Enabling Domestic Terrorism 101

The fight was in the elections?

What are you talking about, jihadi? You're really screwing up your attempted deflection here.

You're not a very bright guy. Yes he mentioned fighting but he put it in the context of the Elections, he is talking about voting. You poor kid.
I sometimes wonder if Limbaugh, the Father of the Alternate Universe, ever regretted what he created.
As I said, intelligent people of conscience, are able to learn from history, especially regrettable history.

Limbaugh, just as trump, McConnell, and the many other self-serving, greedy pr!cks, have no conscience, so cannot feel regret unless it is for something they did or said that comes back to bite them in the a$$.

The legions of followers of their hatred, similarly, cannot feel empathy for the truly unfortunate. This universal inability in conservatives to feel genuine empathy, has been exploited by Limbaugh, trump, McConnell, and so many others for so long, it's brought the nation to the point of replacing democracy with the same white nationalist fascism that destroyed Germany.

It is a simple task for intelligent people of conscience to understand the self-destructive nature of fascism. However, after decades listening to FOX Noise, Limbaugh, etc., the trump Nazis have been thoroughly convinced they are justified in robbing certain segments of this country's population of their right to vote and other constitutional protections.

In the brainwashed minds of the trump Nazis, stealing the constitutional rights of nonwhites will avenge the years conservatives have been victimized. In those brainwashed minds the oppressors are progressives, they are the nonwhites, they are the non-Christians, they are the educated, the education system, and they are everything and everyone right-wing propaganda has taught the trump Nazis to view as suppressing their happiness and financial success.

It is the same line of bullsh!t Hitler used in the 1920s and 1930s to assure the German people the Jews were to blame for... well... everything causing the crises in Germany during that era.


You're not a very bright guy. Yes he mentioned fighting but he put it in the context of the Elections, he is talking about voting. You poor kid.
Ah, deflection. I focused on the most important, dangerous line, the whole point of the thread, and you tried to (a) change the subject and (b) put me on the defensive.

Typical Trumpster jihadi. You are dismissed.
As I said, intelligent people of conscience, are able to learn from history, especially regrettable history.

Limbaugh, just as trump, McConnell, and the many other self-serving, greedy pr!cks, have no conscience, so cannot feel regret unless it is for something they did or said that comes back to bite them in the a$$.

The legions of followers of their hatred, similarly, cannot feel empathy for the truly unfortunate. This universal inability in conservatives to feel genuine empathy, has been exploited by Limbaugh, trump, McConnell, and so many others for so long, it's brought the nation to the point of replacing democracy with the same white nationalist fascism that destroyed Germany.

It is a simple task for intelligent people of conscience to understand the self-destructive nature of fascism. However, after decades listening to FOX Noise, Limbaugh, etc., the trump Nazis have been thoroughly convinced they are justified in robbing certain segments of this country's population of their right to vote and other constitutional protections.

In the brainwashed minds of the trump Nazis, stealing the constitutional rights of nonwhites will avenge the years conservatives have been victimized. In those brainwashed minds the oppressors are progressives, they are the nonwhites, they are the non-Christians, they are the educated, the education system, and they are everything and everyone right-wing propaganda has taught the trump Nazis to view as suppressing their happiness and financial success.

It is the same line of bullsh!t Hitler used in the 1920s and 1930s to assure the German people the Jews were to blame for... well... everything causing the crises in Germany during that era.
There is the sociopathy of the individual, such as those you mention, which is certainly bad enough.

But then there is the group sociopathy, and that's when things start to come apart. The world saw this 80 years ago, and clearly didn't learn from it.
Ah, deflection. I focused on the most important, dangerous line, the whole point of the thread, and you tried to (a) change the subject and (b) put me on the defensive.

Typical Trumpster jihadi. You are dismissed.

Nope, you're simply lying. The context was voting in the election not inciting violence. LOL, I am not a Rump guy, sorry child. I just call out liars like you.
Understanding anger when the govt wants to take your rights away is terrorism?
Telling them the "fix" is voting, is terrorism?
Jesus fucking christ. You get more stupid by the day
This is a lie.

No one’s rights are being ‘taken away.’

Conservatives’ lies and demagoguery, their resorting to violence because they lawfully lost an election is in fact terrorism.
There is the sociopathy of the individual, such as those you mention, which is certainly bad enough.

But then there is the group sociopathy, and that's when things start to come apart. The world saw this 80 years ago, and clearly didn't learn from it.
Fascism is gaining a foothold around the world. Those, like the trump Nazis in the U.S., believe they will be elevated in status under a fascist leader, just as many Germans did when they voted for Hitler.

The "loyal" Germans learned, the hard way. But fascism, despite their denial, for the ignorant whites is being made to appear very inviting, so history cannot help but repeat itself. The trump Nazis will quickly find out, that their wonderful cult leader will not reward their loyalty once he becomes their beloved führer.

As all of trump's former allies have discovered, loyalty is seldom rewarded. But, any perceived betrayal of the "glorious leader" is quickly punished. And, for those who do not believe this about their "glorious leader", just ask (the unpaid-for-his-legal-services) Rudy Giuliani.

The right’s use of lies and fearmongering are intended to incite violent terrorist attacks by conservatives.
you mean like calling people domestic terrorist for questioning an election and attacking people for not getting vaccinated and threatening their freedom if they dont or calling for people to be censored??

thats the democrats doing that
Fascism is gaining a foothold around the world. Those, like the trump Nazis in the U.S., believe they will be elevated in status under a fascist leader, just as many Germans did when they voted for Hitler.

The "loyal" Germans learned, the hard way. But fascism, despite their denial, for the ignorant whites is being made to appear very inviting, so history cannot help but repeat itself. The trump Nazis will quickly find out, that their wonderful cult leader will not reward their loyalty once he becomes their beloved führer.

As all of trump's former allies have discovered, loyalty is seldom rewarded. But, any perceived betrayal of the "glorious leader" is quickly punished. And, for those who do not believe this about their "glorious leader", just ask (the unpaid-for-his-legal-services) Rudy Giuliani.
I very much want to believe that this is the final, desperate primal scream of an ideology that knows it's going extinct. I think that the world has largely underestimated the pure rage of these people, and that getting beyond this will take significantly longer than we might have expected.
Did you tell that to the ones in jail?
Progs set the bar with all the insurrectionist acts over the years in blue cities. The Progressive Socialist Politicians and elected attorney generals and D.A.'s backing them up. Mensheviks and Bolsheviks do these things.

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