End Of "Critical Race Theory"

Here's a tidbit for you and other trump defenders to consider:

Have you ever considered that we elected him BECAUSE of his bigotry and discriminatory attitudes?

I considered this fact ^^^ the night of the election. It's pretty clear Trump's supporters include single issue voters, gun nuts, bigots and biddable fools.
are you now including many leftists that went and bought a gun because of the failures of the police from protecting them from the rioters gun nuts?

Wrong again. I still have a firearm, and I'm not worried about protestors; I'm worried that Donald Trump will win the election and then my emigration to Canada will require I can't bring it across the border.

Seriously, I won't leave the United States, I live in the SF Bay Area, a part of California which is mostly very civilized and in a region with a great climate, parks and beaches and mountains and educated people.
/—-/ Can you take 5,000,000 fellow libtards to Canada with you? If it’s not too inconvenient, of course.
Seems the reports that The President's remarks on our Military have feet, here are some other tidbits that DJT speaks without considering the consequences of his words (and many times his deeds):

Fake News. John Bolton says he was there and that calling off the visit was the call of the Secret Service, the Marine Pilots and General John Kelly. He was quit clear that if it was true, that it would have gotten a full chapter in his anti-Trump book!

You guys are pretty pathetic! No one is fooled!
Here's a tidbit for you and other trump defenders to consider:

Have you ever considered that we elected him BECAUSE of his bigotry and discriminatory attitudes?

I considered this fact ^^^ the night of the election. It's pretty clear Trump's supporters include single issue voters, gun nuts, bigots and biddable fools.
are you now including many leftists that went and bought a gun because of the failures of the police from protecting them from the rioters gun nuts?

Wrong again. I still have a firearm, and I'm not worried about protestors; I'm worried that Donald Trump will win the election and then my emigration to Canada will require I can't bring it across the border.

Seriously, I won't leave the United States, I live in the SF Bay Area, a part of California which is mostly very civilized and in a region with a great climate, parks and beaches and mountains and educated people.
nothing I said was wrong you self-centered little prick many living in leftists controlled riot-torn areas are first-time buyers and they are concerned about the riots. I thought you were leaving for Canada in 2017? Maybe Canada doesn't want you.

Hey, did I push your button little man?

You make claims you cannot support with evidence, and riots are an example of decades long Systemic Racism.

I pushed your button when I phrased within my posts that single issue voters and biddable fools support Trump and that I live in a community of well educated people. Clearly you were offended and decided to call me a "self-centered little prick". How does it feel to be demeaned now; your kind spend lots of words attacking peaceful protestors and BLM. I put you in their shoes!
The Riots are the deliberate stoking of division by Fake News, the Left and Social Media. Now that Federal charges are being brought against these felonious pricks, we should see this start to settle down. Racketeering charges against those organizing these riots, with their assets confiscated to make their victims whole would really put a lid on the violence and unrest.
He does the dumbest things, he patronized the black community during the RNC Convention, and now targets "White Privilege" Training as "anti American".

From the link:

President Donald Trump has directed the Office of Management and Budget to crack down on federal agencies' anti-racism training sessions, calling them “divisive, anti-American propaganda.”

OMB director Russell Vought, in a letter Friday to executive branch agencies, directed them to identify spending related to any training on “critical race theory," “white privilege” or any other material that teaches or suggests that the United States or any race or ethnicity is “inherently racist or evil.”

The memo comes as the nation has faced a reckoning this summer over racial injustice in policing and other spheres of American life. Trump has spent much of the summer defending the display of the Confederate battle flag and monuments of Civil War rebels from protesters seeking their removal, in what he has called a “culture war” ahead of the Nov. 3 election.
Oh for God's sake, critical race theory is the biggest load of shit that ever dropped out of the bowels of the Left.
Blacks are pretty smart
Seems all you racist forgot !! I will remind you

It was a black dude that that retro engineered that terminator chip into the T1000 in Terminator 2.
Then he was killed by white cops lol
Here's a tidbit for you and other trump defenders to consider:

Have you ever considered that we elected him BECAUSE of his bigotry and discriminatory attitudes?

I considered this fact ^^^ the night of the election. It's pretty clear Trump's supporters include single issue voters, gun nuts, bigots and biddable fools.
are you now including many leftists that went and bought a gun because of the failures of the police from protecting them from the rioters gun nuts?

