End Of "Critical Race Theory"

White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
What the Left needs is sufficient empathy to respect the rights of others.

Define "the left"?
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
when do you plan on becoming a liberal?

your support for a terrorist organization dedicated to hurting others says you have no empathy at all.

people with actual empathy come to bat for the VICTIMS of violence, and not the perpetrators thereof.

Hmmm. good question. Probably my liberalism came about at two significant times in my youth: The Catholic Nuns and the Catechism; and then in the 8th grade David C. went to visit his sister that summer in Alabama and when he returned he told be about Whites Only Signs on water fountains and restaurants.
you are not liberal.

Marxism and liberalism are not the same thing.
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
when do you plan on becoming a liberal?

your support for a terrorist organization dedicated to hurting others says you have no empathy at all.

people with actual empathy come to bat for the VICTIMS of violence, and not the perpetrators thereof.

Hmmm. good question. Probably my liberalism came about at two significant times in my youth: The Catholic Nuns and the Catechism; and then in the 8th grade David C. went to visit his sister that summer in Alabama and when he returned he told be about Whites Only Signs on water fountains and restaurants.
you are not liberal.

Marxism and liberalism are not the same thing.

Interesting remark to Marxism and liberalism. Please elaborate.
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
What the Left needs is sufficient empathy to respect the rights of others.

Define "the left"?
Why? My goal isn't finding lines to divide over, my goal is promoting the mutual respect for each other's basic human rights. You know, like the right not to be canceled for speaking views you disagree with, or refusing to perform a salute some crazed leftist demands. The right not to be looted, assaulted, free travel and assembly interfered with, the right to not be beaten for wearing a hat with a slogan on it. The right not to have my business burned down.

It's the simply things. No one is asking the impossible from the Left, all they are being asked to do is be basic decent human beings and not harm others.
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
when do you plan on becoming a liberal?

your support for a terrorist organization dedicated to hurting others says you have no empathy at all.

people with actual empathy come to bat for the VICTIMS of violence, and not the perpetrators thereof.

Hmmm. good question. Probably my liberalism came about at two significant times in my youth: The Catholic Nuns and the Catechism; and then in the 8th grade David C. went to visit his sister that summer in Alabama and when he returned he told be about Whites Only Signs on water fountains and restaurants.
you are not liberal.

Marxism and liberalism are not the same thing.

Interesting remark to Marxism and liberalism. Please elaborate.
you support a Marxist group that uses violence against innocent people in order to install their extremely authoritarian views.

Liberalism is not an authoritarian ideology. Read some John Stuart Mill or other liberal political philosophers for goodness sakes.
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
What the Left needs is sufficient empathy to respect the rights of others.

Define "the left"?
Why? My goal isn't finding lines to divide over, my goal is promoting the mutual respect for each other's basic human rights. You know, like the right not to be canceled for speaking views you disagree with, or refusing to perform a salute some crazed leftist demands. The right not to be looted, assaulted, free travel and assembly interfered with, the right to not be beaten for wearing a hat with a slogan on it. The right not to have my business burned down.

It's the simply things. No one is asking the impossible from the Left, all they are being asked to do is be basic decent human beings and not harm others.
and ironically, all those rights you list are the result of liberal ideology through the decades and centuries.

I see is as a case of today's conservatives being the only ones wanting to preserve these liberal values whereas these authoritarian leftist dumb shits are destroying these values even if that DO call themselves liberal.

what lies at the root of liberalism is egalitarianism. the only egalitarians we have are the ones saying all lives matter.
Your singular post on drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Other than than, 21st Century Conservatives are not only anti intellectuals they are living in the 19th Century.

I’m living in the 13th Century, at least Socially and Culturally. Then again I’m far mor Conservative than most these days.
It's the simply things. No one is asking the impossible from the Left, all they are being asked to do is be basic decent human beings and not harm others.

If they were willing to do that, then they wouldn't be on the left wrong. Such willingness to respect the rights of others would put them with us on the right, or at least closer to us than to what now constitutes the left wrong.
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
What the Left needs is sufficient empathy to respect the rights of others.

Define "the left"?
Why? My goal isn't finding lines to divide over, my goal is promoting the mutual respect for each other's basic human rights. You know, like the right not to be canceled for speaking views you disagree with, or refusing to perform a salute some crazed leftist demands. The right not to be looted, assaulted, free travel and assembly interfered with, the right to not be beaten for wearing a hat with a slogan on it. The right not to have my business burned down.

