Empire In Retreat: Under Trump, we’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time

Here is reason to vote blue and not red!​

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

If you think that advocates for the fiscal responsibility of the 'blue team' - you might want to think some more.

...plus you might want to consider the austerity in federal spending required to start paying down the debt. You up for that?
Yes, it does. General welfare spending produces a higher multiplier effect than general warfare spending or common offense spending. That is why our Founding Fathers wisely enumerated, only common Defense spending.

Here is reason to vote blue and not red!​

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

If you think that advocates for the fiscal responsibility of the 'blue team' - you might want to think some more.

...plus you might want to consider the austerity in federal spending required to start paying down the debt. You up for that?
View attachment 200682 View attachment 200683
lol. dear right wingers, he had to bail out the Rich, not Blacks.


Here is reason to vote blue and not red!​

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

If you think that advocates for the fiscal responsibility of the 'blue team' - you might want to think some more.

...plus you might want to consider the austerity in federal spending required to start paying down the debt. You up for that?

...and that's just in his first term. He'd added a total of 9.3 Trillion by the end of his second term.
upward market trends since around 2010.

Here is what Your guy is doing:
i don't like being melodramatic, but i do like speaking the truth. when Trump is done with his presidency, there will be no America left.

i don't blame everything on Trump like the liberal hypocrites, but he is a horrifying leader.
Here is what Your guy is doing:

Ok - and...the problem is??

If you think that advocates for the fiscal responsibility of the 'blue team' - you might want to think some more.

...plus you might want to consider the austerity in federal spending required to start paying down the debt. You up for that?

Yes, it does. General welfare spending produces a higher multiplier effect than general warfare spending or common offense spending. That is why our Founding Fathers wisely enumerated, only common Defense spending.

Sorry - rather difficult to take the above seriously when still trying to get past this ringing endorsement of fiscal responsibility...

"we don't seek empires. we're not imperialistic. we never have been. i can't imagine why anyone would think that" - George Bush, the liar in chief
i don't like being melodramatic, but i do like speaking the truth. when Trump is done with his presidency, there will be no America left.

i don't blame everything on Trump like the liberal hypocrites, but he is a horrifying leader.
You got it backwards pal, the piece of shit democrats want to open the flood gates and let all the scum bags in .
Here is what Your guy is doing:

Ok - and...the problem is??

If you think that advocates for the fiscal responsibility of the 'blue team' - you might want to think some more.

...plus you might want to consider the austerity in federal spending required to start paying down the debt. You up for that?

Yes, it does. General welfare spending produces a higher multiplier effect than general warfare spending or common offense spending. That is why our Founding Fathers wisely enumerated, only common Defense spending.

Sorry - rather difficult to take the above seriously when still trying to get past this ringing endorsement of fiscal responsibility...

Can't blame Obama for January 2018.

The Trade War’s First Casualties

EU tariffs on US goods take effect as trade war erupts
Nothing Trump has done made these things happen.
Nice delusional sentiment / OPINION, snowflake, but what you are trying so hard to deny is that PRESIDENT Trump, in 2 years, accomplished what Obama could not (did not WANT to do) in his 8 years in office.
'the fall of the empire of America...'

Can butt-hurt, demented snowflakes get anymore over-dramatic?


Best economy in decades
More Jobs
Lowest Unemployment in decades
Lowest # of welfare enrollees in decades
Lowest # of food stamp enrollees in decades
Lowest # of unemployment enrollees in decades
High home values
Record stock market
No wars started
Historic peace talks
Higher approval ratings than Reagan & Obama
Elimination of Un-Constitutional edicts / policy
An end of terrorist pandering / support

....oh, the HORROR!


Nothing Trump has done made these things happen. His approval ratings are not higher that Obama or Reagan. He kissed the Saudis asses and they are the ones who were responsible for 9-11.
LOL...keep it up and the Race Pimps might invite you into their club.

I don't want to be a dittohead. Now this issue has nothing to do with race, s why are you so obsessed with race that your bring it up pertaining to a matter of politics? Is everything about race to you?
Democrats have manipulated and used blacks ever since before slavery began.

They gave tried to do that to the Latinos as well, but the Latinos were smart enough to realize it, especially after Democrats proved they had no desire to deliver Constitutional 'DACA' but instead would rather keep it as an issue with which to emotionally manipulate them, and they told the Democrats to go D* themselves.

Hopefully the blacks will one day realize Democrats continue to use and manipulate them. Blacks seemed to forget as soon as it happened that the DNC's own hacked / released e-mails exposed the Democrats' racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic comments....proving some things never change.

The Democratic Party lives and thrives on hate and division. Emotional manipulation is their 'bread and butter'. Their tools are lies, fear mongering, and instigating / pushing division and violence.

Hillary's campaign was proven to gave paid groups to go to Trump rallies to physically criminally beat and bloody his supporters.

It was proven that Socialist liberal group 'Antifa' openly admitted they showed up at rallies intent on instigating violence against groups exercising their right to assemble and of Freedom of speech. It was proven Liberal groups Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the Black Fist took money from the Russians in exchange for spreading racial division and violence.

And snowflakes like you continue to use and wear out the DNC tactic of accusing others of doing what YOU / THEY do and of being who YOU / THEY are...
I can't figure out how the Democrats have not learned from history, how they can want to embrace Communism / Sociallism when history shows it has failed over and over and over again...

