End Green Energy Subsidies Now!

And the tax breaks that Obama targeted for things like "drilling costs" and "tertiary injectants" specifically subsidize the oil industry.

All businesses get to write off business expenses. That's not a subsidy.

Big Oil Companies Pay Just A 11.7 Percent Tax Rate, Report Finds

Big oil companies pay 23.3 percentage points less in tax than the rate typically imposed on corporations, according to a new report.

The report, published by Taxpayers for Common Sense, found the U.S.’s 20 largest oil and gas companies paid 11.7 percent in taxes from 2009 to 2013. That’s significantly less than the statutory corporate tax rate of 35 percent, which is typically what corporations pay if they make more than $18.3 million in a year. And the smaller oil firms — those smaller than major firms like ExxonMobil or Chevron — paid even less tax — 3.7 percent, according to the report.

Big Oil Companies Pay Just A 11.7 Percent Tax Rate Report Finds ThinkProgress

What percentage do YOU pay?

Big oil is laughing at you.
You telling anyone they lack knowledge of economics is hystrical. Especially given the content of your post.

^^^ Yet again - no refutation of the facts, just endless insults and taunts.
You probably need to STFU and go away.

No, sorry, I feel the need to refute your nonsense and set the record straight.

What are these "subsidies" that you speak so emphatically about with regards to green energy?

Let's hear it.
Google is your friend, asshole.
Google is your friend, asshole.

I agree that I'm an asshole.

Now that THAT'S out of the way, I asked you specifically to explain to the class, what subsidies are partitioned unto green energy at this point?

Ethanol is done, they have expired for the most part. Electric vehicles were never a "refundable" tax credit; meaning that, at best, you could only use it for a reduction of "taxable income" unlike the EIC, where the government basically just gave you money.
Google is your friend, asshole.

I agree that I'm an asshole.

Now that THAT'S out of the way, I asked you specifically to explain to the class, what subsidies are partitioned unto green energy at this point?

Ethanol is done, they have expired for the most part. Electric vehicles were never a "refundable" tax credit; meaning that, at best, you could only use it for a reduction of "taxable income" unlike the EIC, where the government basically just gave you money.
Too lazy to use Google. Why should I do your homeworkd for you?
And your statement about ethanol is still wrong. The gov't mandates its use.
Obama s 2015 Budget Backs Costly Corn Ethanol Subsidies - US News
Google is your friend, asshole.

I agree that I'm an asshole.

Now that THAT'S out of the way, I asked you specifically to explain to the class, what subsidies are partitioned unto green energy at this point?

Ethanol is done, they have expired for the most part. Electric vehicles were never a "refundable" tax credit; meaning that, at best, you could only use it for a reduction of "taxable income" unlike the EIC, where the government basically just gave you money.
Too lazy to use Google. Why should I do your homeworkd for you?
And your statement about ethanol is still wrong. The gov't mandates its use.
Obama s 2015 Budget Backs Costly Corn Ethanol Subsidies - US News

That's not a "subsidy." You knew that, of course.

The ethanol tax break is a proposal.
Google is your friend, asshole.

I agree that I'm an asshole.

Now that THAT'S out of the way, I asked you specifically to explain to the class, what subsidies are partitioned unto green energy at this point?

Ethanol is done, they have expired for the most part. Electric vehicles were never a "refundable" tax credit; meaning that, at best, you could only use it for a reduction of "taxable income" unlike the EIC, where the government basically just gave you money.
Too lazy to use Google. Why should I do your homeworkd for you?
And your statement about ethanol is still wrong. The gov't mandates its use.
Obama s 2015 Budget Backs Costly Corn Ethanol Subsidies - US News

That's not a "subsidy." You knew that, of course.
Ethanol mandates arent a subsidy?
Lemme guess, you failed Econ, right?
Oh no, you never took Econ because they dont teach it in 6th grade and that's as far as you got.
Yeah you're a waste of time. Bye.
Google is your friend, asshole.

I agree that I'm an asshole.

Now that THAT'S out of the way, I asked you specifically to explain to the class, what subsidies are partitioned unto green energy at this point?

Ethanol is done, they have expired for the most part. Electric vehicles were never a "refundable" tax credit; meaning that, at best, you could only use it for a reduction of "taxable income" unlike the EIC, where the government basically just gave you money.
Too lazy to use Google. Why should I do your homeworkd for you?
And your statement about ethanol is still wrong. The gov't mandates its use.
Obama s 2015 Budget Backs Costly Corn Ethanol Subsidies - US News

That's not a "subsidy." You knew that, of course.
Ethanol mandates arent a subsidy?
Lemme guess, you failed Econ, right?
Oh no, you never took Econ because they dont teach it in 6th grade and that's as far as you got.
Yeah you're a waste of time. Bye.

No, it's not a subsidy, it does not get "free money," its use is mandated. Jeez, you disagree, so you pick up your ball and go home?

If you end subsidies, causing a massive cutback in the use of renewables, the demand that was consuming those renewables has to go back to non-renewables,

not the least of which is oil, and thus you create an increased demand for oil, which drives up the price,

and further depletes the amount of oil left on the planet.
Non-renewables, by definition, eventually run out.

Renewable energy sources are therefore the eventual source of all energy used by humans on this planet.
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.
End all subsidies to everyone and everything.