Wrong again. I still have a firearm, and I'm not worried about protestors; I'm worried that Donald Trump will win the election and then my emigration to Canada will require I can't bring it across the border.

Seriously, I won't leave the United States, I live in the SF Bay Area, a part of California which is mostly very civilized and in a region with a great climate, parks and beaches and mountains and educated people.
nothing I said was wrong you self-centered little prick many living in leftists controlled riot-torn areas are first-time buyers and they are concerned about the riots. I thought you were leaving for Canada in 2017? Maybe Canada doesn't want you.

Hey, did I push your button little man?

You make claims you cannot support with evidence, and riots are an example of decades long Systemic Racism.

I pushed your button when I phrased within my posts that single issue voters and biddable fools support Trump and that I live in a community of well educated people. Clearly you were offended and decided to call me a "self-centered little prick". How does it feel to be demeaned now; your kind spend lots of words attacking peaceful protestors and BLM. I put you in their shoes!
You didn't push my buttons because you are a self-center little prick though you say you aren't worried about the rioter's other leftists living in those riot thorn areas haven't been so lucky, You are a self-centered little prick because you think that if it doesn't affect you it doesn't matter. As I said you didn'tpush my buttons I was just pointing out a fact that you just shared for all to read.
you fucking self-centered little prick. I HOPE OTHER LEFTISTS SEE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THEM.
Here's a tidpit for you and other trump defenders to consider:

I took a look at it.. now here's some tidbits* for you to consider

Blogs by Trump supporters are ludicrous; painting the second half of the 20th Century and all thus far of the 21st - beginning with the integration of our military force by Truman, and the passage of the Civil Rights Bill and the Voting Rights Bill, and Consent Decrees are supported by Democrats - have were and have been opposed by Dixiecrats, and Republicans in today's reality.

Systemic Racism has been and it seems will always remain a stain on the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights. Using out of context phrases in decades old speeches are hackneyed and dishonest. Anyone who denies systemic racism - and does not understand what it is - only needs to read through the posts and threads on this message board for proof of what and how bigotry is a major part of Trumpism.
Affirmative action, great society, BET, CBC, ‘black community’ are all systemic racism.

You have no clue as to what Systemic Racism is, likely because you are one who supports it.
I just cited specific examples.
Racism and Slavery are NOT heritage, nor are Anti-Semitism, Homophobia or Islamohobia. They are just plain ugly.
There is no such thing as 'homophobia' or 'islamophobia' anti-semites and racists are part of the Democrat 'heritage' and they wear it proudly. Just ask the female Democrat 'squad' of raving leftist bitches.
Here's a tidbit for you and other trump defenders to consider:

Have you ever considered that we elected him BECAUSE of his bigotry and discriminatory attitudes?

I considered this fact ^^^ the night of the election. It's pretty clear Trump's supporters include single issue voters, gun nuts, bigots and biddable fools.
are you now including many leftists that went and bought a gun because of the failures of the police from protecting them from the rioters gun nuts?

Wrong again. I still have a firearm, and I'm not worried about protestors; I'm worried that Donald Trump will win the election and then my emigration to Canada will require I can't bring it across the border.

Seriously, I won't leave the United States, I live in the SF Bay Area, a part of California which is mostly very civilized and in a region with a great climate, parks and beaches and mountains and educated people.
nothing I said was wrong you self-centered little prick many living in leftists controlled riot-torn areas are first-time buyers and they are concerned about the riots. I thought you were leaving for Canada in 2017? Maybe Canada doesn't want you.

Hey, did I push your button little man?

You make claims you cannot support with evidence, and riots are an example of decades long Systemic Racism.

I pushed your button when I phrased within my posts that single issue voters and biddable fools support Trump and that I live in a community of well educated people. Clearly you were offended and decided to call me a "self-centered little prick". How does it feel to be demeaned now; your kind spend lots of words attacking peaceful protestors and BLM. I put you in their shoes!
You aren't still pretending you were once a cop, are you?

BLM is a terrorist organization responsible for many police deaths.
Here's a tidbit for you and other trump defenders to consider:

Have you ever considered that we elected him BECAUSE of his bigotry and discriminatory attitudes?