I know the Left's 'leaders' are ultra elitist millionaires who act / declare to be above the laws and rules that apply to everyone else, that they like being self appointed RULERS instead of 'servants if the people's, etc... But the fact that they would rather reduce the US to a 3rd World nation and rule that sh!thole still boggles my mind.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.
Empire In Retreat: Under Trump, we’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time

Funny you should say that... lol, A president that uses God in his daily speech... calls out infanticide for what it is... draws 'actual' red lines in the sand with strident totalitarian regimes ... as with trade "partners" and self serving, subterfuging bodies like the UN... U get my drift, I suppose... lol yes must be a whole lot of 'Anti-Americans' got together, chanting MAGA and .. irony of all ironies the MAGA 'regime' somehow came into power ??? hmm... lol
'the fall of the empire of America...'

Can butt-hurt, demented snowflakes get anymore over-dramatic?


Best economy in decades
More Jobs
Lowest Unemployment in decades
Lowest # of welfare enrollees in decades
Lowest # of food stamp enrollees in decades
Lowest # of unemployment enrollees in decades
High home values
Record stock market
No wars started
Historic peace talks
Higher approval ratings than Reagan & Obama
Elimination of Un-Constitutional edicts / policy
An end of terrorist pandering / support

....oh, the HORROR!


Nothing Trump has done made these things happen. His approval ratings are not higher that Obama or Reagan. He kissed the Saudis asses and they are the ones who were responsible for 9-11.
LOL...keep it up and the Race Pimps might invite you into their club.

I don't want to be a dittohead. Now this issue has nothing to do with race, s why are you so obsessed with race that your bring it up pertaining to a matter of politics? Is everything about race to you?
It’s about you, stupid. You’re a racist cut from the same cloth as Alfred, Jesse, et al.
This is the reason for Trump.
The Democrat plan, tax you to death, fill the Country with illegal's ,better yet let anyone and everyone just come on in, they take steps toward removing private industry -- and with it, profit motives -- from critical aspects of public life.have already settled on their agenda, and it can be summed up in one word: resist.”If It's Bad for America It's Good for Democrats.
Even worse, the Democrats actually try to create conditions to make people be dependent on the government. The Democrats know that if America has strong healthy families and good stable home life, those people are much more likely to become Republicans. But if you come from a broken family, and your home life is unstable, you are much more likely to depend on the government. That's what the Democrats need you to be in order for them to keep pow

If America's borders are unsecured, it's bad for America but good for Democrats.

If kids get shot in school, it's bad for America but good for the Democrats agenda to destroy the Second Amendment.

If America's families are broken apart, it's bad for America but good for the Democrat Party.

If teenagers get pregnant out of wedlock, it's bad for America but good for the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood.

If America is unsuccessful economically, it's bad for America but good for the Democrat Party to create more people dependent on the government.

It doesn't matter the issue, it's always the same. If it's bad for America it's good for the Democrats. But here's what's even more interesting, the exact opposite is true.

If it's good for America, it's good for the Republican Party.

If America is not a racist nation, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America's borders are secure, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America's Families stay together, it benefits the Republican Party.

If teenagers do not get pregnant out of wedlock, it benefits the Republican Party.

If America is economically successful, it benefits the Republican Party. If you don't know why this is, it's simple, the less people depend on the government the better it is for republicans.

Well, the republicans are in charge now, so if illegal immigration is so bad, which it is, why aren't the owners of companies and corporations and farmers that hire illegals being put in jail? This is just an issue for the republican phonies to bitch about.
I can't figure out how the Democrats have not learned from history, how they can want to embrace Communism / Sociallism when history shows it has failed over and over and over again...

I know the Left's 'leaders' are ultra elitist millionaires who act / declare to be above the laws and rules that apply to everyone else, that they like being self appointed RULERS instead of 'servants if the people's, etc... But the fact that they would rather reduce the US to a 3rd World nation and rule that sh!thole still boggles my mind.
History shows us that tariffs cost jobs, every time...
i don't like being melodramatic, but i do like speaking the truth. when Trump is done with his presidency, there will be no America left.

i don't blame everything on Trump like the liberal hypocrites, but he is a horrifying leader.
If we can get to no democrats left, America will be just fine.
i don't like being melodramatic, but i do like speaking the truth. when Trump is done with his presidency, there will be no America left.

i don't blame everything on Trump like the liberal hypocrites, but he is a horrifying leader.
If we can get to no democrats left, America will be just fine.

The "final solution" huh?
Sadly democrats have proved themselves an enemy. No less of an enemy than the armies of Germany or Japan. No less of any other enemy that must be defeated and wiped out. If you see that as a final solution then so be it.
i don't like being melodramatic, but i do like speaking the truth. when Trump is done with his presidency, there will be no America left.

i don't blame everything on Trump like the liberal hypocrites, but he is a horrifying leader.
If we can get to no democrats left, America will be just fine.

The "final solution" huh?
Sadly democrats have proved themselves an enemy. No less of an enemy than the armies of Germany or Japan. No less of any other enemy that must be defeated and wiped out. If you see that as a final solution then so be it.

Well, you make partisan politics, you make nationalism, you need shit to fight. So you make shit to fight.

The problem is, the USSR was your enemy, but you needed your enemy to justify your military spending, your nationalistic policies, you simplistic view of the world and for your ability to attack the other side.

After the USSR went down, in the Clinton years, the right didn't know what to do. Welcome 9/11. Push the whole "Muslims are the enemy" while being big buddies with the Saudis. Huh?

So, the Democrats are your enemy. Yes. I've seen how it works internally too.

Tell them they're traitors for not accepting your policies.

Tell them they hate the military because they don't do what you want them to do.

Tell them they're not patriots. Wave the flag around at every opportunity and say only brainless flag wavers are patriotic enough.

Yes, I get how you people think, how you act, the tricks you have.

But it's fucking nonsense dude.

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