It's the simply things. No one is asking the impossible from the Left, all they are being asked to do is be basic decent human beings and not harm others.
and ironically, all those rights you list are the result of liberal ideology through the decades and centuries...
What's ironic about that? We are a Liberal Constitutional Democracy. These are our core values.
...I see is as a case of today's conservatives being the only ones wanting to preserve these liberal values...
Of course. That is what we seek to Conserve.
... whereas these authoritarian leftist dumb shits are destroying these values even if that DO call themselves liberal...
They always call themselves the opposite of what they are, just as they always accuse their opponents of their own crimes.
...what lies at the root of liberalism is egalitarianism. the only egalitarians we have are the ones saying all lives matter.
Yes, though it depends on what you mean by the term.

When we say Egalitarianism we mean; One People, with One Law, applied WITHOUT favor.

When the totalitarians use the term, they mean the removal of economic inequalities. And in order to do that, a small group controls EVERYTHING. That's the only way they can assure "equality", and of course, this group that controls everything, takes an extra big slice of everything for themselves and those connected to them. Nancy Pelosi is a great example of this, all the beauty salons are locked down in SF, and masks are required whenever you enter a business, Nancy Pelosi says "fuck you" to all that, she takes as she pleases, and she and everyone she knows also assures her that she is an Egalitarian of the highest order and in top standing.

We just learned that all the Gyms in government buildings are open and have been the entire time. Private gyms, for those unconnected to government? Locked down tight.

RULES ARE FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE: San Francisco gym owners livid after discovering gyms in government buildings have been opened for months.

Gyms within government buildings in San Francisco have been open for months, despite privately owned establishments being ordered to close due to the coronavirus.
“It’s shocking, it’s infuriating,” Daniele Rabkin, of Crossfit Golden Gate, told a local NBC station. “Even though they’re getting exposed, there are no repercussions, no ramifications? It’s shocking.”
I'm not shocked.
The gyms that have been open for government employees include those for police officers, judges, lawyers, bailiffs, and paralegals, according to the report. One such gym, the Hall of Justice gym, has been open since July 1.
That's the way Totalitarians ALWAYS work.
“It just demonstrates that there seems to be some kind of a double standard between what city employees are allowed to do and what the residents of San Francisco are allowed to do,” Dave Karraker, owner of MX3 Fitness in the Castro, said.
Titles of Nobility at work. I thought the Constitution banned those. . . .
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
when do you plan on becoming a liberal?

your support for a terrorist organization dedicated to hurting others says you have no empathy at all.

people with actual empathy come to bat for the VICTIMS of violence, and not the perpetrators thereof.

Hmmm. good question. Probably my liberalism came about at two significant times in my youth: The Catholic Nuns and the Catechism; and then in the 8th grade David C. went to visit his sister that summer in Alabama and when he returned he told be about Whites Only Signs on water fountains and restaurants.
you are not liberal.

Marxism and liberalism are not the same thing.

Interesting remark to Marxism and liberalism. Please elaborate.
you support a Marxist group that uses violence against innocent people in order to install their extremely authoritarian views.

Liberalism is not an authoritarian ideology. Read some John Stuart Mill or other liberal political philosophers for goodness sakes.

I've Read Rousseau, Mill, Lock, Burke, Hobbes, Thoreau, Jefferson's letters, as well as the Greeks (Plato, Aristotle) and Machiavelli, to name a few notables (Poli Sci Major); in history (2nd Major) History of Russia, India but mostly US History with a focus on the post civil war era onward.

I support the peaceful protests of BLM; I do not support violence, riots, vandalism or murder.
It's the simply things. No one is asking the impossible from the Left, all they are being asked to do is be basic decent human beings and not harm others.

If they were willing to do that, then they wouldn't be on the left wrong. Such willingness to respect the rights of others would put them with us on the right, or at least closer to us than to what now constitutes the left wrong.
Well, we are actually The Middle.
It's the simply things. No one is asking the impossible from the Left, all they are being asked to do is be basic decent human beings and not harm others.

If they were willing to do that, then they wouldn't be on the left wrong. Such willingness to respect the rights of others would put them with us on the right, or at least closer to us than to what now constitutes the left wrong.
these authoritarians believe the ends justify the means, and so justify their violence as a necessary tactic in creating a complete inversion of the cultural values that prevailed 200 years ago.

they do not treat people as individuals because equality is not their goal. their goal is state mandated inequality where white people must pay the price for the distant past.
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
when do you plan on becoming a liberal?

your support for a terrorist organization dedicated to hurting others says you have no empathy at all.

people with actual empathy come to bat for the VICTIMS of violence, and not the perpetrators thereof.

Hmmm. good question. Probably my liberalism came about at two significant times in my youth: The Catholic Nuns and the Catechism; and then in the 8th grade David C. went to visit his sister that summer in Alabama and when he returned he told be about Whites Only Signs on water fountains and restaurants.
you are not liberal.

