End Green Energy Subsidies Now!

Let's imagine the rabbi and you getting into the way back machine and being present to make commentary to historic figures about important historical events.

Westwall and Rabbi meet Copernicus: "What the heck do you mean the sun doesn't orbit the earth, that's just stupid, no one will ever believe that."

Westwall and Rabbi meet Galileo: " What planets? I don't see anything."

Westwall and Rabbi meet Descarte: " I don't know what you're talking about dude, that sounds like some hippie bullshit to me."

Westwall and Rabbi meet Newton: " Well duh, what other direction is it going to fall?"

Westwall and Rabbi meet Henry Ford: " This is an idea that will never sell. Who wants to give up horses?"

Westwall and Rabbi meet the Wright Brothers: " That thing will never fly."

Westwall and Rabbi meet Wernher von Braun: " Yeah sure, maybe you better call Buck Rogers."

Westwall and Rabbi meet Steve Jobs: " I don't get it, what will people do with their own personal computers?"

Here I am advocating for FUEL CELLS you imbecile (which are WAAAAAAYYY more high tech than the crap you're pushing) and you say I'm the anti tech person? Wake the hell up moron, it's you and yours who are the Neanderthals when it comes to high tech solutions to our very real problems.

Your juvenile insults do nothing but place you firmly in the tin foil hat wearing group of 'tards.

See if you can guess why a Neanderthal doesn't pay for electricity, but in fact sells it to the power company.

Yeah sure buddy. Here in the real world those windmills suck the big wazoo. Le's take a look at wind shall we? We've already shown how a 1.6 BILLION dollar solar plant, designed by MIT and Harvard educated super duper engineers can't be made to work as advertised, so how about them windmills you all are pushing?

How totally unsurprising that they too are nothing but hype. You clowns are good at hype, but little else.

"The electricity produced by NV Energy’s $46 million wind rebate program has fallen far short of expectations.
In a startling example, the city of Reno’s wind turbines — for which the city received more than $150,000 in rate-payer funded rebates — produced dramatically less electricity than the manufacturers of its turbines promised.
“These manufacturers, when they gave us the turbines, they said they were designed to be mounted on a parapet at this height, and that’s what we did,” said Jason Geddes, who runs the city of Reno’s renewable energy program. “But when we started getting actual wind flow patterns, we realized their claims were wrong.”

Steve Marcus
Jinxiang Lu, left, Chairman/CEO of A-Power, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, center, and Kai Huang, deputy mayor of Shenyang, China, stand during the dedication of a new A-Power Energy Generation Systems manufacturing facility in Henderson Tuesday, October 12, 2010. The company, based in China, will produce wind turbines and LED lighting.
As first reported by the Reno Gazette-Journal, one turbine that cost the city $21,000 to install saved the city $4 on its energy bill. Overall, $416,000 worth of turbines have netted the city $2,800 in energy savings.

NV Energy windmill program generates rebates little electricity - Las Vegas Sun News

Who's talking about windmills? I sell hundreds of dollars worth of electricity to the power company every year, just upgraded my system last year. Solar becomes more and more efficient all the time.
Homepage Service Organizsation

Sure you do.

That's OK......I don't believe you're a real person either.
Well that wasnt really my question. So I guess you need to find a grade schooler to help you with my posts.

The US subsidizes wind power for example in the billions every year. They siubsidize ethanol as well btw in a variety fo ways.
With cheaper traditional fuel the gap in cost will get bigger and bigger. Should we continue to subsidize green energy when the money could be better spent on other things. Like making sure we have a military capable of fighting wars.

A grade schooler knows that the gubbermint subsidizes big oil to the tune of billions more than green energy each year. And they are making money. Yet nowhere in the last 11 pages have you answered the people asking whether you think those subsidies should be ended as well. Do you?
Bullshit. If a grade schooler knows that it's because he's been brainwashed by his idiot lefty teacher.
In fact there are no subsidies for Big Oil. Which in fact pays huge amounts to both federal and state treasuries.
Again wrong. Stop ducking and answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
I love this Ignore feature on the new software.

Because being open to new ideas is hard for you? Green energy is the future. It's sustainable and will not run out (at least for another billion or so years.)

It's likely to. We definitely need something new. But which technologies are worth investing in, and which are a wasted effort?

