, “Where’s that big, beautiful tax break?”

While they’re searching, workers will have to pay more for cars and homes and credit card debt. That’s because the Federal Reserve increased the cost of borrowing this week for the second time this year and promised two more hikes before year’s end.

Fed officials said they did it because the tax break and additional federal spending have heated up the economy. It’s hot for corporations, alright, but not for workers.

And the real cost to workers hasn’t yet hit. The GOP’s tax cut will add $1 trillion to the national debt. Even before passing the tax cut legislation, Republican leaders like Speaker of the House Paul Ryan began saying that workers would have to pay those costs in the form of cuts to cherished safety net programs, that is Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

And they’re not kidding. They already tried to slash funding for food stamps, the program that feeds the poor.

And now, incredibly, Republicans are planning a second round of tax cuts. They say they want to make that $17-a-week tax break for the middle class permanent. As it is now, that tax cut disappears in 2025, while the massive break Republicans gave corporations is permanent. In addition, Republicans want to slash the capital gains tax. This, again, is a tax cut for the rich.

Now, it’s not as if workers haven’t benefitted at all under the current administration. Jared Bernstein, a senior fellow at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities and former chief economic adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, estimates that the real hourly pay of middle class workers has risen 0.4 percent over the past 18 months of Republican control of Congress and the White House.

At that rate, Bernstein figures, it will take 28 years for a worker to get that promised $4,000 pay bump.

So before Republicans start trying to reward rich people again for being rich, they need to answer one question:

Where’s that $4,000 pay raise promised to the middle class?

Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?
The bottom 47% workers of this country....GOT NOTHING!!!

When you don't pay income taxes, it is relatively ignorant to expect a tax reduction to benefit you.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage so the poor can pay income taxes!
Well for a falling empire we aren't doing bad.

There are jobs for anyone who wants one. UE is the lowest its been in decades.

Working people have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is roaring along.

More people are happy with the direction the country is moving in.

Guess you will be disappointed when the empire doesn't fall.

Oh well. Maybe next time. LOL.
Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires. Especially himself
Any meager increase in take home pay for workers had been wiped out by inflation, increased fuel costs and fewer deductions

So did Trump and other billionaires hide their tax cuts under their mattress or bury it in the backyard? I can totally believe you think that right?
What do you think they did with their tax cuts?
Oh wait maybe bought another yacht or two or three!
But to me that was ok back when I helped a yacht manufacturer set up their inventory control systems because they would hire more people who had more money than unemployment benefits and they and their employer paid more in payroll taxes...all because some billionaires bought more yachts.

But I guess that FACT seemingly doesn't fly with people like you who KNOW those evil billionaires hide their tax cuts under the mattress or buried in their backyard.
Yea, that's what they did.

When you can show us that the trickle down theory has ever worked on a large scale, let me know.

1942 through 1945. It ended the Great Depression.
Command economics of near communism, for when capitalism simply cannot be trusted to do the "right thing".
Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires. Especially himself
Any meager increase in take home pay for workers had been wiped out by inflation, increased fuel costs and fewer deductions

So did Trump and other billionaires hide their tax cuts under their mattress or bury it in the backyard? I can totally believe you think that right?
What do you think they did with their tax cuts?
Oh wait maybe bought another yacht or two or three!
But to me that was ok back when I helped a yacht manufacturer set up their inventory control systems because they would hire more people who had more money than unemployment benefits and they and their employer paid more in payroll taxes...all because some billionaires bought more yachts.

But I guess that FACT seemingly doesn't fly with people like you who KNOW those evil billionaires hide their tax cuts under the mattress or buried in their backyard.
Yea, that's what they did.

When you can show us that the trickle down theory has ever worked on a large scale, let me know.

Right Dumb Ass….

We all know the poor make it all happen….

If you understood how things really worked, you'd realize just how true that is.

The poor buy stuff. They create demand. No demand no sales. No sales no jobs created.

So you give the rich huge tax cuts, but the demand for their products stay the same. Why should they hire?

But if you give the poor the cuts, they have more money to spend. They buy more stuff. Demand increases. The rich need more people to meet the demand. Jobs are created.

It's that simple. That fish you're holding in the avatar could tell you that.

Your economic theory only applies to a pre-global system. Yes, spending creates demand, but if that demand is filled by China, guess who gets stimulated.
higher paid labor simply pays more in taxes and simply creates more in demand.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
Even referring to an American "empire" is stupid, incorrect, and inflammatory.

The U.S. has never been, never attempted to be, and doesn't want to be an empire. We have no colonies, no satellite countries, no one outside our states and territories with any obligations to the U.S., other than to deal with us fairly. Even our closest allies feel no obligation to vote with us in international bodies.

And as for the opinions of European "elites," even their own populations hold them in contempt.

Although our President can be an ass at times, everything he is DOING is right, and correct for the interests of the United States.

You have a problem with that?

The USA is most definitely an empire.

There are 1.3 million American troops deployed around the world with 45,000 of them permanently stationed overseas, to protect “American interests” (read as “property belonging to American corporations”). That’s the very definition of an Empire.

Prior to the tax cuts US corporations had at least $1.6 trillion dollars in untaxed profits held in foreign banks. Another sign of empire building.

To even suggest that there is no such thing as an “American Empire”, is to be willfully blind to the reality.

You must have brown eyes because you are so full of shit!

