End Green Energy Subsidies Now!

Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.

Nuclear Power is actually green

I'd subsidize it in a heartbeat

Until there's an earthquake......then it's just radioactive.

Old technology.

France is building them as fast as they can, Germany' dumping them.

The average Frenchman now creates 5 tons of carbon, the average German double that.

It's a win/win. The right gets plentiful energy at a cheap rate, the left get energy independence that doesn't add to global warming.

What's not to love?


Old technology.

Do you still use AOL on dial up?
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.

Nuclear Power is actually green

I'd subsidize it in a heartbeat

Until there's an earthquake......then it's just radioactive.

Old technology.

France is building them as fast as they can, Germany' dumping them.

The average Frenchman now creates 5 tons of carbon, the average German double that.

It's a win/win. The right gets plentiful energy at a cheap rate, the left get energy independence that doesn't add to global warming.

What's not to love?


Old technology.

Do you still use AOL on dial up?

A New Way to Do Nuclear - The New Yorker
Under a true free market there are no subsidies or market barriers. Green energy subsidies are what help the US become more energy independent, and fund renewable energy sources. They are more beneficial than subsides to fossil fuels, which will run out by the end of the century. If America gets rid of any subsidies however, agriculture subsidies and oil subsidies cost America the most.
fossil fuels, which will run out by the end of the century.

this is pure :bsflag: .., i have heard that same line back in the 1970's and here we are 14 years into the new 21st century and there are more underground resources than what we have removed since digging for Earth's wealth since the first human put a stick in the ground and found something of value, whether it be vegetable or mineral.
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.

Nuclear Power is actually green

I'd subsidize it in a heartbeat

Until there's an earthquake......then it's just radioactive.

Old technology.

France is building them as fast as they can, Germany' dumping them.

The average Frenchman now creates 5 tons of carbon, the average German double that.

It's a win/win. The right gets plentiful energy at a cheap rate, the left get energy independence that doesn't add to global warming.

What's not to love?


Old technology.

Do you still use AOL on dial up?

New reactor technology does nothing to guarantee there won't be a catastrophic accident resulting from a natural disaster like an earthquake.
Nuclear Power is actually green

I'd subsidize it in a heartbeat

Until there's an earthquake......then it's just radioactive.

Old technology.

France is building them as fast as they can, Germany' dumping them.

The average Frenchman now creates 5 tons of carbon, the average German double that.

It's a win/win. The right gets plentiful energy at a cheap rate, the left get energy independence that doesn't add to global warming.

What's not to love?


Old technology.

Do you still use AOL on dial up?

New reactor technology does nothing to guarantee there won't be a catastrophic accident resulting from a natural disaster like an earthquake.

Nothing is perfect, but engineers (that's what engineers do) have had more than enough time to work on the problems.

A New Way to Do Nuclear - The New Yorker

You realize that nuclear is still the safest energy source in America, Right?

Even the production of solar panels is a toxic process.
We can do better than fossil fuels or nuclear, it's just a matter of how much money and resources we want to devote into developing it. Green energy has doubled in efficiency on average every five years and shows every indication of evolving even faster in the future. Fossil fuels and nuclear have no such potential.
We can do better than fossil fuels or nuclear, it's just a matter of how much money and resources we want to devote into developing it. Green energy has doubled in efficiency on average every five years and shows every indication of evolving even faster in the future. Fossil fuels and nuclear have no such potential.

Not sure you are being realistic. The amount of land required to harness the wind and sun would be huge.

Look at what China is doing. Once again, blowing us away

Safe nuclear does exist and China is leading the way with thorium - Telegraph
We all enjoy it.

I love this Ignore feature on the new software.

what fucking sense is there in even having a discussion forum if everyone is going to ignore each other ?

ignoring anyone who disagrees with you is.., in my OPINION pure fucking cowardice.

