Empty Store Shelves


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
We have 4 things converging that might leave us with empty store shelves in the very near future.

- The corona virus
- The possibility of quarantining entire cities
- Panic buying
- A broken supply chain

When asked yesterday if he was prepared to quarantine entire cities president Trump responded "yes, we are prepared to do anything if the situation warrants it".

Do yourself a favor and buy some supplies. Just incase.

Buy what you usually use & eat so it doesn't cost anything in the long run (food, toilet paper, shampoo, tooth paste, etc). You just wont need to shop for a while & that way you recoup the costs.

It's just a matter of having more food in the house...and if there DOES end up to be empty store shelves...you will avoid the suffering that others put themselves thru.

I'm not spreading gloom & doom but why risk suffering if it's avoidable? Can you 8imagine running out of toilet paper? :)

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood Thunk! :)
This will be used as a planetary collapse so we can RESET the UNBALANCED situations we are in...... STOCK UP STOCK UP Thunk.
We have 4 things converging that might leave us with empty store shelves in the very near future.

- The corona virus
- The possibility of quarantining entire cities
- Panic buying
- A broken supply chain

When asked yesterday if he was prepared to quarantine entire cities president Trump responded "yes, we are prepared to do anything if the situation warrants it".

Do yourself a favor and buy some supplies. Just incase.

Buy what you usually use & eat so it doesn't cost anything in the long run (food, toilet paper, shampoo, tooth paste, etc). You just wont need to shop for a while & that way you recoup the costs.

It's just a matter of having more food in the house...and if there DOES end up to be empty store shelves...you will avoid the suffering that others put themselves thru.

I'm not spreading gloom & doom but why risk suffering if it's avoidable? Can you 8imagine running out of toilet paper? :)

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood Thunk! :)

Oh and it is NOT GLOOM and DOOM gawd dam it's phucken nFACTS IT IS REALITY IT IS REAL---------

these SJW can tell themselves whatever they need to inorder to feel safe/ better/ when nthis shit hits REALIITY IS GOING TO JACK SLAP THESE MORONNS IN WAYS THESE MO Fo's NEVER SAW COMING... The best part they've been warned for years..

the dumb fall for " conspiracy" lmfao.

Their weapons got loose they know it and now oour own crooked pos Gov comes in looking like a hero and Trump has no gawd dam cluue DEEP state remember deep state.... sry for typos..
Should we run into the streets with a gun and kill our neighbors who have food and toilet paper?

I mean, I've seen this happen in the movies.
I refuse to act like an idiot and panic.

I'm more likely to be killed in a traffic accident than by Coronavirus.

And guess what, I'm not panicking about that either.
I refuse to act like an idiot and panic.

I'm more likely to be killed in a traffic accident than by Coronavirus.

And guess what, I'm not panicking about that either.

Nobody saying panic------ but even if you go shopping like normal there won't be anything there . It doesn't care if you want to look like an idiot or not. There won't be food .
I refuse to act like an idiot and panic.

I'm more likely to be killed in a traffic accident than by Coronavirus.

And guess what, I'm not panicking about that either.

Besides nobody is going to knnow what the hell your buying food or whatever for Jesus dude...
Should we run into the streets with a gun and kill our neighbors who have food and toilet paper?

I mean, I've seen this happen in the movies.

It virtually happened in New Orleans after Katrina. Then they (NOLA) went door to door confiscating guns. Unconstitutional, illegal and after they lost big in a law suit.
If I run out of toilet paper I will use printer paper, I got a whole box of that.

If I run out of food, I will eat my cats.
We have 4 things converging that might leave us with empty store shelves in the very near future.

- The corona virus
- The possibility of quarantining entire cities
- Panic buying
- A broken supply chain

When asked yesterday if he was prepared to quarantine entire cities president Trump responded "yes, we are prepared to do anything if the situation warrants it".

Do yourself a favor and buy some supplies. Just incase.

Buy what you usually use & eat so it doesn't cost anything in the long run (food, toilet paper, shampoo, tooth paste, etc). You just wont need to shop for a while & that way you recoup the costs.

It's just a matter of having more food in the house...and if there DOES end up to be empty store shelves...you will avoid the suffering that others put themselves thru.