I considered this fact ^^^ the night of the election. It's pretty clear Trump's supporters include single issue voters, gun nuts, bigots and biddable fools.
are you now including many leftists that went and bought a gun because of the failures of the police from protecting them from the rioters gun nuts?

Wrong again. I still have a firearm, and I'm not worried about protestors; I'm worried that Donald Trump will win the election and then my emigration to Canada will require I can't bring it across the border.

Seriously, I won't leave the United States, I live in the SF Bay Area, a part of California which is mostly very civilized and in a region with a great climate, parks and beaches and mountains and educated people.
nothing I said was wrong you self-centered little prick many living in leftists controlled riot-torn areas are first-time buyers and they are concerned about the riots. I thought you were leaving for Canada in 2017? Maybe Canada doesn't want you.

Hey, did I push your button little man?

You make claims you cannot support with evidence, and riots are an example of decades long Systemic Racism.

I pushed your button when I phrased within my posts that single issue voters and biddable fools support Trump and that I live in a community of well educated people. Clearly you were offended and decided to call me a "self-centered little prick". How does it feel to be demeaned now; your kind spend lots of words attacking peaceful protestors and BLM. I put you in their shoes!
You aren't still pretending you were once a cop, are you?

BLM is a terrorist organization responsible for many police deaths.
I don't recall Rye ever saying he was a cop
Here's a tidbit for you and other trump defenders to consider:

Have you ever considered that we elected him BECAUSE of his bigotry and discriminatory attitudes?

I considered this fact ^^^ the night of the election. It's pretty clear Trump's supporters include single issue voters, gun nuts, bigots and biddable fools.
are you now including many leftists that went and bought a gun because of the failures of the police from protecting them from the rioters gun nuts?

Wrong again. I still have a firearm, and I'm not worried about protestors; I'm worried that Donald Trump will win the election and then my emigration to Canada will require I can't bring it across the border.

Seriously, I won't leave the United States, I live in the SF Bay Area, a part of California which is mostly very civilized and in a region with a great climate, parks and beaches and mountains and educated people.
nothing I said was wrong you self-centered little prick many living in leftists controlled riot-torn areas are first-time buyers and they are concerned about the riots. I thought you were leaving for Canada in 2017? Maybe Canada doesn't want you.

Hey, did I push your button little man?

You make claims you cannot support with evidence, and riots are an example of decades long Systemic Racism.

I pushed your button when I phrased within my posts that single issue voters and biddable fools support Trump and that I live in a community of well educated people. Clearly you were offended and decided to call me a "self-centered little prick". How does it feel to be demeaned now; your kind spend lots of words attacking peaceful protestors and BLM. I put you in their shoes!
You aren't still pretending you were once a cop, are you?

BLM is a terrorist organization responsible for many police deaths.
I don't recall Rye ever saying he was a cop
He has in another thread.
...Seriously, I won't leave the United States, I live in the SF Bay Area, a part of California which is mostly very civilized and in a region with a great climate, parks and beaches and mountains and educated people.

...and one of the first urban areas that Trump needs to carpet bomb after he wins re-election.
Oh, come on.

There are countless perfectly wonderful people in the bay area. Just because rye in not one of them is no reason to bomb everybody.

There is no area in America that is a perfect monolith of opinion or even close.
Trump Moves to End Federal Racial Sensitivity Training

"The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the Federal government,"

"Critical race theory is defined as the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist."

"Vought's two-page document didn't name the training programs that prompted the move, only referring to unspecified media reports. According to his memo, the reports describe employees being required "to attend trainings where they are told that "virtually all white people contribute to racism" or where they are required to say that they ‘benefit from racism.'"

About time if you ask me.
Unfortunately, we are one Democratpresident from insanity
The 'original sin of slavery has already been absolved and paid for in the blood of the blue and the grey.

Progressives are begging for a 2nd civil war through their diversity training shit spewing which has gone off the rails.
What about the additional sins of Jim Crow and modern racism? Because the civil war was not fought to free anyone.
Rye Catcher just doesn't get it. Americans elected Trump to build the wall to keep Mexicans out of America. There are types of people who make America better, and there are types of people who make America worse.
And white racists like trump and his supporters make it worse.

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