End Green Energy Subsidies Now!

The fracking issue is worrisome. It's clearly been fast-tracked as a strategic foreign policy decision, and in that sense it's been quite successful. But damn, I've been traveling a fair amount lately and looking down from a plane, you see those frackking wells everywhere. We're literally busting up the bedrock all over the country. I sure hope it's worth the long term costs. It's hard to believe there won't be some downside to it. We're all-in though, that's for damned sure.
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Yes, I spent quite a few years at GE Energy including Nuclear and Energy Services. Mad Cabbie doesn't know what he is talking about. He never does.

I stated that oil companies, in general pay approximately 11% federal income tax.

If you have figures to refute my claim, by all means post them or STFU.

Answer my question, 11% of what?

That demanding, condescending tone might work with your paperboy, your kids or your old lady, but it ain't going to fly with me.

You figure it out, genius.

"Answer my question" is "demanding, condescending?" Pull down your dress my dear, your twat is showing.
Yes, I spent quite a few years at GE Energy including Nuclear and Energy Services. Mad Cabbie doesn't know what he is talking about. He never does.

I stated that oil companies, in general pay approximately 11% federal income tax.

If you have figures to refute my claim, by all means post them or STFU.

Answer my question, 11% of what?

That demanding, condescending tone might work with your paperboy, your kids or your old lady, but it ain't going to fly with me.

You figure it out, genius.

"Answer my question" is "demanding, condescending?" Pull down your dress my dear, your twat is showing.
Your asking for facts. Shame on you.
The cabbie heard somewhere that oil companies only pay 11%. Eleven percent! My gosdh, that's an outrage! That's a scandal! Only eleven percent? And you're asking him eleven percent of what? Why arent you outraged by this obvious episode of corporate greed?
Why? You ask why with a response like this and you try to ridicule others that use ignorance.
Look in the mirror and see what ignorance looks like.
Your condescending attitude oozes ignorance, that is why others don't respond. Ignorance needs no response.


We all enjoy it.

I love this Ignore feature on the new software.

what fucking sense is there in even having a discussion forum if everyone is going to ignore each other ?

ignoring anyone who disagrees with you is.., in my OPINION pure fucking cowardice.

i know for a fact many of the fucking coward liberscum here have me on ignore, because i get no replies from them in or about my comments or OPINIONS.
Denial is not a fact.
Get over the idea you are right when you have no facts.
It has been posted many times about the welfare state for corporate industries.
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

While you are in favor of wasteful corporate welfare for oil/gas companies.


Yeah, what a great idea Rabbi!
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Yup, I think this country should go backwards and go with ancient technology. Let's not move forward to make a better life of us, our children and our future generations!
This is what it means to "take our country back"?
So are you in favor of wasteful corporate welfare to green energy producers or not? I can't tell from your garble.
Such so called welfare does not exist.
Cut the crap.
Word games. Look dude. I'm a libertarian who is against being in the middle east at all. And I agree also that we would not be there but for oil. We aren't in places like Indochina or Africa that have pretty bad regions that don't have oil. However, to call the Iraq war a "subsidy" for oil companies is pretty stupid. It's a broad policy with broad implications supported by both parties.

I dont want to derail here, and I agree with you on the oil subsidies.
But you wrote "we arent in places like Indochina or Africa."
Hello? We spent almost 10 years in Indochina. We have had continuing adventures in Africa. Both places of course have oil as well.

Compared to Oil the resources and manpower to secure a world supply has cost the US economy trillions.... These have to be considered indirect subsidies(and the US didn't even get the Iraq Oil)....

Adventures in Africa and Indochina has been very small and much shorter compared to middle east....

The term "indirect subsidy" is true, but it kills you in the discussion which was comparing them to actual subsidies. Game over, you lose.

I've already explained to you that we disagree over what constitutes a subsidy.

If telling yourself that you won the descusion makes your dick hard, I'm OK with it.

You also don't know what apples to apples means. Or you're playing word games. You tell me.

Allow me to cut through the bull for a moment - the premise of this thread is a suggestion that we end green fuel subsidies.

I have asked specifically what those subsidies entailed, thus fat - crickets.

It seems that tax breaks somehow constitutes subsidies where green fuel is concerned, but some kind of joke with regards to oil.

