
Apr 22, 2007
If you are going to start a gang you don't want to be the tough guy with a bunch of midgets!

Dissolve NATO and start the an Alliance built on Strength and Common Interests. Democracy, Capitalism, Christianity/Catholicism based countries, Rich Industrialized nations which strong economies, strong military and view the Islamofacist threat as real!

Current NATO membership:
Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Besides Canada, Germany and the UK none do anything for US. That is a list of virgin States (and yes Ekrem one tough, but Islamofacist State). I say dissolve it. Start one with Russia, Canada, Germany, UK, Brazil, Australia and the United States!

That is an alliance to fear, not NATO. Countries view NATO as American (and the UK) and not much else!
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No point to Nato and no point for a replacement. We aren't fighting the cold war anymore.
All we need is the UN to make the World work. A good assassination squad to keep it all in line. What we don't need are US Troops on foreign soils. They should all be recalled and stop the insanity.
UN assassination squads? This is better how?

20 trained assassins can do ............ what 4,000 dead troops, 10,000 maimed disabled troops, 1/2 million dead civilians, Trillions of dollars in military waste and damaged infrastructure,......... in a few months, working independently, for a million or less.

The UN will receive and act on reports of inhumane treatment of civilians. When a country is found to be violating the law, they will be warned to cease and desist in 60 days, or face the assassination of the top 20 leaders of the country.

If the warning is not heeded, a public statement will be made of who is to assassinated, and circulated in news papers. The secret assassination squad will then assemble, buy whatever they need to do the job, and go and do it, however long it takes. Once accomplished, they will fade into the dark again. The 20 top leaders might have an incentive to carry out the assassination themselves and take control of the country.

If the next group of leaders do a repeat, they will get the same thing. Eventually the assholes of the world will see the value in being humanitarians to their people.
UN assassination squads? This is better how?

20 trained assassins can do ............ what 4,000 dead troops, 10,000 maimed disabled troops, 1/2 million dead civilians, Trillions of dollars in military waste and damaged infrastructure,......... in a few months, working independently, for a million or less.

The ficticious capabilities and resourcefulness displayed by Jason Bourne are very different to that of a "trained assassin", or in more realistic terms, former special forces member working as a deep-cover asset. Hollywood has more room to manoeuvre than that of a hired killer working for the state, and isn't working from a script.

My advice to you, shintao, would be to stop basing your expectations of men on the works of Robert Ludlum and allow some reality into your view of the world.

Seriously, get a grip.
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We tried assasination. Ask Castro how it worked.

We don't need the UN, not at all. If something needs to get done, and we need our allies to help, they will come with or with out the UN.

But one correction on the OP.

Poland, Poland has our back, right or wrong, they back us w/o question.

I can't recall the name of the city. but the have a celebration to Thank American soldiers on the day they were liberated. If a Vet from that time returns he get idolised by children, if a todays Soldier shows up in uniform? He gets mobbed by people begging for an autograph.

Fuck Russia, Give me a "dumb Pollock" any day of the week.
I would normally oppose the US withdrawing from alliances, but I think NATO has outlived its usefulness.
The Cold War is now over, the EU should be responsible for its own security without US support
I don't care if they end it but i do think we should end our involvement with it. NATO is an out-dated concept. It's incredibly expensive for American Taxpayers and doesn't serve a real purpose anymore. If they did end it,i would not support being involved with a new alliance organization either. The NATO concept is over.
I would normally oppose the US withdrawing from alliances, but I think NATO has outlived its usefulness.
The Cold War is now over, the EU should be responsible for its own security without US support

NATO was never a good alliance! NEVER! It was the US and UK taking the load for a bunch of midget states. Who where are best scrapping buddies in the past? UK and Mother Russia! Mother Russia is a Democracy, industrialized, YES capitalistic country and Christian Country. They are under constant threat of Islamic terrorism. We have A LOT in common with them now.

You are right the Cold War is over, but there is now a new global threat in Islamic Terrorism. A new alliance should be formed to address it!
UN assassination squads? This is better how?

20 trained assassins can do ............ what 4,000 dead troops, 10,000 maimed disabled troops, 1/2 million dead civilians, Trillions of dollars in military waste and damaged infrastructure,......... in a few months, working independently, for a million or less.

The UN will receive and act on reports of inhumane treatment of civilians. When a country is found to be violating the law, they will be warned to cease and desist in 60 days, or face the assassination of the top 20 leaders of the country.

If the warning is not heeded, a public statement will be made of who is to assassinated, and circulated in news papers. The secret assassination squad will then assemble, buy whatever they need to do the job, and go and do it, however long it takes. Once accomplished, they will fade into the dark again. The 20 top leaders might have an incentive to carry out the assassination themselves and take control of the country.

If the next group of leaders do a repeat, they will get the same thing. Eventually the assholes of the world will see the value in being humanitarians to their people.

Your insane, the US tried assassinating Saddam Hussein and Ayatollah Khomeini for decades and failed, these dictators are protected really well and no one is able to get close to them besides their inner circle, the US Military was necessary to take out Saddam no "assassination squad" was going to get it done, you've been playing Hitman on Playstation 3 too long.
Nato members cant even defend themselves Summary Of UK abilities
CDR Salamander
● There is no military plan to defend the UK in a conventional conflict. “Counter-terrorism is the limit of up-to-date plans and preparations to secure our airspace, waters and territory . . . There is no top-to-bottom command and control mechanism, preparation or training in place for the UK armed forces [to defend home territory] . . . let alone to do so with Nato.”
● Navy ships and RAF planes are often deployed without adequate munitions or protections because they have grown used to depending on US forces to protect and support them. “Key capabilities such as radars, fire control systems and missile stocks are deficient.”
If you are going to start a gang you don't want to be the tough guy with a bunch of midgets!

Dissolve NATO and start the an Alliance built on Strength and Common Interests. Democracy, Capitalism, Christianity/Catholicism based countries, Rich Industrialized nations which strong economies, strong military and view the Islamofacist threat as real!

Current NATO membership:
Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Besides Canada, Germany and the UK none do anything for US. That is a list of virgin States (and yes Ekrem one tough, but Islamofacist State). I say dissolve it. Start one with Russia, Canada, Germany, UK, Brazil, Australia and the United States!

That is an alliance to fear, not NATO. Countries view NATO as American (and the UK) and not much else!
Russia is not a member of NATO and will never be, turdblossom
The world needs NATO's strength and leadership now more than ever before," Pence said, calling for "immediate and steady progress" in defense spending among member countries.

somebody needs to get on the same damn page ...

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