Those troops are stationed there at the invitation of those governments. That is not the definition of an empire, When is money in a bank a characteristic of an empire? Go back to school and learn something!
Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires. Especially himself
Any meager increase in take home pay for workers had been wiped out by inflation, increased fuel costs and fewer deductions

So did Trump and other billionaires hide their tax cuts under their mattress or bury it in the backyard? I can totally believe you think that right?
What do you think they did with their tax cuts?
Oh wait maybe bought another yacht or two or three!
But to me that was ok back when I helped a yacht manufacturer set up their inventory control systems because they would hire more people who had more money than unemployment benefits and they and their employer paid more in payroll taxes...all because some billionaires bought more yachts.

But I guess that FACT seemingly doesn't fly with people like you who KNOW those evil billionaires hide their tax cuts under the mattress or buried in their backyard.
Yea, that's what they did.

When you can show us that the trickle down theory has ever worked on a large scale, let me know.

Right Dumb Ass….

We all know the poor make it all happen….

If you understood how things really worked, you'd realize just how true that is.

The poor buy stuff. They create demand. No demand no sales. No sales no jobs created.

So you give the rich huge tax cuts, but the demand for their products stay the same. Why should they hire?

But if you give the poor the cuts, they have more money to spend. They buy more stuff. Demand increases. The rich need more people to meet the demand. Jobs are created.

It's that simple. That fish you're holding in the avatar could tell you that.

Your economic theory only applies to a pre-global system. Yes, spending creates demand, but if that demand is filled by China, guess who gets stimulated.

My "theory" applies to now. And if US companies did not sell out for cheap Chinese labor this would not be the case.
the US has sold communist-made weapons to fascists, and fascist-made weapons to communists!
This is the reason for Trump.
The Democrat plan, tax you to death, fill the Country with illegal's ,better yet let anyone and everyone just come on in, they take steps toward removing private industry -- and with it, profit motives -- from critical aspects of public life.have already settled on their agenda, and it can be summed up in one word: resist.”If It's Bad for America It's Good for Democrats.
Even worse, the Democrats actually try to create conditions to make people be dependent on the government. The Democrats know that if America has strong healthy families and good stable home life, those people are much more likely to become Republicans. But if you come from a broken family, and your home life is unstable, you are much more likely to depend on the government. That's what the Democrats need you to be in order for them to keep pow

If America's borders are unsecured, it's bad for America but good for Democrats.

If kids get shot in school, it's bad for America but good for the Democrats agenda to destroy the Second Amendment.

If America's families are broken apart, it's bad for America but good for the Democrat Party.

If teenagers get pregnant out of wedlock, it's bad for America but good for the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood.

If America is unsuccessful economically, it's bad for America but good for the Democrat Party to create more people dependent on the government.

It doesn't matter the issue, it's always the same. If it's bad for America it's good for the Democrats. But here's what's even more interesting, the exact opposite is true.

If it's good for America, it's good for the Republican Party.

If America is not a racist nation, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America's borders are secure, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America's Families stay together, it benefits the Republican Party.

If teenagers do not get pregnant out of wedlock, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America is economically successful, it benefits the Republican Party. If you don't know why this is, it's simple, the less people depend on the government the better it is for republicans.
This is the reason for Trump.
The Democrat plan, tax you to death, fill the Country with illegal's ,better yet let anyone and everyone just come on in, they take steps toward removing private industry -- and with it, profit motives -- from critical aspects of public life.have already settled on their agenda, and it can be summed up in one word: resist.”If It's Bad for America It's Good for Democrats.
Even worse, the Democrats actually try to create conditions to make people be dependent on the government. The Democrats know that if America has strong healthy families and good stable home life, those people are much more likely to become Republicans. But if you come from a broken family, and your home life is unstable, you are much more likely to depend on the government. That's what the Democrats need you to be in order for them to keep pow

If America's borders are unsecured, it's bad for America but good for Democrats.

If kids get shot in school, it's bad for America but good for the Democrats agenda to destroy the Second Amendment.

If America's families are broken apart, it's bad for America but good for the Democrat Party.

If teenagers get pregnant out of wedlock, it's bad for America but good for the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood.

If America is unsuccessful economically, it's bad for America but good for the Democrat Party to create more people dependent on the government.

It doesn't matter the issue, it's always the same. If it's bad for America it's good for the Democrats. But here's what's even more interesting, the exact opposite is true.

If it's good for America, it's good for the Republican Party.

If America is not a racist nation, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America's borders are secure, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America's Families stay together, it benefits the Republican Party.

If teenagers do not get pregnant out of wedlock, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America is economically successful, it benefits the Republican Party. If you don't know why this is, it's simple, the less people depend on the government the better it is for republicans.
Here is a reason to vote blue and not red!

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Thank, State Capitalism, Goodness for one hundred thirty-eight percent, Government capital spending.
Last edited:

Here is reason to vote blue and not red!​

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

If you think that advocates for the fiscal responsibility of the 'blue team' - you might want to think some more.

...plus you might want to consider the austerity in federal spending required to start paying down the debt. You up for that?
debt_email.jpg 97d4ed3faaee4d4487383ca8d2951646.jpg

Here is reason to vote blue and not red!​

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

If you think that advocates for the fiscal responsibility of the 'blue team' - you might want to think some more.

...plus you might want to consider the austerity in federal spending required to start paying down the debt. You up for that?

...and that's just in his first term. He'd added a total of 9.3 Trillion by the end of his second term.

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