i know for a fact many of the fucking coward liberscum here have me on ignore, because i get no replies from them in or about my comments or OPINIONS.
The solar panel company Solyndra received a US energy dept. loan guarantee of 536 million in 2010 after a 1.8 million dollar lobbying effort by Obama campaign donors. In a year the company filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy and the Treasury Dept launched a "criminal probe" into whether Solyndra misrepresented it's finances. You almost gotta laugh that the Obama Treasury Dept. didn't check on Solyndra's finances before they freaking authorized 536 million in taxpayer dollars but that's the way the system works in a corrupt environment. It's likely that the Treasury Dept. "criminal probe" was more focused on covering the asses of the Obama administration than trying to recover the half billion in taxpayer backed loans.
Green energy has always been more expensive than traditional fuels. Which is why the industry wouldn't exist without extensive gov't subsidies. Those subsidies cost taxpayers real money and distort the market for energy. Wind power has been subsidized since the 1980s (maybe more)..
Especially now with oil prices plunging due to increased production (take that, you "we're running out of oil" milquetoasts) the difference between green and traditional energy is even more.
Time to pull the plug on this expensive waste of taxpayer resource.
it's been expensive and a dismal failure.
And but for the stupid federal mandate that a;; gasoline must be sold with a maximum of 10%V ethanol blend( a HUGE favor to corporate farm companies) Ethanol production would all but disappear.
For internal combustion engines, ethanol is poison.
Fine, lets end them for oil companies too.

I notice that you failed to provide actual figures.
Actually, the so called subsidies are for small independent US Based oil firms.
Where this narrative came from is a mystery.
The fact is the so called subsidies are a rebate of a percentage of petroleum royalties collected by the federal government.
The money represents a tiny portion of the federal budget. Auto manufacturers and other industries such as fertilizer manufacturers receive far more in subsidies. As do farmers. Even the corporate owned mega farms.
While you are in favor of wasteful corporate welfare for oil/gas companies.


Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.
Such so called welfare does not exist.
Cut the crap.
Under a true free market there are no subsidies or market barriers. Green energy subsidies are what help the US become more energy independent, and fund renewable energy sources. They are more beneficial than subsides to fossil fuels, which will run out by the end of the century. If America gets rid of any subsidies however, agriculture subsidies and oil subsidies cost America the most.
The problem is so called green energy is costly and inefficient. And it is a mere drop in the ocean as compared to our actual energy needs.
Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.

That "garble" was simplistic enough that a grade schooler could figure it out.
And yeah, we should invest in energy technology research for the long-term welfare of our country's citizens.
Who is "we"?
Tell ya what.....Let the private sector figure it out. No government interference. No subsidies. No stupid restrictions. No political encumbrances.
With these conditions, energy technology would flourish.
Under a true free market there are no subsidies or market barriers. Green energy subsidies are what help the US become more energy independent, and fund renewable energy sources. They are more beneficial than subsides to fossil fuels, which will run out by the end of the century. If America gets rid of any subsidies however, agriculture subsidies and oil subsidies cost America the most.
THe fracking revolution has done far more than decades of green energy subsidies to make America energy indepedent.
Hardly. Oil is set to run out by the end of the century, even by the most generous forecasts. Removing green energy subsidies wouldn't help America adapt to the eventual fossil fuels crash. Sunlight should last several billion years, and hydrogen fuel cells aren't that far off from replacing oil in cars either.
50 years ago the enviro alarmists claimed the world's oil reserves would be depleted in 50 years.
What say you?
Under what pretext are any subsidies justified? None within the free market and scope as outlined by the Constitution. The government has no business managing or should we say manipulating the private sector, so for now what we have are subsidies designed with the attempt to warrant further intrusion to correct misguided intentions at tax payer expense.
Let's turn every road into a toll road. I mean, why are our taxes going to pay for the paving and upkeep of roads we never drive on. Let's see what happens when people have to pay directly to get their streets paved.
How is that even relevant to the OP?
Do you support subsidies for green power or not?

I absolutely and enthusiastically and wholeheartedly support subsidies for green power. Perhaps you want to see the Chinese and the Germans beat the US to the punch when it comes to developing the cutting edge technology that will allow them to capture the emerging market in renewable energy. I don't.
More alarmist rhetoric.
The Chinese economy will collapse upon itself in 25 years.
Maybe sooner.
China building mega cities but they remain empty ghost towns
Stop cheer leading for China.
After you view this piece from 50 Minutes, you'll know why China is on the verge of a deep depression. And it is real.
The only support for the Chinese govt to keep subsidizing the building boom is the ability of some Chinese people to continue earning and spending.
Eventually, what goes up MUST come down.
Trillions of dollars could evaporate if Chinese industry does not accelerate its already breakneck pace. A pace that is unsustainable.
Let's turn every road into a toll road. I mean, why are our taxes going to pay for the paving and upkeep of roads we never drive on. Let's see what happens when people have to pay directly to get their streets paved.

I actually agree with that.

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