11% tax rate is pitifully small for any large company.

If that isn't a subsidy, I have no idea what is.

Please feel free to refute the 11% that I have pointed out.
Yes, I spent quite a few years at GE Energy including Nuclear and Energy Services. Mad Cabbie doesn't know what he is talking about. He never does.

I stated that oil companies, in general pay approximately 11% federal income tax.

If you have figures to refute my claim, by all means post them or STFU.

Answer my question, 11% of what?

That demanding, condescending tone might work with your paperboy, your kids or your old lady, but it ain't going to fly with me.

You figure it out, genius.

"Answer my question" is "demanding, condescending?" Pull down your dress my dear, your twat is showing.

Right, come up to Baltimore and say that to my face, tough guy, otherwise, pull your own panies up, removing the anal plug first, of course.
The fracking issue is worrisome. It's clearly been fast-tracked as a strategic foreign policy decision, and in that sense it's been quite successful. But damn, I've been traveling a fair amount lately and looking down from a plane, you see those frackking wells everywhere. We're literally busting up the bedrock all over the country. I sure hope it's worth the long term costs. It's hard to believe there won't be some downside to it. We're all-in though, that's for damned sure.

I'm confused by that. There are a lot less fracking wells, which is actually horizontal fracking, than there were vertical fracking wells. Entire fields of vertical fracking wells are being replaced by handfuls of wells. That doesn't change your point, I just found the observation odd. Are you sure you're looking at the right thng?
[Fracking's great. Gets rid of billions of gallons of fresh water that we don't need.

Even the EPA says you are full of shit. You know a liberal is seriously full of shit when the EPA says you are full of shit. Wow. You have to reek, it's coming out of your ears. I'd wash those clothes. Maybe you should burn them.

If you did not act like such an enormously, self-absorbed dickhead, someone might actually try and debate you.

LOL, you need to read more of your posts.
Unfortunately, yes, they are. That Oil companies pay taxes just like other companies is way, way past their comprehension. Then again, what isn't past their comprehension? I haven't been able to establish a baseline yet, they fail every test of comprehension.

No, that's already been covered; on average, they pay about 11%.

11% of what? revenue? gross margin? operating margin? net margin? EBIT? EBITDA? pro forma?How are you measuring that?

Online, you will find the IRS tax code. Please look it up and figure out how taxes are configured.

The question was to see if you know what you are talking about. It appears you do not.
[Fracking's great. Gets rid of billions of gallons of fresh water that we don't need.

Even the EPA says you are full of shit. You know a liberal is seriously full of shit when the EPA says you are full of shit. Wow. You have to reek, it's coming out of your ears. I'd wash those clothes. Maybe you should burn them.

If you did not act like such an enormously, self-absorbed dickhead, someone might actually try and debate you.

LOL, you need to read more of your posts.

Any thoughts on the thread?
[Fracking's great. Gets rid of billions of gallons of fresh water that we don't need.

Even the EPA says you are full of shit. You know a liberal is seriously full of shit when the EPA says you are full of shit. Wow. You have to reek, it's coming out of your ears. I'd wash those clothes. Maybe you should burn them.
Fracking uses tens of billions of gallons of fresh water. Please link to an EPA site which says this is not true. Thank you.

I thought it was a reference to contaminated water. The EPA has found no evidence of that.
Saudi built a new 10 billion dollar refinery in Texas City. It stands to reason RW American traitors want to quell any opposition the Arabs have.
I dont want to derail here, and I agree with you on the oil subsidies.
But you wrote "we arent in places like Indochina or Africa."
Hello? We spent almost 10 years in Indochina. We have had continuing adventures in Africa. Both places of course have oil as well.

Compared to Oil the resources and manpower to secure a world supply has cost the US economy trillions.... These have to be considered indirect subsidies(and the US didn't even get the Iraq Oil)....

Adventures in Africa and Indochina has been very small and much shorter compared to middle east....

The term "indirect subsidy" is true, but it kills you in the discussion which was comparing them to actual subsidies. Game over, you lose.

I've already explained to you that we disagree over what constitutes a subsidy.

If telling yourself that you won the descusion makes your dick hard, I'm OK with it.

You also don't know what apples to apples means. Or you're playing word games. You tell me.