Marxism and liberalism are not the same thing.

Interesting remark to Marxism and liberalism. Please elaborate.
you support a Marxist group that uses violence against innocent people in order to install their extremely authoritarian views.

Liberalism is not an authoritarian ideology. Read some John Stuart Mill or other liberal political philosophers for goodness sakes.

I've Read Rousseau, Mill, Lock, Burke, Hobbes, Thoreau, Jefferson's letters, as well as the Greeks (Plato, Aristotle) and Machiavelli, to name a few notables (Poli Sci Major); in history (2nd Major) History of Russia, India but mostly US History with a focus on the post civil war era onward.

I support the peaceful protests of BLM; I do not support violence, riots, vandalism or murder.
I believe you to the exact degree as I do when you try to claim you were a cop.
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
when do you plan on becoming a liberal?

your support for a terrorist organization dedicated to hurting others says you have no empathy at all.

people with actual empathy come to bat for the VICTIMS of violence, and not the perpetrators thereof.

Hmmm. good question. Probably my liberalism came about at two significant times in my youth: The Catholic Nuns and the Catechism; and then in the 8th grade David C. went to visit his sister that summer in Alabama and when he returned he told be about Whites Only Signs on water fountains and restaurants.
you are not liberal.

Marxism and liberalism are not the same thing.

Interesting remark to Marxism and liberalism. Please elaborate.
you support a Marxist group that uses violence against innocent people in order to install their extremely authoritarian views.

Liberalism is not an authoritarian ideology. Read some John Stuart Mill or other liberal political philosophers for goodness sakes.

I've Read Rousseau, Mill, Lock, Burke, Hobbes, Thoreau, Jefferson's letters, as well as the Greeks (Plato, Aristotle) and Machiavelli, to name a few notables (Poli Sci Major); in history (2nd Major) History of Russia, India but mostly US History with a focus on the post civil war era onward.

I support the peaceful protests of BLM; I do not support violence, riots, vandalism or murder.
I completely get your distinction and point, however, BLM never made it until the the polls slammed them across the face, making their repositioning appear false and contrived. BLM hates Americans. They have been quite clear about this. They do NOT mutually respect our rights. They see themselves as superior and us as less than human in terms of our rights that are to be respected.
It's the simply things. No one is asking the impossible from the Left, all they are being asked to do is be basic decent human beings and not harm others.

If they were willing to do that, then they wouldn't be on the left wrong. Such willingness to respect the rights of others would put them with us on the right, or at least closer to us than to what now constitutes the left wrong.
these authoritarians believe the ends justify the means, and so justify their violence as a necessary tactic in creating a complete inversion of the cultural values that prevailed 200 years ago.

they do not treat people as individuals because equality is not their goal. their goal is state mandated inequality where white people must pay the price for the distant past.
Utopians are always Murderers.

If you watch the Walking Dead - Remember the Prison season. The Governor was a Utopian Murderer.
Rye Catcher just doesn't get it. Americans elected Trump to build the wall to keep Mexicans out of America. There are types of people who make America better, and there are types of people who make America worse.
And white racists like trump and his supporters make it worse.
Patriotic Americans are trying to take our country back from liberals.
White liberal hate toward whites is clearly a foolish remark.

of course brainwashed white liberals hate other whites

these libs are demented, guilt-ridden, holier-than-though social justice warriors who feel the need to polish a black man’s shoes

Liberals for the most part have empathy, Empathy's just another word to trump supporters.
when do you plan on becoming a liberal?

your support for a terrorist organization dedicated to hurting others says you have no empathy at all.

people with actual empathy come to bat for the VICTIMS of violence, and not the perpetrators thereof.

Hmmm. good question. Probably my liberalism came about at two significant times in my youth: The Catholic Nuns and the Catechism; and then in the 8th grade David C. went to visit his sister that summer in Alabama and when he returned he told be about Whites Only Signs on water fountains and restaurants.
you are not liberal.

Marxism and liberalism are not the same thing.

Interesting remark to Marxism and liberalism. Please elaborate.
you support a Marxist group that uses violence against innocent people in order to install their extremely authoritarian views.

Liberalism is not an authoritarian ideology. Read some John Stuart Mill or other liberal political philosophers for goodness sakes.

I've Read Rousseau, Mill, Lock, Burke, Hobbes, Thoreau, Jefferson's letters, as well as the Greeks (Plato, Aristotle) and Machiavelli, to name a few notables (Poli Sci Major); in history (2nd Major) History of Russia, India but mostly US History with a focus on the post civil war era onward.

I support the peaceful protests of BLM; I do not support violence, riots, vandalism or murder.
Peaceful protests of BLM are the equivalent of a klan rally sans the lynching.

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