End Green Energy Subsidies Now!

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.
End all subsidies to everyone and everything.

Including you and your business.
Somehow political idiocy irritates me more than run of the mill idiocy. (Green) Peace out.
Let's turn every road into a toll road. I mean, why are our taxes going to pay for the paving and upkeep of roads we never drive on. Let's see what happens when people have to pay directly to get their streets paved.
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.
End all subsidies to everyone and everything.

Including you and your business.
I dont get any subsidies. BUt thanks for trying.
Fine, lets end them for oil companies too.

I notice that you failed to provide actual figures.
What subsdies do oil companies get? Yeah, none. They are big contributors to federal and state treasuries.
Let's turn every road into a toll road. I mean, why are our taxes going to pay for the paving and upkeep of roads we never drive on. Let's see what happens when people have to pay directly to get their streets paved.
How is that even relevant to the OP?
Do you support subsidies for green power or not?
Let's turn every road into a toll road. I mean, why are our taxes going to pay for the paving and upkeep of roads we never drive on. Let's see what happens when people have to pay directly to get their streets paved.

The roads would get paved.
Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

If you were to survey people and ask the question “Should we subsidize oil companies?” — the overwhelming majority would undoubtedly respond “ No!” The idea that we are subsidizing oil companies generates outrage in many people, but in this article I will show why these subsidies aren’t going to go away any time soon. The reason may surprise you.

You are wrong!

Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.
Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.
While you are in favor of wasteful corporate welfare for oil/gas companies.


Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.
While you are in favor of wasteful corporate welfare for oil/gas companies.


Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.

ditto ...end subsidies to oil companies who show quarterly profits exceeding $12 billion dollars.
Under a true free market there are no subsidies or market barriers. Green energy subsidies are what help the US become more energy independent, and fund renewable energy sources. They are more beneficial than subsides to fossil fuels, which will run out by the end of the century. If America gets rid of any subsidies however, agriculture subsidies and oil subsidies cost America the most.
Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.

That "garble" was simplistic enough that a grade schooler could figure it out.
And yeah, we should invest in energy technology research for the long-term welfare of our country's citizens.
Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.

That "garble" was simplistic enough that a grade schooler could figure it out.
And yeah, we should invest in energy technology research for the long-term welfare of our country's citizens.
Well that wasnt really my question. So I guess you need to find a grade schooler to help you with my posts.

The US subsidizes wind power for example in the billions every year. They siubsidize ethanol as well btw in a variety fo ways.
With cheaper traditional fuel the gap in cost will get bigger and bigger. Should we continue to subsidize green energy when the money could be better spent on other things. Like making sure we have a military capable of fighting wars.

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