Allow me to cut through the bull for a moment - the premise of this thread is a suggestion that we end green fuel subsidies.

I have asked specifically what those subsidies entailed, thus fat - crickets.

It seems that tax breaks somehow constitutes subsidies where green fuel is concerned, but some kind of joke with regards to oil.

11% tax rate is pitifully small for any large company.

If that isn't a subsidy, I have no idea what is.

Please feel free to refute the 11% that I have pointed out.
That question has been answered many times. And if you can't do 10 seconds of research to discover it, no one should help you.
Again, 11% of what? Why is that pitiful? You fail every time these questions are asked.
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[Fracking's great. Gets rid of billions of gallons of fresh water that we don't need.

Even the EPA says you are full of shit. You know a liberal is seriously full of shit when the EPA says you are full of shit. Wow. You have to reek, it's coming out of your ears. I'd wash those clothes. Maybe you should burn them.
Fracking uses tens of billions of gallons of fresh water. Please link to an EPA site which says this is not true. Thank you.

I thought it was a reference to contaminated water. The EPA has found no evidence of that.

you thought?

well, there's the problem.

its about the amount of water used .. the western portion of the country is under drought conditions .. fracking is taking part in the western portion of the country and using water that part of the country doesn't have ... get it ?

Danger !!! a thinking moron escaped the asylum. Hide !
You also don't know what apples to apples means. Or you're playing word games. You tell me.

Allow me to cut through the bull for a moment - the premise of this thread is a suggestion that we end green fuel subsidies.

I have asked specifically what those subsidies entailed, thus fat - crickets.

It seems that tax breaks somehow constitutes subsidies where green fuel is concerned, but some kind of joke with regards to oil.

11% tax rate is pitifully small for any large company.

If that isn't a subsidy, I have no idea what is.

Please feel free to refute the 11% that I have pointed out.

You certainly demonstrated my point.

Subsidies to "green" initiatives are government handing money to companies that are not economically viable. Sending them actual checks of other people's money.

You say oh yeah, well the wars are a subsidy. Or, uh, at least an indirect one. And well, they pay too low a tax rate, that's a subsidy. Which is as I said, you are not doing apple to apple comparisons, you are doing contrived ones.

As I said, you don't know what apples to apples means, or you are playing word games.

BTW, the 11% is a double tax, owners pay personal income tax on it already. The corporate tax rate for all corporations should be zero.
The fracking issue is worrisome. It's clearly been fast-tracked as a strategic foreign policy decision, and in that sense it's been quite successful. But damn, I've been traveling a fair amount lately and looking down from a plane, you see those frackking wells everywhere. We're literally busting up the bedrock all over the country. I sure hope it's worth the long term costs. It's hard to believe there won't be some downside to it. We're all-in though, that's for damned sure.

They're fracturing the formation rock above the bedrock. The drill bits usually get stuck in the bedrock so we avoid that at all costs. The fractures occur about 2 to 3 miles below the surface. The propogation waves of these fractures is usually 150-500 feet around the borehole.
Yes, I spent quite a few years at GE Energy including Nuclear and Energy Services. Mad Cabbie doesn't know what he is talking about. He never does.

I stated that oil companies, in general pay approximately 11% federal income tax.

If you have figures to refute my claim, by all means post them or STFU.

Answer my question, 11% of what?

That demanding, condescending tone might work with your paperboy, your kids or your old lady, but it ain't going to fly with me.

You figure it out, genius.

"Answer my question" is "demanding, condescending?" Pull down your dress my dear, your twat is showing.

Right, come up to Baltimore and say that to my face, tough guy, otherwise, pull your own panies up, removing the anal plug first, of course.

I'm going by the tears in your little girl eyes when I said "Answer my question." That was pathetic. Grow a pair, it's embarrassing.
[Fracking's great. Gets rid of billions of gallons of fresh water that we don't need.

Even the EPA says you are full of shit. You know a liberal is seriously full of shit when the EPA says you are full of shit. Wow. You have to reek, it's coming out of your ears. I'd wash those clothes. Maybe you should burn them.

If you did not act like such an enormously, self-absorbed dickhead, someone might actually try and debate you.

LOL, you need to read more of your posts.

Any thoughts on the thread?

Jesus. I'm answering the posts in order. You're not very popular, are you? It takes me a while.

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