Enabling Domestic Terrorism 101

Um, they're not terrorism. That wasn't the point. I do try to keep this simple.

You're a good Trumpster.

Mac & Cheese this is your thread. You labelled the statement Domestic Terrorism. Why are you backing down? So sad.....thread = fail. :(
Mac & Cheese this is your thread. You labelled the statement Domestic Terrorism. Why are you backing down? So sad.....thread = fail. Sad. :(
You don't even understand what "enabling" means in that context.

Sad indeed. Even for a Trumpster.

I'm done dumbing things down for you ignorant rubes. Dismissed.
You don't even understand what "enabling" means in that context.

Sad indeed. Even for a Trumpster.

I'm done dumbing things down for you ignorant rubes. Dismissed.

So sad little Mac & Cheese. Can't even support your own OP. You thought it would get your usual echo chamber of Dim attaboys but now even they have abandoned you.

I truly feel.your pain. :(
A "statement" from Mo Brooks. This is the kind of hyperbolic madness that enables the worst impulses of our most unhinged, misguided, paranoid citizens.

"I understand the citizenry anger directed at dictatorial Socialism and its threat to liberty". The rubes think this "leader" is being serious and literal, and he knows it.

This isn't patriotism. This is the purposeful enabling of domestic terrorism. All terrorists think they're "patriots".


For the past five decades the congressional Republicans strategy has been to inflame the racist Christian conservatives. Add to this constant barrage of bigoted rhetoric from the GOP the 24/7 propaganda from right-wing sources like FOX Noise, Breitbart, the wonderfully late Rush Limbaugh, etc., the stage was set for the best thing that's happened to the Republican Party's assault on the United States' democracy since the British attacks during the War of1812.

The crooked and corrupt trump criminal organization, led by the former cheeto-in-chief, has whipped his trump Nazis into becoming the United States' very own version of the Taliban.

While lacking the religious zeal of the Islamic Taliban, a significant percentage of the 74 million trump Nazis are an easily manipulated "Christian" cult devoted to their "glorious leader" and anyone vocally carrying his banner.

The many different reinterpretations of the United States Constitution by these paranoid, right-wing extremists in no way resemble the intentions of the Founding Fathers. However, over the past sixty-five years, the GOP's political agenda has been to undermine constitutional protections for specific portions of the American population, while convincing the dipsh!ts that vote only "REPUBLICAN" that the Constitution is exclusively THEIR OWN.

The effects of this sixty-five-years-long-indoctrination will give the Republican Party a brief period of to revel in the success it's taken them seven decades to achieve. But, after the dust settles from the 2022 Mid-term Elections, when Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and the other Democrats have been removed from office, tried, convicted, and imprisoned, Moscow Mitch and the other "establishment Republicans" will find their heads on the chopping block. They will face the punishment ordered for their disloyal acts during, and after, trump's only term in the White House.

The Q-lunatics will have 74 million trump Nazis backing up the reinstatement of their "glorious leader". Not as POTUS, but as the nation's führer. Had the insurrectionists been better organized and better armed on January 6th, Biden would never have moved into the White House, and Pelosi and Pence would have been swinging on the makeshift gallows outside the Capitol. The period between January 20, 2021, and the early weeks of 2023 will have been only a brief postponement of the United States' takeover by the fascist trump Nazis and their führer.

The crooked and corrupt trump criminal organization, led by the former cheeto-in-chief, has whipped his trump Nazis into becoming the United States' very own version of the Taliban.

While lacking the religious zeal of the Islamic Taliban, a significant percentage of the 74 million trump Nazis are an easily manipulated "Christian" cult devoted to their "glorious leader" and anyone vocally carrying his banner.

The many different reinterpretations of the United States Constitution by these paranoid, right-wing extremists in no way resemble the intentions of the Founding Fathers. However, over the past sixty-five years, the GOP's political agenda has been to undermine constitutional protections for specific portions of the American population, while convincing the dipsh!ts that vote only "REPUBLICAN" that the Constitution is exclusively THEIR OWN.

The effects of this sixty-five-years-long-indoctrination will give the Republican Party a brief period of to revel in the success it's taken them seven decades to achieve. But, after the dust settles from the 2022 Mid-term Elections, when Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and the other Democrats have been removed from office, tried, convicted, and imprisoned, Moscow Mitch and the other "establishment Republicans" will find their heads on the chopping block. They will face the punishment ordered for their disloyal acts during, and after, trump's only term in the White House.

The Q-lunatics will have 74 million trump Nazis backing up the reinstatement of their "glorious leader". Not as POTUS, but as the nation's führer. Had the insurrectionists been better organized and better armed on January 6th, Biden would never have moved into the White House, and Pelosi and Pence would have been swinging on the makeshift gallows outside the Capitol. The period between January 20, 2021, and the early weeks of 2023 will have been only a brief postponement of the United States' takeover by the fascist trump Nazis and their führer..
It was certainly bad enough before Escalator Day. But by that time, he had already identified the talk radio base as his target. To quote another poster here, Trump took one look at the talk radio base and said "THIS is gonna be EASY".

Trying to communicate with these people is pointless. It's like being in a zombie movie. I only see two ways to deal with this: First, study it closely and learn so that we can prevent it from happening again, and just let it slowly fade away over time. This will be a process.

I'm still amazed this happened here. In America. I thought the world had learned, I really did.
A "statement" from Mo Brooks. This is the kind of hyperbolic madness that enables the worst impulses of our most unhinged, misguided, paranoid citizens.

"I understand the citizenry anger directed at dictatorial Socialism and its threat to liberty". The rubes think this "leader" is being serious and literal, and he knows it.

This isn't patriotism. This is the purposeful enabling of domestic terrorism. All terrorists think they're "patriots".


Because voting is so dangerous?
It was certainly bad enough before Escalator Day. But by that time, he had already identified the talk radio base as his target. To quote another poster here, Trump took one look at the talk radio base and said "THIS is gonna be EASY".

Trying to communicate with these people is pointless. It's like being in a zombie movie. I only see two ways to deal with this: First, study it closely and learn so that we can prevent it from happening again, and just let it slowly fade away over time. This will be a process.

I'm still amazed this happened here. In America. I thought the world had learned, I really did.
The intelligent people of conscience always learn from history. Not the history demanding be taught by the self-serving greedy pricks, but actual historic, proven facts.

The trump Nazis created during the period trump has been lecturing them since 2015, are unable to separate historic facts from the bullsh!t they hear and read, which is spread by their preferred sources of Christian conservative propaganda. In addition to the likes of FOX Noise, the late Rush Limbaugh (whose death was of great benefit to U.S. democracy), are the right-wing extremist Christian clergy, and 99.9% of Republican politicians,

Hopefully, the "process" you mention is not coming too late.

The intelligent people of conscience always learn from history. Not the history demanding be taught by the self-serving greedy pricks, but actual historic, proven facts.

The trump Nazis created during the period trump has been lecturing them since 2015, are unable to separate historic facts from the bullsh!t they hear and read, which is spread by their preferred sources of Christian conservative propaganda. In addition to the likes of FOX Noise, the late Rush Limbaugh (whose death was of great benefit to U.S. democracy), are the right-wing extremist Christian clergy, and 99.9% of Republican politicians,

Hopefully, the "process" you mention is not coming too late..
I sometimes wonder if Limbaugh, the Father of the Alternate Universe, ever regretted what he created.
Because Mac is the arrogant motherfucker who stated on this very forum that he didn't "trust the American people to be smart enough to get it right" and vote Trump out of office.
The founding fathers didn’t trust the American people to vote for president either.

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