Enchanting Evil: Civilization Diaries [TrumpUSA Diet!]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA require more rhetoric and propaganda?

What do you think?

Should there be more 'democracy-diners' in Washington, D.C.?



We think of images of great color and courage as we evaluate the history of civilization. This is the work of the Enchantress, a ministress of darkness, who analyzes how human ambition has created pain and suffering. Her mission is to understand the place of capitalism and why TrumpUSA can either become a beacon of patriotism...or a palace of excess(!).


Back in the day, it was the job/duty of great colorful knights who upheld the values and traditions of castles and kingdoms across Europe. These knights of couture have been replaced by today's brokers, translators, and traffic-surfers. When we remember the legacy of these old-world knights, we think of the delectable edibility of customs in civilization evolving to embrace the finest features of capitalism(!).


The American Civil War reminded humanity that even great nations undergo great change. Everything changed, especially race-relations in our pluralistic nation, after this symbolic war. The Union fought the Confederacy and General Ulysses Grant was elected President after the Union declared final victory. Today, historians keep profitable records and memoirs of this incredible event perhaps to remind us why Americans are so concerned about the 'aesthetics' and 'taste' of nationalism and marketing(!).


Well, the Enchantress wants to appreciate how/why 9/11 affected the way we conceive of modern capitalism and TrumpUSA virtue. She seeks to understand why anti-capitalism terrorism threatens our 21st Century views on markets, networks, and trade. She wishes to analyze why consumerism itself is a 'sleeve' of traffic consciousness. The Enchantress just might be the new Sherlock Holmes(!).


Of course, the Enchantress understands already why graphic images in 21st Century art/media of terrible crime, terrorism, exploitation, and corruption worry so many Americans who seek to celebrate/embrace TrumpUSA as a terrific tower of treats. The Enchantress would want your input on the nature of capitalism dynamics and why men and women in modern civilization seem so anxious about everyday virtue(!).


Without the invaluable work of the awesome Enchantress, we may never understand why TrumpUSA has the potential to make America the world's official 'Big Brother' of consumerism customs, ethics, and values. The Enchantress uses sociology, psychology, art, and politics to embrace the complexities of capitalism and honor the work/suffering of great patriots/martyrs who shaped America into a land of lights and compasses. The Enchantress needs your support and encouragement(!).


TRUMP: I believe in the Enchantress, Carter!
CARTER: Let's hope we all do, Mr. President!
TRUMP: Spielberg should make a film about the Enchantress.
CARTER: Well, there's a movie about Captain America, sir...
TRUMP: That isn't enough, Carter; we need more rhetoric/rhetorics.
CARTER: Maybe we need more patriotism-themed smalltown diners!
TRUMP: Anything that promotes TrumpUSA consumerism is vital.
CARTER: Hail to capitalism!



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