The real question, in the political context, is "how do we decide?" Do we rely on individual judgement and let people make their own decisions on which technologies to support? Or do we take a vote, and force everyone down the same path?
all new houses that are built today must have solar pannels built on them make mandatory ... these companies that mooch off the private citizen needs to end... make the cost for housing that doesn't have solar pannels on them so easy to buy ... allowing you to right off the cost for the next ten years.... you cans say we as a nation will never have a energy problem again...
I love this Ignore feature on the new software.

Because being open to new ideas is hard for you? Green energy is the future. It's sustainable and will not run out (at least for another billion or so years.)

It's likely to. We definitely need something new. But which technologies are worth investing in, and which are a wasted effort?

The real question, in the political context, is "how do we decide?" Do we rely on individual judgement and let people make their own decisions on which technologies to support? Or do we take a vote, and force everyone down the same path?
all new houses that are built today must have solar pannels built on them make mandatory ... these companies that mooch off the private citizen needs to end... make the cost for housing that doesn't have solar pannels on them so easy to buy ... allowing you to right off the cost for the next ten years.... you cans say we as a nation will never have a energy problem again...

Maybe after you sleep it off, you can come back and edit this post so that it makes some sense.

Then again, maybe not.
Well that wasnt really my question. So I guess you need to find a grade schooler to help you with my posts.

The US subsidizes wind power for example in the billions every year. They siubsidize ethanol as well btw in a variety fo ways.
With cheaper traditional fuel the gap in cost will get bigger and bigger. Should we continue to subsidize green energy when the money could be better spent on other things. Like making sure we have a military capable of fighting wars.

A grade schooler knows that the gubbermint subsidizes big oil to the tune of billions more than green energy each year. And they are making money. Yet nowhere in the last 11 pages have you answered the people asking whether you think those subsidies should be ended as well. Do you?
Bullshit. If a grade schooler knows that it's because he's been brainwashed by his idiot lefty teacher.
In fact there are no subsidies for Big Oil. Which in fact pays huge amounts to both federal and state treasuries.
Again wrong. Stop ducking and answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
Given I wrote the OP, what do you think? I'm not ducking anything. You havent proven your point. No shock there.
You may be advocating fuel cells, Walleyes, but the market seems to be advocating batteries at present.

Only thanks to massive government support. Take that away, and the taxpayer money that somehow always seems to find its way into the pockets of the super rich you claim to hate. Toyota did the fuel cell thing all on its own. They couldn't find a decent hydrogen tank maker so they build their own which caused the price to plummet. Now others will be able to purchase those tanks from them and the whole market will increase thanks to that fact.

Batteries are old hat olfraud. They've been around for well over a century and are at the limits of their performance absent a paradigm level breakthrough.

You're just pissed that a private company did the work.

The problem with Fuel Cells is th infrasturcture to deliver will take decades to roll out... The making of and transporting Hydrogen looks to have serious implications. Battery technology looks good for inside a decde at the moment.
I not abandoning Fuel Cell as its need in aircraft later on is needed, I would say that Batteries looks better as we presently stand.
You may be advocating fuel cells, Walleyes, but the market seems to be advocating batteries at present.

Only thanks to massive government support. Take that away, and the taxpayer money that somehow always seems to find its way into the pockets of the super rich you claim to hate. Toyota did the fuel cell thing all on its own. They couldn't find a decent hydrogen tank maker so they build their own which caused the price to plummet. Now others will be able to purchase those tanks from them and the whole market will increase thanks to that fact.

Batteries are old hat olfraud. They've been around for well over a century and are at the limits of their performance absent a paradigm level breakthrough.

You're just pissed that a private company did the work.

The problem with Fuel Cells is th infrasturcture to deliver will take decades to roll out... The making of and transporting Hydrogen looks to have serious implications. Battery technology looks good for inside a decde at the moment.
I not abandoning Fuel Cell as its need in aircraft later on is needed, I would say that Batteries looks better as we presently stand.
And how long will ittake for green energy to become cost effective? It's already taken decades and no closer.
Well that wasnt really my question. So I guess you need to find a grade schooler to help you with my posts.

The US subsidizes wind power for example in the billions every year. They siubsidize ethanol as well btw in a variety fo ways.
With cheaper traditional fuel the gap in cost will get bigger and bigger. Should we continue to subsidize green energy when the money could be better spent on other things. Like making sure we have a military capable of fighting wars.

A grade schooler knows that the gubbermint subsidizes big oil to the tune of billions more than green energy each year. And they are making money. Yet nowhere in the last 11 pages have you answered the people asking whether you think those subsidies should be ended as well. Do you?
Bullshit. If a grade schooler knows that it's because he's been brainwashed by his idiot lefty teacher.
In fact there are no subsidies for Big Oil. Which in fact pays huge amounts to both federal and state treasuries.
Again wrong. Stop ducking and answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
Given I wrote the OP, what do you think? I'm not ducking anything. You havent proven your point. No shock there.