I'm not spreading gloom & doom but why risk suffering if it's avoidable? Can you 8imagine running out of toilet paper? :)

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood Thunk! :)

Yeah...no. The coronavirus isn't even killing people as much as the regular flu.....this is being pushed by the media to get ratings.......just like ebola, y2k, sars, HIV and any other of the long list of pandemic threats that fizzled out
just like ebola, y2k, sars, HIV and any other of the long list of pandemic threats that fizzled out

You're not listening.

Panic buying alone can empty the store shelves.

Breaks in the supply chain alone can empty the store shelves.

The virus doesn't need to go pandemic for this to happen.

There are already reports of panic buying at Costcos in several states.

But that's OK...don't listen to me...I don't really care.
We have 4 things converging that might leave us with empty store shelves in the very near future.

- The corona virus
- The possibility of quarantining entire cities
- Panic buying
- A broken supply chain

When asked yesterday if he was prepared to quarantine entire cities president Trump responded "yes, we are prepared to do anything if the situation warrants it".

Do yourself a favor and buy some supplies. Just incase.

Buy what you usually use & eat so it doesn't cost anything in the long run (food, toilet paper, shampoo, tooth paste, etc). You just wont need to shop for a while & that way you recoup the costs.

It's just a matter of having more food in the house...and if there DOES end up to be empty store shelves...you will avoid the suffering that others put themselves thru.

I'm not spreading gloom & doom but why risk suffering if it's avoidable? Can you 8imagine running out of toilet paper? :)

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood Thunk! :)
Or stock up on stocks instead as lots of sale items offer great opportunity.
We have 4 things converging that might leave us with empty store shelves in the very near future.

- The corona virus
- The possibility of quarantining entire cities
- Panic buying
- A broken supply chain

When asked yesterday if he was prepared to quarantine entire cities president Trump responded "yes, we are prepared to do anything if the situation warrants it".

Do yourself a favor and buy some supplies. Just incase.

Buy what you usually use & eat so it doesn't cost anything in the long run (food, toilet paper, shampoo, tooth paste, etc). You just wont need to shop for a while & that way you recoup the costs.

It's just a matter of having more food in the house...and if there DOES end up to be empty store shelves...you will avoid the suffering that others put themselves thru.

I'm not spreading gloom & doom but why risk suffering if it's avoidable? Can you 8imagine running out of toilet paper? :)

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood Thunk! :)
THE GREAT TOILET PAPER PANIC OF 2020. “And so, for the second time in my lifetime, communists have f***ed up and as a result we don’t have toilet paper.”


In the United States:

Shoppers in Hawaii have been seen in long lines for toilet paper and paper towels. It’s believed the demand for basic supplies have been prompted by fears surrounding the coronavirus outbreak as it continues to spread globally.​

Not only Venezuela, but this brings to mind for those that grew up in communist Poland, in the early to mid-1980s you really had to queue up for toilet paper (or “srajtasma” as it was colloquially known – a shit tape), mostly unsuccessfully, because of the endemic shortages, unless you “knew people”, which some did. The fact that the socialist government couldn’t even provide the workers in their paradise with something as basic as toilet paper has since then become both a historical joke as well as a serious emblem of the failings of planned economy where, as the saying goes, everything is planned except for the economy, as this nostalgia-inducing archival news story from 1984 reports:

For once President Reagan was not blamed by communist authorities for the latest woe facing Poles — an official shortage of toilet paper.

Poles have been promised an extra roll this year to meet demand.

‘We know for sure that supply of toilet paper does not meet demand,’ the government newspaper, Rzeczpospolita, said Thursday.

‘The 255 million rolls of paper which found their way to the shops last year were bought out on the spot,’ the paper said of the toilet paper shortage that has allowed Poles an average of seven rolls per year.

Surprisingly, toilet paper has been a key indicator in assessing the state of Poland’s economy during 40 years of communist rule. Shortages have always occurred in times of crisis and only former Communist Party leader Edward Gierek, expelled from the party on charges of economic irresponsibility in 1980, managed to satisfy demand by importing Western paper.

The authorities have this year promised ‘a certain improvement’ by producing another 10 million rolls for market consumption, bringing the total number of rolls available to 265 million this year. They have also promised an additional plant by the end of 1985.​

That will take them from 7 rolls/year per person to 7.27. Yea! Commies!


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