Empire In Retreat: Under Trump, we’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time

Poor lefties whine... "it doesn't feel like we've advanced" . The economy is booming but they lost an election and now the chicken shit pop-culture video game hypocrites hate everything about the U.S.. No surprises here.
You must have a very strange definition of booming...

First quarter growth was only 2.2%. Stocks are way below their high. Labor force participation is very low. Wages are stagnant. Deficits are skyrocketing....
Do you watch CNN?
No, don’t have cable. The above are facts.
Listen kid, I don't have cable either and I don't even live in the US, but I can still watch CNN, Now tell me you don't have a computer or internet connection.

That was almost as puny as the "facts" you get from CNN.
Nothing comes from cnn kid. Are you in some sort of stupid denial of facts?
Nothing comes from cnn kid. Are you in some sort of stupid denial of facts?
How do you know since you never watch CNN? I'll be you didn't even vote for Hillary. Funny that no one watches CNN and no one voted for Hillary.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.

Did Trump make the internet, so which is it you said the internet eroded our decency.
He put kids back with their illegal immigrant parents because liberals wanted the kids to be in prison with the parents.
Are you disgusted with all the new jobs, and does the booming economy get you down, and maybe the possibility of a nuke free NK makes you sad.
I know something to cheer you up! Watch the IG report hearings, but be ready for real facts

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the fabric of civility is fraying all because of Trump and those crazies who oppose him.

^ Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder (or a group of disorders) marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, andbehaviors. Schizophrenic patients are typically unable to filter sensory stimuli and may have enhanced perceptions ofsounds, colors, and other features of their environment. Most schizophrenics, if untreated, gradually withdraw frominteractions with other people, and lose their ability to take care of personal needs and grooming.
The prevalence of schizophrenia is thought to be about 1% of the population around the world; it is thus more commonthan diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or multiple sclerosis. In the United States and Canada, patients with schizophrenia fill about 25% of all hospital beds. The disorder is considered to be one of the top ten causes of long-term disability worldwide."


I'm not a doctor, but something not right with that boy
Nothing comes from cnn kid. Are you in some sort of stupid denial of facts?
How do you know since you never watch CNN? I'll be you didn't even vote for Hillary. Funny that no one watches CNN and no one voted for Hillary.
Because cnn does not calculate them, they probably report them. You seem really dumb. You think cnn calculates growth? Labor force participation?
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Even referring to an American "empire" is stupid, incorrect, and inflammatory.

The U.S. has never been, never attempted to be, and doesn't want to be an empire. We have no colonies, no satellite countries, no one outside our states and territories with any obligations to the U.S., other than to deal with us fairly. Even our closest allies feel no obligation to vote with us in international bodies.

And as for the opinions of European "elites," even their own populations hold them in contempt.

Although our President can be an ass at times, everything he is DOING is right, and correct for the interests of the United States.

You have a problem with that?
We still have our colonies
We used to have the Phillipines
Now we still have Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Samoa
...we the people are gonna take back this country and we refuse to go back to yesterdays America!!

Uh, We the People already did. Yesterday's America belonged to Obama & Co, after he fundamentally transformed it...'member? I don't want to go back to that either.
Clearly you are among those who think this country is just for you. Obama allowed ordinary working class tax paying citizens a piece of this pie you greedy white mf think is just for you. And for his efforts, he got elected not once, but twice and could have gone a 3rd where it feasible. I warn you, Trump will never see a second term and I pray to God he never finishes this one. You people are sick and demented and I pity you to the core if you think Obama was worse than Trump.
America was once what Reagan called the shining city on the hill

What the rest of the world aspired to be. Now we are feared and ridiculed by the rest of the world. Trump is not trusted or respected in the Global Community and has surrendered the role of Leader of the Free World
Spread the word and tell them not to come and bring their spawn.

Not much European migration or from any industrialized nation
...we the people are gonna take back this country and we refuse to go back to yesterdays America!!

Uh, We the People already did. Yesterday's America belonged to Obama & Co, after he fundamentally transformed it...'member? I don't want to go back to that either.

You must have lived outside of the country during Obama.
Dude, I don't know what planet these mindless pea brain fucks was on when Obama was president, but being elected twice, the guy must have done something right....yeah, he was sane!!
Well for a falling empire we aren't doing bad.

There are jobs for anyone who wants one. UE is the lowest its been in decades.

Working people have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is roaring along.

More people are happy with the direction the country is moving in.

Guess you will be disappointed when the empire doesn't fall.