I think you have missed the point people are making. Oil and Coal recieve subsidies today, they are also price breaks for poor people to be able to by home heating oil as well... These a re subsidies as well.

But the huge indirect subsidies are in Wars fought to secure areas with Oil and the Health costs of burning Coal. These are trillions of dollars. Which comes to about just short of 4 trillion over the last 10 years and that doesn't count the interest payments (Which could put this into 10+ trillion).
That is very serious money.

If you want to be truely fiscial conservative this needs to be addresssed. The subsides that go into alternative energy and delivery are miniscule in comparision and any business accumen would say to secure your own cheaper supply whish takes into account Wars and Health costs....

I sorry man but you have stuck your head in the sand around this issue.

If it cost US one trillion tomorrow in R&D to produce safe no watse nuclear power and battery Tech to run a car 300+ miles on a 3 min charge, that would be a bargin. (Saying that Fuel Cell tech and other forms of generation should be looked at too)
Well that wasnt really my question. So I guess you need to find a grade schooler to help you with my posts.

The US subsidizes wind power for example in the billions every year. They siubsidize ethanol as well btw in a variety fo ways.
With cheaper traditional fuel the gap in cost will get bigger and bigger. Should we continue to subsidize green energy when the money could be better spent on other things. Like making sure we have a military capable of fighting wars.

A grade schooler knows that the gubbermint subsidizes big oil to the tune of billions more than green energy each year. And they are making money. Yet nowhere in the last 11 pages have you answered the people asking whether you think those subsidies should be ended as well. Do you?
Bullshit. If a grade schooler knows that it's because he's been brainwashed by his idiot lefty teacher.
In fact there are no subsidies for Big Oil. Which in fact pays huge amounts to both federal and state treasuries.
Again wrong. Stop ducking and answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
Given I wrote the OP, what do you think? I'm not ducking anything. You havent proven your point. No shock there.
Good grief learn to use hyphens. You started the thread. It is not my point to prove. If they are not getting subsidies your savior and comrades would not have been asking for them to be ended over the last several years.

Again answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
Well that wasnt really my question. So I guess you need to find a grade schooler to help you with my posts.

The US subsidizes wind power for example in the billions every year. They siubsidize ethanol as well btw in a variety fo ways.
With cheaper traditional fuel the gap in cost will get bigger and bigger. Should we continue to subsidize green energy when the money could be better spent on other things. Like making sure we have a military capable of fighting wars.

A grade schooler knows that the gubbermint subsidizes big oil to the tune of billions more than green energy each year. And they are making money. Yet nowhere in the last 11 pages have you answered the people asking whether you think those subsidies should be ended as well. Do you?
Bullshit. If a grade schooler knows that it's because he's been brainwashed by his idiot lefty teacher.
In fact there are no subsidies for Big Oil. Which in fact pays huge amounts to both federal and state treasuries.
Again wrong. Stop ducking and answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
Given I wrote the OP, what do you think? I'm not ducking anything. You havent proven your point. No shock there.

I think you have missed the point people are making. Oil and Coal recieve subsidies today, they are also price breaks for poor people to be able to by home heating oil as well... These a re subsidies as well.

But the huge indirect subsidies are in Wars fought to secure areas with Oil and the Health costs of burning Coal. These are trillions of dollars. Which comes to about just short of 4 trillion over the last 10 years and that doesn't count the interest payments (Which could put this into 10+ trillion).
That is very serious money.

If you want to be truely fiscial conservative this needs to be addresssed. The subsides that go into alternative energy and delivery are miniscule in comparision and any business accumen would say to secure your own cheaper supply whish takes into account Wars and Health costs....

I sorry man but you have stuck your head in the sand around this issue.

If it cost US one trillion tomorrow in R&D to produce safe no watse nuclear power and battery Tech to run a car 300+ miles on a 3 min charge, that would be a bargin. (Saying that Fuel Cell tech and other forms of generation should be looked at too)
I havent missed the point you'er an in ill informed and smelly troll.
There are no subsidies. No one has provided proof of any subsidies. What they provide is evidence they dont understand the tax code.
OTOH, green energy has been sucking taxpayer wallet for over 30 years and delivering substandard results. Why do liberals like backing losers?
Well that wasnt really my question. So I guess you need to find a grade schooler to help you with my posts.