Including you and your business.
I dont get any subsidies. BUt thanks for trying.
Excuse me then, I thought you said your business got subsidies.

I didn't mean to imply YOU were on welfare.
If you end subsidies, causing a massive cutback in the use of renewables, the demand that was consuming those renewables has to go back to non-renewables,

not the least of which is oil, and thus you create an increased demand for oil, which drives up the price,

and further depletes the amount of oil left on the planet.
Thats sort of true.
It would increase demand for oil as a cheaper source. Probably not enough to make a huge difference in price right now. BUt there are also the tax savings and greater efficiency.
Non-renewables, by definition, eventually run out.

Renewable energy sources are therefore the eventual source of all energy used by humans on this planet.
It is unclear if oil is non renewable. There is certainly enough to last a very long time
Let's turn every road into a toll road. I mean, why are our taxes going to pay for the paving and upkeep of roads we never drive on. Let's see what happens when people have to pay directly to get their streets paved.

The roads would get paved.
We pay taxes when we buy vehicles, and we pay fuel taxes.

That should cover the roads, but, goes to corporate and individual welfare, like most revenue raised.
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.

I'll go you two further. Let's end all corporate and personal welfare now.
I did not see this when I made my post!!!
If you end subsidies, causing a massive cutback in the use of renewables, the demand that was consuming those renewables has to go back to non-renewables,

not the least of which is oil, and thus you create an increased demand for oil, which drives up the price,

and further depletes the amount of oil left on the planet.
Thats sort of true.
It would increase demand for oil as a cheaper source. Probably not enough to make a huge difference in price right now. BUt there are also the tax savings and greater efficiency.

The Saudis are currently driving down oil prices to the point they are beginning to threaten the profitability of tar sands production and other such domestic oil sources.
Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.

That "garble" was simplistic enough that a grade schooler could figure it out.
And yeah, we should invest in energy technology research for the long-term welfare of our country's citizens.
Well that wasnt really my question. So I guess you need to find a grade schooler to help you with my posts.

The US subsidizes wind power for example in the billions every year. They siubsidize ethanol as well btw in a variety fo ways.
With cheaper traditional fuel the gap in cost will get bigger and bigger. Should we continue to subsidize green energy when the money could be better spent on other things. Like making sure we have a military capable of fighting wars.

Considering the military (Pentagon) is a cesspool of waste, why not monitor the spending? That would conserve spending that's wasted.
Military Waste and Fraud Are the Main Cause of Our Problems
Military Waste and Fraud Are the Main Cause of Our Problems The Big Picture
15 Facts About Military Spending That Will Blow Your Mind
Read more: 15 Facts About Military Spending That Will Blow Your Mind - Business Insider
Special Report: The Pentagon's doctored ledgers conceal epic waste
Special Report The Pentagon s doctored ledgers conceal epic waste Reuters
Have any ideas that make any sense at all?
MIlitary spending is the lowest as a percent of GDP in decades.
BUt even so. Is there something that makes you incapable of replying to a topic with opinions and material actually germane to it?

You want me to answer to your opinion. I did.
No, I don't think we should stop subsidizing green energy. However, Green Energy will soon pay for itself. The cost of production of Green Energy has been sliding downwards as the infrastructure for Green Energy has become more plentiful. As this trend continues play out there will be less and less need government subsidies. That's the money side.
Then there's the people side. As I pointed out, Respiratory Disease is on the increase, along with deaths caused by respiratory diseases. The victims for the most part are children and older adults. This primary culprit is fossil fuel pollution. We're never going to quit using fossil fuels but with Green Energy emerging as an alternative certainly helps and also helps solidify America's quest to be energy independent. And of course we should be thinking of our generation, our kid's generations and our future generations.
Finally, you want to take the monies that go into Green Energy and redirect it to the military? As I pointed out, why? This country's military has wasted a ton of taxpayer money already. The military needs some very, very serious auditing. As the links I provided indicate, trillions of dollars have been wasted. Plus, we spend more on our military than the next fifteen countries combined!!!!!
So Rabbi, I answered your OP in entirety with the support of highly credible non-partisan resources. Of course, the Rabbi that everyone knows appears. As other posters have pointed out, you write this OP, don't back it up with anything but your own narrow opinion. When people bring out solid retorts that are backed by facts, you then cry like an infant, call names and of course further erode what little credibility you have left. That's been your M.O. for years. Like I have said before, there are quite a few really solid posters on the right, you aren't one of them
Let's turn every road into a toll road. I mean, why are our taxes going to pay for the paving and upkeep of roads we never drive on. Let's see what happens when people have to pay directly to get their streets paved.
How is that even relevant to the OP?
Do you support subsidies for green power or not?

I absolutely and enthusiastically and wholeheartedly support subsidies for green power. Perhaps you want to see the Chinese and the Germans beat the US to the punch when it comes to developing the cutting edge technology that will allow them to capture the emerging market in renewable energy. I don't.

Which of course is why they are building coal plants as fast as they can cause all that green energy done saved em........meanwhile business moves to the US cause their energy rates are thru the roof
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.
Of course you are full of shit.


In Texas, Austin Energy signed a deal this spring for 20 years of output from a solar farm at less than 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. In September, the Grand River Dam Authority in Oklahoma announced its approval of a new agreement to buy power from a new wind farm expected to be completed next year. Grand River estimated the deal would save its customers roughly $50 million from the project.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

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