Oh well. Maybe next time. LOL.
First quarter growth was only 2.2%. Stocks are way below their high. Labor force participation is very low. Wages are stagnant. Deficits are skyrocketing....
And we still wonder how Hitler got so popular......there's something about a conservative redneck brain that even shit on stick can't penetrate. These people reeeekkkk of NO VASELINE!!
Nothing comes from cnn kid. Are you in some sort of stupid denial of facts?
How do you know since you never watch CNN? I'll be you didn't even vote for Hillary. Funny that no one watches CNN and no one voted for Hillary.
Because cnn does not calculate them, they probably report them. You seem really dumb. You think cnn calculates growth? Labor force
OK, provide some reputable links instead of regurgitating stuff you heard on CNN, bearing in mind that you are almost always dealing with people far more sophisticated than yourself.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.
It’s true the rest of the world is baffled

It’s true our society overall is clueless. The rich have taken over. They are getting richer and the middle class is getting poorer.

Most of the republicans here are broker than you and I yet they’ve been convinced to vote against labor and for the rich. Or that voting doesn’t matter. They’re all the same they say. Meanwhile they show up every two years and vote republican
Well for a falling empire we aren't doing bad.

There are jobs for anyone who wants one. UE is the lowest its been in decades.

Working people have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is roaring along.

More people are happy with the direction the country is moving in.

Guess you will be disappointed when the empire doesn't fall.

Oh well. Maybe next time. LOL.
First quarter growth was only 2.2%. Stocks are way below their high. Labor force participation is very low. Wages are stagnant. Deficits are skyrocketing....
And we still wonder how Hitler got so popular......there's something about a conservative redneck brain that even shit on stick can't penetrate. These people reeeekkkk of NO VASELINE!!
I think I understand what happened in Germany more now... some people don’t care about facts, they just want to believe...
America was once what Reagan called the shining city on the hill

What the rest of the world aspired to be. Now we are feared and ridiculed by the rest of the world. Trump is not trusted or respected in the Global Community and has surrendered the role of Leader of the Free World
Spread the word and tell them not to come and bring their spawn.

Not much European migration or from any industrialized nation
Certainly not illegal. Immigration, especially illegal, is overwhelmingly from where Trump correctly described as shit holes.
Nothing comes from cnn kid. Are you in some sort of stupid denial of facts?
How do you know since you never watch CNN? I'll be you didn't even vote for Hillary. Funny that no one watches CNN and no one voted for Hillary.
Because cnn does not calculate them, they probably report them. You seem really dumb. You think cnn calculates growth? Labor force
OK, provide some reputable links instead of regurgitating stuff you heard on CNN, bearing in mind that you are almost always dealing with people far more sophisticated than yourself.
The stupid is strong with you. Why are you here if you don’t know any facts?

Is this cnn?

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.
an Organized retreat is Always to be preferred.
Nothing comes from cnn kid. Are you in some sort of stupid denial of facts?
How do you know since you never watch CNN? I'll be you didn't even vote for Hillary. Funny that no one watches CNN and no one voted for Hillary.
Because cnn does not calculate them, they probably report them. You seem really dumb. You think cnn calculates growth? Labor force
OK, provide some reputable links instead of regurgitating stuff you heard on CNN, bearing in mind that you are almost always dealing with people far more sophisticated than yourself.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Nothing comes from cnn kid. Are you in some sort of stupid denial of facts?
How do you know since you never watch CNN? I'll be you didn't even vote for Hillary. Funny that no one watches CNN and no one voted for Hillary.
Because cnn does not calculate them, they probably report them. You seem really dumb. You think cnn calculates growth? Labor force
OK, provide some reputable links instead of regurgitating stuff you heard on CNN, bearing in mind that you are almost always dealing with people far more sophisticated than yourself.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Oh, so labor participation is up from Obama's last year. I warned you about dealing with those more sophisticated than yourself.
things are coming unhinged, socially and culturally

The rise of Trumpism, of tribalism, the celebration of stupidity.

Trump's this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people,

I’m ashamed at what we must look like as a culture to the world

It doesn’t feel like we’ve advanced. I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.
thats fact, i write from Sweden which is one of the most Americanized country in the world , Trump is Putin and his crime org. "ozero" man, he is a plague for the FREE WORLD . its a terrible situation

I think you’re seeing the fall of the empire of America in real time, before your eyes; the internet has eroded the fabric of decency in our civilization,.
Our decay began long before Trump.

He is merely a symptom, a reflection.

Just look at the alternative last election. If our society were healthy we would have never seen a Hillary v Donald election.

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