The US subsidizes wind power for example in the billions every year. They siubsidize ethanol as well btw in a variety fo ways.
With cheaper traditional fuel the gap in cost will get bigger and bigger. Should we continue to subsidize green energy when the money could be better spent on other things. Like making sure we have a military capable of fighting wars.

A grade schooler knows that the gubbermint subsidizes big oil to the tune of billions more than green energy each year. And they are making money. Yet nowhere in the last 11 pages have you answered the people asking whether you think those subsidies should be ended as well. Do you?
Bullshit. If a grade schooler knows that it's because he's been brainwashed by his idiot lefty teacher.
In fact there are no subsidies for Big Oil. Which in fact pays huge amounts to both federal and state treasuries.
Again wrong. Stop ducking and answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
Given I wrote the OP, what do you think? I'm not ducking anything. You havent proven your point. No shock there.
Good grief learn to use hyphens. You started the thread. It is not my point to prove. If they are not getting subsidies your savior and comrades would not have been asking for them to be ended over the last several years.

Again answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
A slew of videos showing known liars lying. Wow, that's persuasive.
Again, there are no subsidies for oil. So there is no ending them.
Green energy on the other hand gets billions of dollars, money that could be better used in all sorts of ways.
End green energy subsidies now.
Again answer the question. Are you for all energy related subsidies to be ended?
I am for all subsidies to be ended. Government has no place in picking winners and losers. That should have been obvious if you've spent a week on this site.
What about that is difficult to understtand?
Hallefreakinglujah it only took 24 pages people. So Rabbi thinks we should end all subsidies to big oil, green energy companies, farmers who raise corn for Ethanol etc. Anyone who is not clear about his position at this point has a comprehension problem.
Hallefreakinglujah it only took 24 pages people. So Rabbi thinks we should end all subsidies to big oil, green energy companies, farmers who raise corn for Ethanol etc. Anyone who is not clear about his position at this point has a comprehension problem.
You clearly have brain fart. There are no subsidies to big oil. Thus nothign to end.
Yes, ethanol subsidies need to go. Ethanol mandates need to go. Farm price supports need to go. Farm quotas need to go. Virtually any restriction on trade and commerce needs to go. Why are we running a 21st century economy with rules from the 1930s?
Sorry you confused me with someone who gives a shit either way. I just verified your position. The rest of the argument is for you to make with someone else.
Translation: I'm runnign away because I've proven wrong and can't fight back.
Yeah, we know. Poor thing.
The only sane way to deal with the problem is to take away the power of Congress to use the tax code for social engineering. That means getting rid of all special rules carveouts, regardless of what you call them, and getting over the idea that tax 'incentives' are any different than mandates.

But, as I mentioned earlier, no one wants to let go of their slice of the pie. Irrational as it is, the psychology of tax incentives keeps most people convinced that they're getting a 'special deal', even when a sober analysis reveals it would be better for all of us to stop playing such wasteful shell games with the tax code.
I love this Ignore feature on the new software.

Because being open to new ideas is hard for you? Green energy is the future. It's sustainable and will not run out (at least for another billion or so years.)

It's likely to. We definitely need something new. But which technologies are worth investing in, and which are a wasted effort?

The real question, in the political context, is "how do we decide?" Do we rely on individual judgement and let people make their own decisions on which technologies to support? Or do we take a vote, and force everyone down the same path?
all new houses that are built today must have solar pannels built on them make mandatory ... these companies that mooch off the private citizen needs to end... make the cost for housing that doesn't have solar pannels on them so easy to buy ... allowing you to right off the cost for the next ten years.... you cans say we as a nation will never have a energy problem again...

Maybe after you sleep it off, you can come back and edit this post so that it makes some sense.

Then again, maybe not.
maybe if you sleep it off, you might grasp what I was saying... the heron you're doing is really fucking up your ability to comprehend man
Hallefreakinglujah it only took 24 pages people. So Rabbi thinks we should end all subsidies to big oil, green energy companies, farmers who raise corn for Ethanol etc. Anyone who is not clear about his position at this point has a comprehension problem.
You clearly have brain fart. There are no subsidies to big oil. Thus nothign to end.
Yes, ethanol subsidies need to go. Ethanol mandates need to go. Farm price supports need to go. Farm quotas need to go. Virtually any restriction on trade and commerce needs to go. Why are we running a 21st century economy with rules from the 1930s?

You are arguing with a signpost, Rabbi. To Progs, anything deducted from gross receipts before tax is a "subsidy."

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